Image3 documentation. *Most of the time if you don't want to change any information then just press [ ENTER] and it will keep it the same as before. [F] File procedures [1] Load & Append graphic primitive File name? .do file Graphic primitive name? example (CUBE, TRIANGLE or PYRAMID) Offset image? Y/N Scale image? Y/N If primitive not found try searching the file [2] else check capitol letters. [2] Search file File name? .do file Searchs file and displays each name of graphic primitive, lines per primitive. Example: Cube 18 lines [3] Save file File name? .do file Don't save to main graphic primitive file it will write over the file and you will lose all the other primitives. Save to dummy file. Move by pasting primitive to main primitive file. Try to round [C][5] off before you save file, cuts down on file size. [4] Reset counter New counter? nn (0-99) To change counter or reset for new image (load doesn't set counter to 0 instead appends primitive to image file) [A] Enter linepoints & reset counter C? 1=starts a new line 0=endpoint 9=exit X? -119 to 119 Y? -32 to 32 Z? -50 to 50 Example: draw a line from x=10 y=10 z=10 to x=-10 y=10 z=10 to x=-10 y=-10 z=10 (draws a L) would be: 1, 10, 10, 10 0,-10, 10, 10 0,-10,-10, 10 To make a square add: 0, 10,-10, 10 0, 10, 10, 10 Y is vertical, X is horizontal and Z is depth [B] Same as Add except doesn't reset counter [C] Change image [1] Insert line Line number? 1 to End C, X, Y & Z? Inserts before the specified line number. [2] Delete lines Starting line number? Number of lines? Deletes from starting line number to starting line plus number of lines. If starting plus number is larger than counter then delete to end of file. [3] Offset lines Starting line number? Number of lines? X offset, Y offset & Z offset Offsets from starting line to starting + number. Move lines depending on x,y & z offsets. [4] Scale lines Same as Offset except it scales the lines. [5] Round off file Used so the file will be smaller when saved. [D] Edit image file [Up arrow] Reverse listing [Down arrow] Forward listing [V] Move listing forward once List linepoints in image file [Left arrow] Column left [Right arrow] Column right Change cursor position horizontal to be used with [C] (see below) [C] Change C, X, Y or Z depending on line number & column position *. [D] Display image file (see [E] Display image below) [E] Edit line. Can change entire line. [N] New line number [R] Rubber band Line number? Change X, Y or Z Can change all lines which are at one given point to another different point. [S] Draw specified lines from starting line to starting + number of lines. [T] Change Image (Go see [C] change image up) [Q] Exit [E] Display image [I] [O] Rotate on Z axis [K] [L] Rotate on Y axis [<] [>] Rotate on X axis Rotates & draws resulting image. Doesn't clear screen (compare last image to new image) [C] Clears screen & redraws image [M] Change display parameters [1] Angle of rotation [2] Reference points to rotate around [3] Point of view To get best image keep Z from -50 to around -200. [N] Clears screen only [Q] Exit Notes on graphic primitive files. PRIM.DO used as file name All primitives must have a name (CUBE, PYRAMID, TRIANGLE) 1 to 8 characters. Each primitive must have as an end 2,0,0,0 Example:c,x,y,z SQUARE 1,10,10,10 0,-10,10,10 0,-10,-10,10 0,10,-10,10 0,10,10,10 2,0,0,0 Between each primitive an [ENTER] must be present except at start and end of file. There are many improvements that can be made like hidden line removal, window clipping and maybe speeding the line drawing up (spends around 66 percent just drawing the lines). If the coordinates lies outside of the screen then it will not display the line (no window clipping). If file doesn't load check primitive name (has to be exact) or see if enough data in file.