1 REM WRITTEN BY KRIS LEDOUX 2 REM COMPUSERVE # 73127,1572 3 REM MAY 4 1986 4 CLS 8 GOTO20 10 FORX=1TO500:NEXTX:GOTO3000 11 FORX=1TO450:NEXTX:GOTO430 12 FORX=1TO650:NEXTX:GOTO1250 13 FORX=1TO450:NEXTX:GOTO830 14 FORX=1TO450:NEXTX:GOTO2000 20 GOSUB250:GOTO400 30 SW=1:GA=0:S1=8:E=1:MH=15:P=42:LE=1:GP=0:EX=10:HP=15:CP=5:EL=1 40 PRINT@P,CHR$(147) 41 PRINT@27,"level ";LE 42 PRINT@67,"gold ";GP 43 PRINT@107,"EXP ";EX 44 PRINT@147,"healing ";CP 45 PRINT@187,"exp level";EL 46 PRINT@227,"H Points ";HP 48 IFHP<-1THEN1500 50 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN50 51 BEEP:BEEP 60 PRINT@P,CHR$(239) 62 O=P 70 IFA$=CHR$(28)THENP=P+4 80 IFA$=CHR$(29)THENP=P-4 90 IFA$=CHR$(30)THENP=P-120 100 IFA$=CHR$(31)THENP=P+120 101 IFA$=CHR$(104)THEN10000 110 IFP<42ORP>182THENP=O 120 IFP>62ANDP<162THENP=O 130 IFA$=CHR$(100)THENLE=LE+1:FORX=2000TO3000STEP100:SOUNDX,7:NEXTX 140 IFA$=CHR$(117)THENLE=LE-1:FORX=3000TO2000STEP-100:SOUNDX,7:NEXTX 141 IFLE=0THENLE=1 142 IFLE>4THENLE=4 150 PRINT@P,CHR$(147) 160 IFLE=1THEN170 161 IFLE=2THENCLS:GOTO179 162 IFLE=3THENCLS:GOTO189 163 IFLE=4THEN195 170 IFL1>18THENPRINT"level one has been emptied.":GOTO11 171 R=3:GOSUB550:IFA1<0THEN174 172 IFA1<5THEN177 173 IFA1<10THENCLS:PRINT:PRINT"You are being attacked by TWO ORCS!!":FORX=1TO350:NEXTX:L1=L1+1:AR=2:RA=AR:EH=14:EM=14:GOTO1250 174 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"You unlucky dog you get a troll. hope you have cash":FORX=1TO350:NEXTX:L1=L1+1:TR=1:EH=42:GOTO1250 175 CLS:LINE(8,8)-(232,55),1,B:LINE(28,28)-(212,35),1,BF:PRINT@86,"You find 1000 GP.":GP=GP+1000:EX=EX+1000:CP=CP+1 176 GOTO11 177 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"You are being attacked by one Orc.":FORX=1TO350:NEXTX:AR=1:RA=AR:EH=8:EM=8:L1=L1+1:GOTO1250 179 IFL2>15THENCLS:PRINT:PRINT"level two has been emptied>":GOTO11 180 L2=L2+1:R=4:GOSUB550:IFA2<7THEN174 181 IFA2<10THEN173 182 IFA2<20THENPRINT:PRINT"You are being attacked by 3 orcs.":AR=3:RA=AR:EH=18:EM=18:CP=CP+1:GOTO12 183 IFA2=20THEN175 189 IFL3>14THENCLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"level three is empty.":GOTO11 190 L3=L3+1:R=4:GOSUB 550:IFA2<7THEN174 191 IFA2<14THENGA=1:EH=41:PRINT:PRINT"Just your luck, a Gargoyle wants YOU!!!":CP=CP+1:GOTO12 192 IFA2<16THENAR=4:RA=AR:EH=26:EM=26:PRINT:PRINT" 4 Orcs sucker":GOTO12 193 IFA2<21AND SW=1THENPRINT:PRINT"You have found a +2 +4 Sword! Now it's easy to kill Gargoyles.":SW=2:GOTO11 194 IFA2<21ANDSW=2THENPRINT:PRINT" A BIG 500 GP and a healing potion":CP=CP+1:GP=GP+500:EX=EX+500:GOTO11 195 IFL4>12THENCLS:PRINT:PRINT"You have cleaned out level four":GOTO11 196 L4=L4+1:R=4:GOSUB550:IFA2<5THEN191 197 IFA2<10 THEN174 198 