ADDCLP.100 (c)1989 by James Yi 73327,1653 Adapted for the M100 by Wilson Van Alst ADDCLP.CO is 209 bytes and runs in AltLCD. The original source code is ADDCLP.SRC, in Lib 10. It's a text utility that lets clips of text cut or copied append to the paste buffer. The accumulated buffer contents are returned whenever the PASTE key is pressed. While in ADDCLP, the paste buffer can be cleared by pressing without moving the cursor. When ADDCLP is run from the Menu, it prompts for a file name. Type the name, and as you press ENTER, hold down SHIFT if you want the normal word-wrap feature intact. If you press ENTER without the SHIFT key, word wrap will be disabled. The program turns itself off when you exit from TEXT. If typing the file name each time you access a text file becomes too inconvenient, you may want to try the following solution. Create the Basic program listed below for each text file that you access frequently, and then whenever you want to edit one, run the Basic program for that file. In line 1, replace "NOTE" with another name, and change W=0 to W=1, if you want the word-wrap feature enabled. 1 F$="NOTE":W=0 2 F$=F$+CHR$(0):V=VARPTR(F$) 3 LOADM"ADDCLP":CALL64704,W,PEEK(V+1)+PEEK(V+2)*256 To create ADDCLP.CO, run this loader: 0 REM ADDCLP.100 2 REM Lets paste buffer append 3 REM (C)1989 James Yi 73327,1653 4 REM Adapted for M100 by Wilson Van Alst 5 REM This is a BASIC loader to create ADDCLP.CO, which runs in AltLCD. 6 REM ADDCLP.CO can be run from the Menu or called from BASIC, but it will exit to Menu and not return to BASIC. 10 FORI=0TO202:READA:POKE64704+I,A:C=C+A:NEXT 15 IFC-29641THENPRINT"Pgm Data Error":BEEP:END 20 SAVEM"ADDCLP",64704,64906,64707 100 DATA 195,235,252,205,58,31,33,211, 252,34,82,246,33,25,94,205,124 101 DATA 90,175,196,41,66,205,83,93,33, 20,94,205,145,87,205,62,70 102 DATA 215,202,151,87,58,162,255,230, 1,245,205,6,34,241,229 103 DATA 17,222,250,237,34,42,253,33,5, 253,217,33,0,0,34,231,246,195,110 104 DATA 95,229,42,42,253,227,229,213, 197,245,33,237,20,229 105 DATA 56,28,237,1,240,95,8,33,143, 247,194,38,253,54,255,33,48,253,217 106 DATA 201,126,60,200,33,0,0,34,222, 250,201,50,223,246,245,205 107 DATA 236,101,241,245,254,15,202,88, 253,254,21,202,101,253,254,27 108 DATA 194,247,95,58,224,246,254,27, 194,247,95,241,205,41,253,175 109 DATA 195,92,96,241,205,238,98,205, 131,99,205,120,253,195,58 110 DATA 100,241,205,238,98,205,131,99, 205,171,100,202,75,100,205,120 111 DATA 253,195,78,100,205,70,33,17, 165,249,237,62,26,190,35 112 DATA 194,129,253,43,217,195,188,100