0 REM ClickR - a keyclick routine 1 REM for the Model 100 by 2 REM Mike Betz [70466,1553] 3 REM this program and the routines 4 REM herein may be used for 5 REM non-commercial purposes as long 6 REM as I get credit for it/them 7 REM 10 REM you should put your own clear 11 REM statement at line 19 12 REM the ML routine takes up 9+6*N 13 REM bytes where N is the number of 14 REM clicks per keystroke. 15 REM 16 REM first clear out the clicker 20 POKE 64222,243:POKE 64223,127 21 REM ad = beginning ML address 22 INPUT"Where do you want the Keyclicker:";AD 35 IF ADMAXRAM THEN 160 50 REM start pokeing routine in 60 FOR P=AD+0 TO AD+7 70 READ C:POKE P,C:NEXT 75 READ X:READ Y:READ Z 85 P=AD+8:FOR I=1 TO N 90 POKE P,X:POKE P+1,Y:POKE P+2,Z 91 POKE P+3,X:POKE P+4,Y:POKE P+5,Z 100 P=P+6:NEXT I 110 P=AD+8+6*N:READ A:POKE P,A 116 REM now to poke the vector in 120 H=INT(AD/256):L=AD-256*H 125 POKE 64222,L:POKE 64223,H:MENU 160 BEEP:PRINT"Error - routine didnt" 165 PRINT" fit inside of BASIC cleared" 166 PRINT" area":PRINT"Himem:";HIMEM 167 PRINT"Start:";AD" 168 PRINT"End:";AD+14+6*N-1 169 PRINT"Maxram:";MAXRAM:STOP 1000 DATA 229,213,197,245,33,237,20,229 1001 DATA 205,118,118 1002 DATA 201