* PROTEC.DOC * Instructions for PROTEC.BA * PROTEC.BA is intended for use by registered owners of PROAID for preventing other machine language programs from conflicting. RELOC.BA (which is supplied by Micro Demon with PROAID) does this as well, but I've found some programs still give me a nasty cold start. PROTEC.BA assumes: 1) PROAID has been relocated down to accommodate the HIMEM that normally occurs when the other ML program is running. (For TP100, it is 60416.) This is done using RELOC.BA.) 2) ONOFF.BA (also supplied with PROAID) is present, with these changes: a) In Line 1, change the value of HM to the aforementioned HIMEM value minus 1792. (For TP100, this is 58624.) b) In Line 300, change the clear statement to reset HIMEM. (For TP100: CLEAR 256,60416.) For general tidiness, I use Larry Gensch's INVISI.BA to hide both PROAID.CO and the other machine language program. PROTEC.BA gets renamed as a ".BA" version of the ML program. (For example, TP100.BA). So when the cursor is put on, say, TP100.BA , you either get TP100 to run or a warning that PROAID is active and can be turned off first. If you reply "y", you branch to ONOFF.BA. Suggestions welcome! Doug MacKay [72326,1725]