0 REM FRAME.100 by Carmen Paone [72677,42] 1 REM Uploaded June 9, 1990. No rights reserved. 2 REM: Graphic artists have clip books for different shapes and designs. 3 REM: FRAME.100 allows the programmer to clip a frame for his menu or screen setting and paste it in the program. 4 REM: Review the 10 different frames; pick one you like with the Selection function. 5 REM: A Line number and BASIC code will appear on your screen. Hit your F7 (Seclect) key and then the F5 (Copy) key. Be sure to delete the line number in the pasted copy. 6 REM: Then hit F8 and FRAME.100 can be restored by hitting F4. Or else you can hit F8 again and return to the main menu. 7 REM: Happy framing. But please never say that to my Italian relatives, who are always saying, "I was framed." 8 REM: Remove these remark lines to make FRAME.100 shorter. 10 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(238,59),1,B 11 LINE(22,7)-(40,35),1,B:PRINT@85,"F":FORT=1TO999:NEXT:GOTO12 12 LINE(44,7)-(70,45),1,B:PRINT@89,"R":FORT=1TO999:NEXT:GOTO13 13 LINE(66,7)-(120,30),1,BF:PRINT@94," A ":FORT=1TO999:NEXT:GOTO14 14 LINE(108,7)-(150,40),1,B:PRINT@102,"M":FORT=1TO999:NEXT:GOTO15 15 LINE(158,7)-(200,50),1,B:LINE(160,7)-(202,52),1,B:PRINT@109,"E" 16 FORT=1TO2999:NEXT:GOTO47 17 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(238,59),1,B 18 PRINT@130,"***** FRAME #0 *****" 19 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO20 20 LINE(1,4)-(239,60),1,B:LINE(3,6)-(237,58),1,B 21 PRINT@130,"***** FRAME #1 *****" 22 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO23 23 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,60),1,B:LINE(2,5)-(238,59),1,B 24 PRINT@130,"***** FRAME #2 *****" 25 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO26 26 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,60),1,B:LINE(2,5)-(238,59),1,B:LINE(5,8)-(235,56),1,B 27 PRINT@130,"***** FRAME #3 *****" 28 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO29 29 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,60),1,B:LINE(2,5)-(238,59),1,B:LINE(12,15)-(228,49),1,BF 30 PRINT@170,"***** FRAME #4 *****" 31 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO32 32 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,60),1,B:LINE(2,5)-(238,59),1,B:LINE(5,8)-(235,56),1,B:LINE(7,10)-(233,54),1,B 33 PRINT@130,"***** FRAME #5 *****" 34 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO35 35 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,60),1,B:PRINT@2,STRING$(36,239):PRINT@282,STRING$(36,239); 36 PRINT@130,"***** FRAME #6 *****" 37 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO38 38 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,55),1,B:LINE(3,6)-(237,53),1,B:PRINT@289,STRING$(22,239); 39 PRINT@130,"***** FRAME #7 *****" 40 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO41 41 CLS:LINE(10,13)-(226,55),1,B:PRINT@8,STRING$(25,228):PRINT@288,STRING$(25,228); 42 PRINT@128,"***** FRAME #8 *****" 43 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO44 44 CLS:LINE(1,5)-(238,59),1,B:LINE(3,6)-(236,58),1,B:PRINT@2,STRING$(36,232):PRINT@282,STRING$(36,231); 45 PRINT@130,"****** FRAME #9 *****" 46 FORT=1TO1999:NEXT:GOTO47 47 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,55),1,B:LINE(3,6)-(237,53),1,B:PRINT@289,STRING$(22,239); 48 PRINT@94,"FRAME.100":PRINT@164,"R)eview S)election M)enu" 49 M$=INKEY$:IFM$=""GOTO49 50 IFM$="R"ORM$="r"GOTO17 51 IFM$="S"ORM$="s"GOTO53 52 IFM$="M"ORM$="m"GOTO74 53 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:INPUT"SELECTION (0-9)";N$ 54 IFN$="0"GOTO64 55 IFN$="1"GOTO65 56 IFN$="2"GOTO66 57 IFN$="3"GOTO67 58 IFN$="4"GOTO68 59 IFN$="5"GOTO69 60 IFN$="6"GOTO70 61 IFN$="7"GOTO71 62 IFN$="8"GOTO72 63 IFN$="9"GOTO73 64 EDIT17 65 EDIT20 66 EDIT23 67 EDIT26 68 EDIT29 69 EDIT32 70 EDIT35 71 EDIT38 72 EDIT41 73 EDIT44 74 MENU