RECOVR.BA is a short utility program to recover after cold starts or to reset parameters that have been altered via various programs. Line 10 resets the year, overcoming the "bug" in the Model 100 caused by high speed file transfers. Line 20 commands that the power remain ON continously -- use only if you're working with an AC adapter cable. Line 30 resets the BASIC function keys to their default parameters, since some programs alter the parameters and fail to reset them to their ingoing values. Lines 40-50 set function keys F6 and F7 in BASIC. Note especially Line 40, which is customized for use with the new DISK-POWER 100 from Ultrasoft Innovations, which allows you to go into BASIC while in TELCOM (a very powerful enhancement for any PDD DOS). Lines 75 and 80 reset the TELCOM status to M7I1D,20 (Poke 63071,69 to set for M7I1E). The purpose of including this line in the program is that DISK-POWER 100 will reset the TELCOM stat to 98N1D after RUNning a program directly from the RAM or DISK menu. Line 100 resets HIMEM=MAXRAM, which is useful after running .CO files to avoid potential cold starts. In addition, it resets MAXFILES=1, to save precious bytes when some programmer fails to reset MAXFILES. Some of you may not know, but each additional file consumes a precious 267 bytes. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Larry Tiber 75675,302 1 CLS 10 DATE$=LEFT$(DATE$,6)+"86" 20 POWER CONT 30 CALL 23164,0,23366:CALL 27795 40 KEY6,"TERM"+CHR$(24)+"CALL33070"+CHR$(13) 50 KEY7,"KILL"+CHR$(34) 75 POKE63067,77:POKE63068,55:POKE63069,73:POKE63070,49:POKE63071,68 80 POKE63019,20 100 CLEAR256,MAXRAM:MAXFILES=1:BEEP:MENU