1 ' 100-LOCKER by Mark L. Kushinsky 2 ' [70136,1317] 3 ' (c) 1984 Moshe Software 4 ' 5 ' To use this program position 6 ' cursor over "LOCKER" and . 7 ' The password (PW$) *is* case 8 ' dependent. 9 ' 10 IPL"LOCKER.BA" 20 POWER OFF,RESUME:POKE 63056,128:CLS 30 A=0 40 PW$="PASSWORD":L=8:C$="********" 50 PRINT:PRINT"Please Enter Password: " 60 GOSUB110:IF C$<>PW$ THEN80ELSE70 70 CLS:POKE63056,0:MENU 80 PRINT:PRINT"Incorrect Password!":BEEP:BEEP:BEEP:BEEP 90 FOR I= 1 TO 50:NEXT I 100 CLS:GOTO20 110 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="" THEN110 120 A=A+1:MID$(C$,A)=A$:IF A=L THEN RETURN ELSE110