This program performs the same function as LOAD.COM in CP/M. It converts Intel HEX format files to Model 100 .CO files and it does so very slowly. The filename ext .DO is assumed and may be left off. The addresses being loaded to are printed out (every checksum block). This is not what slows it down. I believe it needs to have a machine language routine for the HEX-ASCII conversion, which I can supply if there is any interest. This program was my answer to getting assembly language routines in my 100 from my CP/M machine where I write them. There is also a crude UNLOAD, crude in the sense that it currently accepts address ranges and not .CO filenames for conversion. Before LOADing a program the addresses must be known and BASIC restricted from them with the CLEAR command else conflicts fatal to BASIC or the .CO output file will result. A modification of the LOAD program without the POKEs would calculate the addresses of any unknown .HEX file. I'll be glad to answer any questions: John Chenoweth 71716,1642