IFA2<12THENAR=6:RA=AR:EH=40:EM=40:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"You get 6 orcs to play with.":CP=CP+1:GOTO12 199 IFA2<18THENMI=1:EH=76:PRINT:PRINT"It's time you get to fight the Minotaur":GOTO12 200 IFA2<21THENCLS:BU=1:EH=76:PRINT"You have to fight a bulette. (LANDSHARK SUPREME) THEY KILL FAST.":FORX=1TO500:NEXTX:GOTO12 210 GOTO430 250 FORX=1000TO4000STEP200 251 SOUNDX,5 252 NEXTX 254 FORX=4000TO1000STEP-200 255 SOUNDX,4 256 NEXTX 257 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Do you need instructions. y/n" 258 O$=INKEY$:IFO$=""THEN258 259 IFO$="n"ORO$="N"THENRETURN 260 CLS:PRINT@40," The object of this game is to clear the dungeon of hostile creatures and find as much gold as possible." 261 PRINT"In order to do this you must survive and gain experience, this makes combat with stronger creatures possible." 262 P$=INKEY$:IFP$=""THEN262 263 CLS:PRINT@40," The cursor control keys will move you from room to room. To go down to the next level press d " 264 PRINT"To go up press u . Press h to take a healing potion for 15 points of healing." 265 PRINT"Your maximum HP goes up as your level increases." 266 P$=INKEY$:IFP$=""THEN266 267 CLS:PRINT@40," The only time you can take a healing potion is when the maze is shown on the screen or after using " 268 PRINT"a rope trick spell. This will use up one of your healing potions." 269 U$=INKEY$:IFU$=""THEN269 270 CLS:PRINT@40," As you go up in experience you get more spells, and also more powerful ones. Unfortunatly once you" 271 PRINT" use your spells you don't get more until you go up a level, so judicial use of spells is a good idea." 272 U$=INKEY$:IFU$=""THEN272 273 CLS:PRINT@40," You will get to second level at 5000 exp. Good LUCK and GO FOR IT." 274 U$=INKEY$:IFU$=""THEN274 275 RETURN 299 FORX=1TO1000:NEXTX:GOTO250 300 GOTO430 301 S=VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,2)):FORN=1TOS:D=RND(1):NEXTN 302 R=4:GOSUB550:IFA2>11THEN307 303 CLS:PRINT@40,A2;"attack1 missed":FORX=1TO250:NEXTX:GOTO310 307 Z8=INT(RND(1)*44+5) 308 PRINT@40,A2"He bites for";Z8;"damage":HP=HP-Z8:IFHP<0THEN1500 309 FORX=1TO500:NEXTX 310 FORX=1TO2:R=4:GOSUB550:IFA2<12THEN320 311 R=3:GOSUB550 312 PRINTA2; A1+4;"points of damage from feet":HP=HP-(A1+4):IFHP<0THEN1500 313 NEXTX 314 GOTO12 320 PRINTA2;"missed":NEXTX 321 GOTO12 399 GOTO430 400 CLS:CLEAR2000 401 FORL=1TO6 402 FORI=1TO25 403 IFL<4THEN READN:X$=X$+CHR$(N) 404 IFL>3THENREADN:Y$=Y$+CHR$(N) 405 NEXTI 406 X$=X$+CHR$(10)+STRING$(25,8) 407 IFL<4THEN409 408 Y$=Y$+CHR$(10)+STRING$(25,8) 409 NEXTL 410 PRINT@1,X$:PRINT@121,Y$ 415 GOTO30 430 CLS: PRINT@1,X$:PRINT@121,Y$ 431 AR=0:GA=0:TR=0:MI=0:BU=0 432 IFL1>18ANDL2>15ANDL3>14ANDL4>12THEN9000 