HOWBIG.BA is an enhancement utility for the M100 main menu. The program adds two of the most often missed features - a file size calculation and a KILL feature. Both features are accessible directly from the main menu based on the file selected with the wide bar cursor. HOWBIG.BA installs itself and becomes invisible. Since it is a BASIC program, it won't interfere with any of your machine language programs and, because it is only about 950 bytes, it consumes little RAM. HOWBIG.BA is intended as a small, unique alternative to the usual menu manager programs which always seem to take up too much RAM and provide many features which are not often used. To keep it short, no comments are provided in the program but, for anyone with some programming knowledge, it shouldn't be too hard to add additional function key subroutines or change the existing ones to suit your needs. The program was written for the M100 but it should work on the M102 but probably not on the M200. INSTALLATION After downloading HOWBIG.BA, convert it to BASIC and save it to your main menu as HOWBIG.BA then return to the main menu. To install it, place the main menu cursor on HOWBIG.BA and press ENTER. The screen will blank for a second and then HOWBIG.BA will no longer be shown on the menu. However, the name, BASIC, on the main menu will now include three periods as a reminder that the utility is active. For the installation process to work, it is important that the program be save initially in your M100 as HOWBIG.BA and that you select it the first time with the cursor, not by typing its name on the Select: line. USING THE SIZE AND KILL FUNCTIONS With the main menu cursor, 1)select the BA, DO or CO file you want to size or kill, 2)enter three periods (these will appear on the Select: line and you must use exactly 3 periods!) and 3)press ENTER. The name of the selected file will be shown along with its length. Press F5 to kill the file. Press F8 to redisplay the full main menu. Pressing F1 will uninstall HOWBIG.BA as explained below. HOWBIG.BA does not size or kill the built-in ROM programs or option ROM software. UNINSTALLING Once installed, HOWBIG.BA is invisible on the main menu and is stored in the M100's directory as a non-standard file. It won't kill itself and you can't kill it from BASIC so a means of removing it from your machine will be needed occasionally. That's what the F1 key is for. While accessing the file size screen for any file, pressing F1 will immediately convert the utility back to its original visible form as HOWBIG.BA. It can then be killed from BASIC in the normal way. Howard Sprow (73625,365)