Just a couple of notes regarding HURON.100 and HURON.DAT: HURON.DAT file must be in RAM saved as HURON.DO. File should begin with ??77 Delete everything before this. (File ends with a quotation mark (").) All keys are disabled while the program is running. The only ways to stop it are to 1) wait till it's done or 2) push the reset button on the back of your computer. If you do stop it, (say by adding a STOP statement, DO NOT type CONT or attempt to call the routine after the screen has scrolled. Machine language subroutine is stored in the first 2 lines of the LCD character memory. Best to run the program by entering from the main menu. If you've changed the program without going back to the menu afterwards, you will sometimes see random "snow" instead of the proper graphics. This should not disturb anything in memory, but is nevertheless undesirable.