439 A$="" 440 GOTO40 549 END 550 S=VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,2)):FORN=1TOS:D=RND(1):NEXTN 560 ONRGOTO600,620,640,660 600 A4=RND(1):A4=INT(A4*4+1) 610 RETURN 620 A6=RND(1):A6=INT(A6*6+1) 630 RETURN 640 A10=RND(1):A10=INT(A10*10+1) 650 RETURN 660 A20=RND(1):A20=INT(A20*20+1) 670 RETURN 700 CLS:PRINT@40,"YOU have elected to try and bribe your way out of this.":FORX=1TO500:NEXTX:CLS 701 IFAR>0THEN720 703 IFTR>0THEN735 704 IFGA>0THEN780 705 IFMI>0THEN780 706 IFBU>0THEN750 720 PRINT"They want 500 gold pieces" 721 INPUT"Will you give it to them y/n";B$ 722 IFB$="y"THEN728 723 PRINT"He attacks you first. You lose 3 hp":HP=HP-3:GOTO12 728 GP=GP-500:IFGP<0THEN723 729 GOTO430 735 PRINT"It wants 6000 gold pieces" 736 INPUT"are you willing to pay. y/n";B$ 737 IFB$="y"THEN745 738 PRINT"He attacks you first. You lose 7 hp":HP=HP-7:GOTO12 745 GP=GP-6000:IFGP<0GOTO738 746 GOTO430 750 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"A Bulette wants only to eat you.":PRINT"BE PREPARED TO DIE!!":FORX=1TO500:NEXTX:GOTO12 780 IFMI>0THENCLS:PRINT: PRINT"Minotaur's cannot be bribed!":GOTO12 781 IFGA>0THENCLS:PRINT:PRINT"Gargoyles don't want money, He wants your soul!!":GOTO12 800 EM=EH:CLS:PRINT@80,"You have elected to fight. You can fight with your sword or magic." 801 PRINT@200,"<1> Sword <2>Magic <3>Spellbook 804 D$=INKEY$:IFD$=""THEN804 805 X=VAL(D$):ONXGOTO808,910,1100 808 IFSW=1ANDGA>0THENGOTO2500 810 CLS:PRINT@130,"You swing your sword!" 811 R=4:GOSUB550 812 PRINT@215,"You rolled a ";A2:FORX=1TO350:NEXTX:A2=A2+1:IFSW=1THENA2=A2+1 813 IFSW=2THENA2=A2+2 814 IFEL=1ANDA2>15THEN820 815 IFEL=2ANDA2>13THEN820 816 IFEL=3ANDA2>11THEN820 817 IFEL=4ANDA2>9THEN820 818 IF EL>4ANDA2>7THEN820 819 R=0:CLS:PRINT@90,"Sorry. You MISSED!":FORX=1TO350:NEXTX:ONEGOTO830,936,936,826 820 CLS:R=3:GOSUB550:IFSW=1THENA1=A1+2 821 IFSW=2THENA1=A1+4 822 PRINT@80,"You hit him for ";A1;"points of damage!":EH=EH-A1:FORX=1TO350:NEXTX:IFEH<0THEN827 823 IFAR=0THEN825 824 T1=A1+A1:IFT1>EM/ARTHENAR=AR-1:PRINT"YOU GOT ONE":T1=0:IFEH>0ANDAR=0THENPRINT"BUT HE'S NOT DEAD" 825 FORX=1TO290:NEXTX:ONEGOTO826,936,936,826 826 R=0:IFEH>0THEN830 827 PRINT:PRINT"You killed him with that one.":FORX=1TO350:NEXTX:GOTO2000 830 CLS 834 IFAR>0THEN842 835 IFAR=0ANDEH<1THEN827 837 IFBU=1THEN301 838 IFGA=1THEN875 839 IF MI=1THEN890 840 IFTR=1THEN855 842 PRINT@89,"The orc or orcs attack now.":FORX=1TO300:NEXT 843 FORX=1TOAR:R=4:GOSUB550 844 PRINTA2;:IFA2>14THEN847 845 PRINT"missed!":FORY=1TO300:NEXTY:NEXTX 846 GOTO850 847 R=2:GOSUB550 848 PRINT"You take";A6;"hit points of damage" 849 HP=HP-A6:FORY=1TO300:NEXTY:NEXTX 850 IFHP<0THEN1500 851 GOTO1250 855 CLS:PRINT@80,"The Troll attacks!!! !!" 