5 REM CO.BA for Multi-.CO usage 10 'By Richard Logan 10/20/85 15 CLS 20 PRINT:PRINT" 1)...FLOPPY.CO 2)...PLANET.CO 40 PRINT:PRINT" 3)...CHESS.CO 4)...PRINT.CO 50 PRINT:PRINT" SELECT .CO FILE (0 to Exit)" 60 F$=INPUT$(1) 62 E=VAL(F$) 65 IFE>4THENBEEP:GOTO15 70 CLS:ON E GOTO 100,200,300,400 100 CLEAR256,59400 '(57500 for Tandy 200) 110 RUNM"FLOPPY.CO" 120 MENU 200 CLEAR0,56000 210 RUNM"PLANET.CO" 220 MENU 300 CLEAR0,56700 310 RUNM"CHESS.CO" 320 MENU 400 CLEAR0,59900 410 RUNM"PRINT*.CO" 420 MENU 500 'Delete from here to end to save bytes. 510 'Change the CLEAR statements as to meet your needs 520 'As well as the Names of Programs.