Documentation for WRDSCH.100 Dave Thomas [70526,1117] Though adapted specifically for the TRS-80 CGP-115 printer, this Wordsearch Puzzle generator should work on any printer that can handle the width. If color change is not wanted &/or not possible, delete all CHR$(29). It was re-written in order to generate many different puzzles with the same word list. Words of your choice are to be entered in DATA lines 8-10. They must be in CAPITAL letters, though lines 98 to 105 will list them in lower case. Change DIM statements **AND** necessary lines 98 to 105 if you use more/less than 23 words. On Run, screen will list back your words in lower case for you to check spelling errors. It then takes about 15 minutes to think & print one puzzle. It will then start over & print another DIFFERENT puzzle using the same words. Listing of words under the puzzle will be in alphabetical order no matter how they are listed in the DATA lines 8-10. Am not at all satisfied with lines 98-105; suggestions for a better way to get the same result welcome.