856 FORX=1TO2:R=4:GOSUB550 857 PRINTA2; 858 IFA2>11THEN861 859 PRINT"Missed!" 860 NEXTX:GOTO864 861 R=2:GOSUB550 862 DA=INT(A6/2+1):PRINT"You take";DA;"hit points damage!#!":HP=HP-DA:IF HP<0THEN1500 863 NEXTX 864 R=4:GOSUB550 865 PRINTA2;:IFA2>11THEN868 866 PRINT"missed":FORY=1TO180:NEXTY:GOTO1250 868 R=3:GOSUB550 869 DA=A1+1:PRINT"You take";DA;"points of damage":HP=HP-DA:IFHP<0THEN1500 870 FORX=1TO1000:NEXTX:GOTO1250 875 CLS:IFA2>8THEN877 876 PRINT:PRINT"The Gargoyle smiles a fanged smile.":PRINT"Then he attacks!!**#@!!":GOTO878 877 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"The Gargoyle grins a bloody grimace":PRINT"Then he attacks!" 878 FORX=1TO4:R=4:GOSUB550 879 PRINTA2;:IFA2>7THEN884 880 PRINT"Missed":FORY=1TO150:NEXTY:NEXTX 881 GOTO1250 884 R=1:GOSUB550 886 PRINT"You take";A4;"hit points damage" 887 HP=HP-A4:IFHP<0THEN1500 888 FORY=1TO400:NEXTY: NEXTX:GOTO1250 890 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"The Minotaur attacks!*!!" 892 FORX=1TO2:R=4:GOSUB550:PRINTA2; 894 IFA2>8THEN898 895 PRINT"Missed?":FORY=1TO150:NEXTY:NEXTX:GOTO1250 898 R=3:GOSUB550:A1=A1+2 899 PRINT"You take";A1;"points of damage!" 900 HP=HP-A1:IFHP<0THEN1500 901 FORY=1TO300:NEXTY:NEXTX:GOTO1250 910 CLS:PRINT@40,"<1>MAGIC MISSILE <2>SLOW 911 PRINT"<3>FLAMING SPHERE <4>ROPE TRICK" 912 PRINT"<5>FIREBALL":PRINT:PRINT"S1=";S1;" S2=";S2;" S3=";S3 913 U$=INKEY$:IFU$=""THEN913 915 SP=VAL(U$) 917 ONSPGOTO920,933,940,945,960 920 IFS1<1THENPRINT"no 1st level spells left":FORX=1TO100:NEXTX:GOTO1250 921 IFEL>2THEN925 922 S1=S1-1:R=1:GOSUB550 923 A4=A4+1:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"You hit him for";A4;"points of damage":FORX=1TO290:NEXTX:EH=EH-A4:IFEH<1THENPRINT"HE'S DEAD":GOTO2000 924 GOTO13 925 IFEL>4THEN930 926 S1=S1-1:R=1:GOSUB550 927 W=A4*2+2:PRINT:PRINT"IT TOOK";W;"HIT POINTS DAMAGE":EH=EH-W:IFEH<1THENPRINT"IT'S DEAD":GOTO14 928 FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO830 930 S1=S1-1:R=1:GOSUB550 931 W=A4*3+3:PRINT:PRINT"IT TOOK";W;"HITS OF DAMAGE":EH=EH-W:IFEH<1THENPRINT"IT'S DEAD":FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO2000 932 FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO830 933 IFS1<1THENPRINT"YOU HAVE NO FIRST LEVEL SPELLS LEFT":GOTO12 934 S1=S1-1:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"This spell allows you to make 3 attacks":E=2 935 FORX=1TO280:NEXTX:GOTO808 936 E=E+1:GOTO808 940 IFEL<3THENCLS:PRINT:PRINT"Not high enough":GOTO12 941 IFS2<1THENPRINT"out of 2nd spells":GOTO12 942 S2=S2-1:R=3:GOSUB550:A1=A1+6 943 PRINT:PRINT"YOU GAVE HIM";A1;"POINTS OF DAMAGE":EH=EH-A1:IFEH<1THENPRINT"YOU KILLED HIM":GOTO14 944 FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO830 945 IFS2<1THENPRINT"OUT OF 2ND SPELLS":FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO1250 946 IFEL<3THENPRINT"NOT HIGH ENOUGH FOR THIS YET":FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO1250 947 CLS:S2=S2-1:PRINT"You have entered an extradimensional":PRINT"space. While here you can heal yourself WITH POTIONS." 