Documention for RECOVR.100 by Russ Villanueva [70526,1434] First off, upon a 'cold start' or If you are just doing a 'back-up' (just in case anything happends.) Save your programs using the following lines... (If this is for a cold start, Type these lines in manually and don't use the line numbers. that way you won't ruin the first few lines of your first program.) 1 DEFSNGA:DEFINTB-Z:OPEN"cas:"FOROUTPUTAS1 2 FORA=32676TOMAXRAM:B=PEEK(A):IFB=26THEN NEXT ELSE PRINT#1,CHR$(B); :NEXT :SOUND1000,200 This is not fast... But it works! Next load RECOVR.101 and play the tape back. You can review what your loading by just hitting when it asks,"What device..." After a little garbarge, you'll recognize your program. After your satisfied, re-start the tape and use "RAM:" for your device. and let the program run until either and EOF (End Of File) or you run out of memory. At that point, enter your file and start deleting any garbarge and un-wanted text. If, by chance you still have something left on tape that you want, mark your place on the tape counter, re- start the tape, wait untill the '100' has started and stopped the tape 4 or 5 times. Just after the next time it stops, stop the recorder and fast-forward to about 15 units on the counter before you ran out of memory and press the 'play' button. The '100' will take it from there. Known problems: 1) at the end of each program on the last line, an extra '0' appears. This was a trade-off so I could properly recover the very first line of every program. 2) On text files, If it contains special characters, They be converted to 'BASIC' statements like PRINT, ERROR, IF NOT. If you need them, place a REM on the first part of line 330 of the program and use the procedure as mentioned above using the tape counter. 3) Program lines that start with a 'REM' gets changed to ':REM'. I don't know why. Comments & Suggestions Welcome. Pls use EMAIL 'cause I'm not on the SIG but 2 - 3 times a week. But my mail gets checked usually twice a day. Thanks, Russ [EOF]