0 'CO-RUN.100 by Russ Villanueva [70526,1434] 19-May-85 - For M100 Sig Users Only - 1 'This program Lists M/L programs and will load & run the one you chose. CHANGING THIS PROGRAM MAY CAUSE IT 2 'NOT TO WORK. This program assumes that you will always load .CO programs at MAXRAM 3 'lines 15,25 are from Rick Perrys' CO2BA.BA in DL4 4 'Ricks's PRINTZ.CO is automatically disabled to avoid "CCCold SSStarts". 5 'This program is 1045 Bytes long when loaded. Checksum may be different I use real Tabs. 6 GOTO100 10 INPUT"Which one";A$ 11 IF A$="" THEN MENU 15 ONERRORGOTO60:RUNMA$ 25 X=64206:P=PEEK(X)+256*PEEK(X+1):IFP<>HIMEMTHENPRINTA$".CO = ";P;:CLEAR256,P 27 FORP=65304TO65309:A$=A$+CHR$(PEEK(P)):NEXT:RUNM A$ 30 MENU 60 IFERR=7THENRESUME25ELSEGOTO600 100 CLEAR256,MAXRAM:POKE64228,243:POKE64229,127:CLS:PRINT@280,"Auto M/L List & Run":PRINT:GOSUB200:GOTO10 200 FORM=-1408TO-1617STEP-11:F$="":IFPEEK(M)THENFORN=0TO7:F$=F$+CHR$(PEEK(M+3+N)):NEXT 210 IFMID$(F$,7,2)="CO"THENPRINTLEFT$(F$,6)+" "; 220 NEXT:PRINT:PRINT:RETURN 600 PRINTA$+".CO" 601 IF ERR=5 THEN PRINT" does not have an Execute address.":END 602 IF ERR=52 THEN PRINT"Is not a valid .CO File.":END 603 STOP