Instructions for The Nuclear Submarine Adventure THE NUCLEAR SUBMARINE ADVENTURE is an adventure for the TRS-80 MODEL 100. The program requires 24K of FREE memory to run. This adventure recognizes 24 COMMANDS, 45 OBJECTS, and has 41 LOCATIONS. Only the first three letters of any word are needed for the computer to understand the meaning of the command. Some useful commands are: INVentory or I to list what a player is currently carrying, LOOk to look at an object, and QUIt to end the game. A player can carry up to five objects at one time. A limit of five objects can be at any location at any one time. To restore the display after hitting the key, just type and hit . There is no help, so the player will be on his or her own. The player can save or load a game by using the SAVE and LOAD commands. The program will ask for a filename when using these commands. Players should refer to SUBSTO.DOC for the story line of the adventure. GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY ADVENTURING.