PSWORD.DOC J.Ortiz [72146,715] 020885 PSWORD.100 - PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION. PSOWRD.100 is a "BREAK" resistant, personalized password program for the model 100. It is resistant to the usual "BREAK" key, CTRL-C, SHIFT-"BREAK" key sequences and the reset button! It will also display your name and a personal msg of your choice. To personalize it, put your name in place of in line 400. You may also put a personal msg or your job, company, etc., in line 400 where it says . You may also remove the <> brackets for a neater display. Remove lines 1-28 and compress the pgm to conserve memory. (Actual pgm is from line 100-1100.) This pgm uses a two-level master key stroke and password protection scheme. The POKE disables the the BREAK key at the start of the pgm and re-enables it at the end. The pgm also scans the keyboard input to trap the SHIFT and CTRL key entry thereby eliminating the CTRL-C or SHIFT-BREAK sequences that would ordinarily halt the pgm. The pgm defines itself as the warm-startup pgm with the IPL command, thus making itself resistant to the RESET button! The special character in quotes in line 800 is made by pressing the GRPH and SEMI-COLON (;) keys at the same time. You may change this master key stroke sequence by using the GRPH or CODE key in conjunction with any other key to replace it with a new character. The master key stroke must be entered BEFORE you can enter the password. The password length is in line 900 inside the parantheses. If you change the password "KALIFI" in line 1000, you must make sure that the value inside the () in line 900 equals the number of characters in the password. Remember that upper case letters are different from lower case letters as far as the computer is concerned. Therefore, you must enter the password EXACTLY as it is stored in the pgm! The pgm should be SAVEd as a Basic file called "PSWORD". If you wish to use a different file name, you must substitute your file name for 'PSWORD' in line 100. *************************************** * WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! * *************************************** *IF YOU FORGET YOUR PASSWORD SEQUENCE * *YOU WILL HAVE TO HIT RESET AND BREAK * *KEY, THEN HIT THE SHIFT-BREAK KEYS IN* *ORDER TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE COMPUTER.* *WHILE THIS PGM IS NOT UNBREAKABLE, IT* *WILL RESIST MOST EFFORTS AT TAMPERING* *WITH YOUR COMPUTER AND IT DOES GIVE * *IT A NICE PERSONAL TOUCH. ENJOY IT. * ***************************************