NDEXE.DOC -- documentation for NDEXE.100 and NDEXE.200 NDEXE loads and runs machine language programs that are stored on Node Ram disk. The program run is not created as a file in memory, but directly loaded into its load address and executed. NDEXE.100/200 is a Basic loader that creates NDEXE.CO for Model 100/200. Run it to create NDEXE.CO. If the ML program runs in HIMEM, HIMEM must be properly set before running. If it runs in AltLCD buffer, it can still be ran, even though NDEXE itself runs in AltLCD. When you run NDEXE, it prompts with "NDexe: " Then enter the name of the ML program on the Node disk; if the name of the file ends with ".CO", you can omit the ".CO" If the file exists, the name of the file, Top addr, Length, and Exe addr prints on the screen and is executed, else you are prompted again until you enter the right file name or press to exit. NDEXE must exist as NDEXE.CO in memory. It must not be renamed. NDEXE can be called from BASIC with the calling parameter specifying the file name. Because screen output can erase NDEXE after it's LOADMed, it must be called before any screen output is done. The call address is 64707 for Model 100, 63411 for Tandy 200. Here's a small program that lets you choose a program to run from a menu instead of typing it each time. You can add your own file names at DATA lines 300-. The last DATA item must be "0", indicating end of list. Note: This is for 200 only. It will not work on a 100 because the LOADM statement causes all variables to be cleared on a 100. 100 XE=64707:IF PEEK(1)=171 THEN XE=63411 110 PRINT:MD=0:GOSUB 200:'List them 120 F$="":PRINT:INPUT "File # to run (CR to exit)";F$:IF F$="" THEN MENU 130 N=VAL(F$):MD=1:GOSUB 200:'Get name string 140 IF SP>0 THEN LOADM"ndexe":CALL XE,,SP 150 GOTO 100:'do again if it returns 200 'search data lines for file name 210 RESTORE 300:I=1 220 READ F$:IF F$="0" THEN SP=0:RETURN 225 IF MD=0 THEN PRINT STR$(I);"> ";F$ 230 IF ((MD=1)AND(I=N)) THEN S$=F$+CHR$(0):SP=VARPTR(S$):SP=PEEK(SP+1)+PEEK(SP+2)*256:RETURN 240 I=I+1:GOTO 220 300 'file name list 310 DATA Pakdos 320 DATA Hxfer 330 DATA Pbdump 390 DATA 0