LF.100 By Tony Anderson Original text and modifications Copyright 1990 Tony B. Anderson; All Rights Reserved This program is derived from Phil Wheeler's LFUTL.PW1, which in turn was developed from Hugo Ferreyra's FIXLF.HF1. It installs a hidden printer linefeed patch, which sends a linefeed to the printer every time a cariage return is sent. This program is designed to be a resident, invisible utility, which will toggle the linefeed patch by typing `LF' at the main menu, and pressing the ENTER key. It's principal benefit is that you don't have to reload LFUTL each time you need to toggle the linefeed function to connect to different printers. The invisible program uses 253 bytes of RAM space. How to get it working: Load the below program into BASIC - you can delete line 0 to save RAM space - and save it to the menu as LF.BA. This is important! Download, Load and save Paul Globman's CMD.100 to your menu as CMD.BA. (CMD.100 is in Library 8.) With both programs on the main menu, move the wide cursor bar over LF.BA, type CMD.BA and press the ENTER key. LF.BA will disappear from the menu, but will have been changed to LF (with no extension), and will have been made invisible. Once it's invisible, you can remove CMD.BA from the machine by killing it. (In BASIC, type KILL"CMD.BA" and press the ENTER key) To use the program, at the main menu, simply type LF and press the ENTER key. The screen will clear, and the program will report whether the linefeed patch is "on" or "off". Press any key to return to the main menu. If you want to toggle the function, type LF and press the ENTER key again, and the the patch will reverse it's current setting. LF will remain resident, and invisible until you have a cold-start, or unless you deliberately remove it. To remove it, you can use CHANGE.BA to rename it as a normal .BA program and make it visible, so it can be killed normally, or you can enter BASIC and type `KILL"LF"' and press the ENTER key. The program, after removing line # 0, will use 253 bytes of RAM space. The first time you run LF, it will add a + sign to BASIC on the main menu, to give you a reminder that you have an invisible file in RAM. I add that to each of my invisible programs, so that I have a reminder on the screen that there is more available in the computer than what is shown on the main menu. If you don't want that indication, remove the poke in line 2 of the program. 0 ' LF.100 Invisible, resident linefeed patch utilty installer, based on LFUTL.PW1 by Phil Wheeler. Modified by TBA 11/15/90. 2 CLS:POKE63850,43:A=64228:KEY8,"Menu"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(254)+CHR$(13)+CHR$(245)+CHR$(62)+CHR$(10)+CHR$(204)+CHR$(63)+CHR$(109)+CHR$(241)+CHR$(201) 3 F$="On":P=PEEK(A)+256*PEEK(A+1):IFP=63615THENF$="Off":POKEA,243:POKEA+1,127ELSEPOKEA,127:POKEA+1,248 4 PRINT@90,"Printer Linefeed "F$:PRINT@170,"Press any key ";:Q$=INPUT$(1):MENU