1 ' "PSSWRD.RVG" uploaded 03/17/85 2 ' Idea copied from another source, modified to enhance capabilities 3 ' by Ralph V. Getsla ** 74405,1177 4 ' see remarks starting at line 10000 for more info. All remarks may be 5 ' deleted without interfering operation. The ONLY way out of this 6 ' program is to hit "CTRL-C" before it actually does the poke in line 10. 7 ' BE WARNED!!! The poke in line 10 DISABLES CTRL-C, and BREAK. 8 ' 10 POKE63056,128:POWEROFF,RESUME:CLS:PRINT:PRINT@045,"Enter Password:";:X=0:Z=600 30 B$="........":A=0 40 A$="":Z=Z-1:IFZ<1THEN10ELSEPRINT@125," ";:PRINT@125,Z,X;;:A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN40 50 A=A+1:MID$(B$,A)=A$:IFA<8THEN40 60 IFB$="Model100"THENPOKE63056,0:MENU 70 X=X+1:IFX<3THENPRINT@205,"Try again:";:BEEP:GOTO30 80 BEEP:PRINT@205,"Access denied:":FORP=1TO500:NEXTP:BEEP:CLS:GOTO10 10000 ' 10001 ' line 10 sets break disable, then powers off 10002 ' password is stored as B$ one character at a time and compared 10003 ' to a stored string in line 60. 10004 ' This version times out and powers off after about 1 minute, and 10005 ' keeps track of how many times it was accessed unsucessfully as well. 10006 ' To modify for your password, change the string in line 60 in the 10007 ' quotes to be the password you want. Set B$ in line 30 to periods 10008 ' equal to the length of your password string. Set the "A<8" to the 10009 ' length of the password string. Right now set at "8". If your string 10010 ' is only 6 chars long, set "A<8" to "A<6". 10011 ' Questions? Query me at 74405,1177 via EPX or on the message board. 10012 ' END of file here