0 'RAMFYI.BA (c)1989 Wilson Van Alst v1.0 All rights reserved. 1 'Uses ZIPFYI.CO to search every .DO 2 ' file in RAM for a specified string. 3 'Records containing the string are 4 ' appended to a file called MATCH.DO. 5 ' ----------------- 10 LOADM"ZIPFYI":M$="MATCH ":IFPEEK(33)=68THENC=64755:D=63908ELSEC=63625:D=62122 20 CLS:LINEINPUT"Search for:";S$:IFLEN(S$)THENS$=S$+CHR$(0)ELSEMENU 30 D=D+11:IFPEEK(D)=255THENRUNELSEIFPEEK(D)-192THEN30 40 F$="":FORI=3TO8:F$=F$+CHR$(PEEK(D+I)):NEXT:IFF$=M$THEN30 50 OPENM$FORAPPENDAS1:PRINT#1,STRING$(10,"-");" File: "F$".DO "STRING$(10,"-"):CLOSE 70 OPENF$FORINPUTAS1:CLOSE 60 PRINT@90,CHR$(27)"KSearching: "F$; 80 V=VARPTR(S$):CALLC,,PEEK(V+1)+256*PEEK(V+2) 90 GOTO30