The MUSIC program allows you to easily make songs on the Model 100 using the SOUND command. Musical notation is entered into a document file in a form that can be read by the computer. It is then compiled by the MUSIC program which generates a basic program that plays the music. The MUSIC source file has the following format: N[S]<^I> O<^I> L[.]<^M> Where: Open characters are required. Characters inside of brackets ([]) are optional. Required unprintable characters are shown as control characters between the less than (<) and the greater than (>) symbols. N is a letter A through G, uppercase or lowercase that corresponds to the note you want. An uppercase or lowercase S can follow the note to indicate that it is to be sharp. An F or any other letter can follow the note to indicate that it is flat. The note >MUST< be followed by a control I (TAB). O is a number 0 through 5 that indicates the octive of the note. If you wish to have a rest in the music, type a valid note in the note column and type a 0 for the octive. The octive >MUST< be followed by a control I (TAB). L is a number that corresponds to the fractional portion of the length value. If the note or rest is a one-quarter value, type 4; if it is a half-rest, type 2; if it is a thirty-second note, type 32, ect. The number may be followed by a period to increase the length value. A dot will add one-half the length value to the length. For instance, a three-quarter rest would be a 2., and a dotted sixteenth note would be 16., ect. The length value >MUST< be followed by a control M (ENTER). Any line that is incorrect will be made a comment line in the finished program. It is a good idea to mark measures and lyrics this way. Here is an example of a music document file: CS 3 1 Ds 3 1 B 3 1 b 2 1 GF 2 1. And here is an example of the program document file that was generated from it: 10 SOUND 2216 , 64 20 SOUND 1975 , 64 30 SOUND 2484 , 64 40 SOUND 4968 , 64 50 SOUND 3321 , 96 For easier typing, press the NUM key until it locks so you can enter the numbers faster. The program will take both upper and lowercase, so you don't need to press the SHIFT key. ^D