948 PRINT"<1>HEAL","<2>RETURN" 949 E$=INKEY$:IFE$=""THEN949 950 I=VAL(E$):ONIGOTO952,958 951 GOTO1250 952 HP=HP+15:CP=CP-1:IFHP>MHTHENHP=MH 953 PRINT@250,"HIT POINTS";HP;"POTIONS";CP:IFCP=0THEN1250 954 GOTO949 958 GOTO830 960 IFEL<5THENPRINT"You're not high enough":GOTO12 961 IFS3<1THENPRINT"You're out of 3rd spells":FORX=1TO300:NEXTX:GOTO1250 962 S3=S3-1:CLS:R=3:GOSUB550:IFA1<2THENPRINT:PRINT"The spell did'nt work":GOTO13 963 W=0:R=2:FORX=1TO8:GOSUB550 964 W=W+A6+1:NEXTX 965 LINE(5,5)-(234,58),1,B 966 PRINT@163,"He gets";W;"points of damage" 967 EH=EH-W:IFEH<1THENPRINT@270,"DEATH":GOTO14 968 GOTO13 1100 CLS:PRINT"These are the spells available to you":FORX=1TO350:NEXTX 1101 CLS 1110 PRINT"FIRST LEVEL" 1111 PRINT"MAGIC MISSILES SLOW 1112 IFEL<3THEN1124 1115 PRINT"SECOND LEVEL" 1116 PRINT"FLAMING SPHERE ROPE TRICK" 1118 IFEL<5THEN1124 1120 PRINT"THIRD LEVEL" 1121 PRINT"FIREBALL" 1124 PRINT@255,"" 1125 Z$=INKEY$:IFZ$=""THEN1125 1126 GOTO1250 1200 CLS:PRINT@80,"You are a coward. As you turn to run you get attacked." 1201 FORX=1TO700:NEXTX:CLS:IFBU>0THEN1265 1202 IFMI=1THEN1215 1203 S=VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,2)) 1204 FORN=1TOS:D=RND(1):NEXTN 1205 B1=INT(RND(1)*100+1):IFB1>37THEN1230 1209 LINE(12,5)-(190,58),1,B:PRINT@130,"Missed you!":FORX=1TO400:NEXTX:IFGA>0ORTR>0THEN1212 1210 IFMI=1THEN1215 1211 GOTO430 1212 IFB1>37THENPRINT"It blocks your escape!!":GOTO12 1213 PRINT"So you still manage to get away":FORX=1TO500:NEXTX:GOTO430 1215 PRINT"The Minotaur blocks your escape!!":GOTO12 1230 B2=INT(RND(1)*6+1):HP=HP-B2 1231 PRINT@121,"You've been hit for ";B2;" hit points":FORX=1TO600:NEXTX:IFGA>0ORTR>0THEN1212 1232 GOTO430 1250 CLS:PRINT@80,"You have three choices of action." 1251 PRINT@160,"<1>fight","<2>run","<3>bribe" 1252 PRINT@250,"Hit points";HP 1255 C$=INKEY$:IFC$=""THEN1255 1256 X=VAL(C$) 1260 ONXGOTO800,1200,700 1261 GOTO1255 1265 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"You can't outrun a bulette!":GOTO13 1500 CLS:PRINT"Although you tried." 1501 PRINT"You obviusly failed." 