0 'This program will "lock" your M100, preventing power on until the 1 'modem switches are set to "DIR" and "ORG". Until then, the machine appears 2 ' "dead". There is a away around this program, so if you're really paranoid 3 ' you may wish to replace the "power off,resume" in line 20 with a "call 4 ' 32231" which will cold start the machine. The totally paranoid may 5 ' which to load the keyboard buffer with a BASIC EDIT command to null out 6 ' memory. Better remember you did this mod however, as the destruction 7 ' is fast and nonforgiving. LOAD this pgm, delete comments, and save as a .ba 8 ' file. Execute form main menu for best appearance. Bob Scott 73125,1437 9 POKE63056,128:POWEROFF,RESUME 10 K%=INP(187)AND48 20 IF K%<>0THENPOWEROFF,RESUMEELSEPOKE63056,0:MENU 30 GOTO10