XCOPY.DOC *Radio Shack Series DMP Printers Specific* 1. Download DMPDMP.BA 2. Download TEST.BA 3. Convert from .DO to .BA format 4. Run DMPDMP.BA 5. Return to Menu & XCOPY.CO will appear on Menu 6. Run TEST.BA to see if D/L is OK *** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS ON! 7. XCOPY.CO resides in the alternate LCD Buffer a. won't interfer with other M/L programs 8. To utilize: from any prog., just enter, at the approtiate line # (after LCD display) RUNM"XCOPY app. time to print a full screen = 1 min 30 sec. 9. GRAF.100 users - delete line 41 & replace with 41 RUNM"XCOPY a. check line 32 for editing of [PRINT?] & [DATA?] options b. as they appear on LCD & will be printed c. just delete [PRINT@V$"PRINT?"] & [PRINT@V$"DATA?] d. Remember, if you do this, after graph is displayed on screen, you must enter "P" or "Y" to commence printing the graphs Gene Nestro 72216,512 Please leave message if this does or does not function on all DMP printers!