1502 PRINT"Better luck next time." 1503 PRINT"YOUR DEAD! DEAD!! DEAD!!!" 1504 PRINT"enemy hit points were ";EH: PRINT"" 1505 IFEH>45THENPRINT"He is virtually unscathed'" 1506 Z$=INKEY$:IFZ$=""THEN1506 1510 GOTO20 1950 DATA239,239,239,224,252,239,254,224,238,232,237,224,252,232,239,224,237,232,238,224,252,239,254,232,238 1951 DATA238,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239 1952 DATA236,239,251,224,253,239,251,224,231,239,239,224,239,231,236,224,236,239,233,224,235,239,236,231,231 1953 DATA224,238,254,224,252,239,239,224,224,239,224,224,239,252,237,227,224,239,233,224,224,239,224,239,254 1954 DATA239,239,239,232,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239,239 1955 DATA239,239,239,224,253,239,251,224,239,239,239,224,239,239,231,231,239,239,239,224,239,239,239,239,251 2000 IFRA=1THEN2020 2002 IFRA=2THEN2024 2003 IFRA=3THEN2025 2004 IFTR=1THEN2026 2005 IFRA=4THEN2028 2006 IFGA=1THENGB=2000:EA=400:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"the Gargoyle had 2000 GP and ahealing potion":GOTO10 2007 IFRA=6THENGB=2000:EA=200:CP=CP+1:PRINT:PRINT"2000 GP and a healing potion":GOTO10 2008 IFMI=1THENGB=3500:EA=1000:PRINT:PRINT"3500 GP":GOTO10 2009 IFBU=1THENGB=10000:EA=800:PRINT:PRINT"The bulette was tough 10000gp+2 potions":CP=CP+2:GOTO10 2020 GB=420:EA=220:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"He had 420 gold pieces.":GOTO10 2024 CP=CP+1:GB=700:EA=440:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"They had 700 gold pieces and a healing potion":GOTO10 2025 GB=1100:EA=660:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"They had 1100GP":GOTO10 2026 GB=1800:EA=520:CP=CP+1:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"He had 1800 GP and a healing potion.":GOTO10 2028 GB=1520:EA=880:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"1520 GP":GOTO10 2500 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"You swing, but a +2 sword is required to hit a gargoyle.":GOTO13 3000 GP=GP+GB:EX=EX+GB+EA:OP=EL:IFEX<8000THENEL=1 3001 AR=0:TR=0:GA=0:MI=0:RA=0:BU=0 3002 IFEX>5001THENEL=2:MH=25 3003 IFEX>10999THENEL=3:MH=35 3004 IFEX>19000THENEL=4:MH=45 3005 IFEX>26000THENEL=5:MH=55 3006 IFEX>32000THENEL=5:MH=70 3007 IFEL=OP+1ANDEL=2THENS1=S1+7 3008 IFEL=OP+1ANDEL=3THENS1=S1+7:S2=S2+4 3009 IFEL=OP+1ANDEL=4THENS1=S1+7:S2=S2+5 3010 IFEL=OP+1ANDEL=5THENS1=S1+8:S2=S2+6:S3=S3+1 3011 IFMH=70THENS1=S1+.5:S2=S2+.5:S3=S3+.25 3012 IFEX>40000THENS1=S1+1:S2=S2+.5:S3=S3+.5:MH=80:EL=6 3013 IFS3>3THENS3=3 3014 IF S1>8THENS1=9 3015 IFS2>5THENS2=6 3017 GOTO430 9000 CLS 9001 LINE(5,5)-(231,57),1,BF 9002 LINE(5,5)-(231,57),0,BF 9003 PRINT@171,"YOU WON!!!":PRINT"Gold pieces ";GP:PRINT"Experience points ";EX 9004 PRINT"The dungeon is empty" 9005 SOUND1234,24:PRINT"Play again y/n" 9006 I$=INKEY$:IFI$=""THEN9006 9007 IFI$="y"THENGOTO1 9008 MENU 10000 IFCP<1THEN430 10002 IFCP<0THEN430 10004 CP=CP-1:HP=HP+15:IFHP>MHTHENHP=MH 10006 GOTO430