REDO.100 2 ' Redo Program 4 ' After Cold Start 6 CLS:PRINT@90,"Model 100 Redo Program" 8 PRINT@200,"Press any key to continue..." 10 A$=INKEY$:IF A$=""THEN10 12 MAXFILES=0:IPL 14 CLS:SCREEN,1 16 Q$=CHR$(34):CR$=CHR$(13) 18 ON ERRORGOTO50 20 PRINT"Date= " DATE$ 22 LINE INPUT"Date: ";A$ 24 IFLEN(A$)>0THENDATE$=A$ 26 PRINT"Time = "TIME$ 28 LINEINPUT "Time: ";A$ 30 IFLEN(A$)>0THENTIME$=A$ 32 PRINT"Day = "DAY$ 34 LINEINPUT "Day: ";A$ 36 IFLEN(A$)>0THENDAY$=A$ 38 LINEINPUT "IPL: ";A$ 40 IFLEN(A$)=0THEN44 42 IPL A$ 44 P=0:INPUT"POWER OFF (in 1/10 SEC):";P 46 IFP=0THENPOWERCONTELSEPOWERP 48 GOTO 68 50 IF (ERL=240)OR(ERL=270)OR(ERL=300)OR(ERL=410)OR(ERL=400)THEN50 52 ' 54 PRINT"Line";ERL":;ERROR ERR 56 PRINT"Format Error -- Please Re-enter" 58 IFERL=240THENRESUME22 60 IFERL=270THENRESUME28 62 IFERL=300THENRESUME34 64 IFERL=400THENRESUME44 66 IFERL=410THENRESUME44 68 CLS 70 PRINT 72 PRINT " FUNCTION KEYS" 74 PRINT 76 PRINT " Normal Function Key Set = 1" 78 PRINT " Program Writing Key Set = 2" 80 PRINT " Utilities Key Set...... = 3" 82 PRINT 84 INPUT "Which Set Do You Want";A 86 IFA=1THEN96 88 IFA=2THEN114 90 IFA>3THEN10 92 IFA<1THEN10 94 IFA=3THEN134 96 KEY1,"Kill"+CHR$(34) 98 KEY2,"Load"+CHR$(34) 100 KEY3,"Save"+CHR$(34) 102 KEY4,"Run"+CHR$(13) 104 KEY5,"List" 106 KEY6,"Edit" 108 KEY7,"Print" 110 KEY8,"Menu"+CHR$(13) 112 GOTO152 114 KEY1,"Csave"+CHR$(34) 116 KEY2,"Load"+CHR$(34) 118 KEY3,"Print" 120 KEY3,"Input" 122 KEY5,"Cload"+CHR$(34) 124 KEY6,"Goto" 126 KEY7,"Edit" 128 KEY8,"Menu"+CHR$(13) 130 GOTO152 132 CLS 134 KEY1,"Print" 136 KEY2,"Lprint" 138 KEY3,"CL23164,0,23366" 140 KEY4,"CL27795" 142 KEY5,"*" 144 KEY6,"+" 146 KEY7,"^" 148 KEY8,"Menu"+CHR$(13) 150 GOTO152 152 'Kill Addrss & Schedl from menu 154 POKE63875,184:POKE63886,184 156 'Set dial speed to 'pps,20' 158 POKE63019,20 160 'Set LF to auto in MDM & COMM 162 POKE63066,1 164 PRINT"Load ADRS.DO? " 166 A$=INKEY$:IF A$=""GOTO166 168 IFA$<>"y"GOTO178 170 PRINT"Ready Cassette and press any key"; 172 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""GOTO172 174 MAXFILES=2:OPEN"cas:adrs"FORINPUTAS1:OPEN"adrs"FOROUTPUTAS2 176 LINEINPUT#1,A$:PRINT#2,A$:IFEOF(1)GOTO178ELSEGOTO176 178 CLOSE:MENU 180 'Error routine. 182 BEEP:RUN REDO.DOC Just a merging of "setup" & "cold start "programs from this SIG with the addition of "key" setup from "port. 100 mag". I, not being a programmer, have to tailor your progs. to my needs and find this prog. very useful. Hope some other business user will find this useful. I keep this on cassette - load "Redo.BA" & then load "ADRS.DO" (your & utilize after any cold start..Change "Key" functions to fit your needs". Originally I used 'key' function #3 for calculater signs, i.e., +,-,*,/, etc.