1 CLEAR 1300:DEFINTO-Z:DEFSTRA-M:DIMH(2):DIM A(26):B=CHR$(27)+"p":C=CHR$(27)+"q":CLS:PRINT@80,"Initializing...." 2 O=-1694:FOR Q=0TO26:D="":E="":F="" 3 FORR=0TO2:S=PEEK(O+R):GOSUB12 :H(R)=G :NEXTR:D=H(0)+B+H(2)+H(1)+C 4 FORR=3TO10:S=PEEK(O+R):GOSUB12:E=E+" "+G 5 IFS>31ANDS<127THENI=CHR$(S)ELSEI="." 6 F=F+I:NEXTR:A(Q)=D+E+" "+F:O=O+11:NEXTQ 7 FOR R=0TO7:PRINT@(40*R),A(R+T);:NEXT 8 J=INKEY$:IFJ=""THEN8ELSEU=ASC(J) 9 IFU=28THENT=T+1ELSEIFU=29THENT=T-1ELSEIFU=30THENT=T-4ELSEIFU=31THENT=T+4ELSEIFU=13THENMENU 10 IFT<0THENT=0ELSEIFT>19THENT=19 11 GOTO 7 12 V=S\16:V=V-7*(V>9)+48:W=S MOD16:W=W-7*(W>9)+48:G=CHR$(V)+CHR$(W):RETURN 20 '(c) Hugo Ferreyra [75735,1261] 5050 N.W. 7 St., Miami, FL 33126 (305) 446-9790 21 'This program shows the DIRECTORY area of RAM. This area is located from F962 Hex = 63842 Dec to FA8A Hex = 64138 Dec. 22 'There are 27 entries, each 11 Bytes long. The first byte shows the type of file, the next two are the 23 'address of that file, and the last eight, are the ASCII filespec. When you run it,wait 23 seconds 24 'for initialization, then, you have commands available: 4 arrows to scroll one or four rows, forward 25 'or reverse, and for Menu.