Documentation to the sm-sort.100 russ Villanueva [70526,1434] Basically a shell-metzner sort program that appears in the model 100 owners manual modified for better under- standing and slightly faster than the original. it is not fast; but versitle . this program requires that you have your fields in a consistant order. example: 20 spaces for the name 5 " for the zipcode ??? " for the address and you can sort from spaces 5-10 if you want to. you can use the 'name' and change your sorted program to '' and use the 'schedule' system program to search for other items... and later on or if you can figure it out, you can sort after special characters no matter where it appears in the line. example: the following line are data. opps, baker street, *78934 who's there,*93843 the program could start sorting after it finds the '*' in the line. the modification to that program is simple and i'll probally upload it soon but i'll give you a chance to do it. the advange of doing that is that it saves precious memory. Example: !8823094 @30994 #0984 !93 @8 #99385 ----can be condensed to... !8823094@30994#0984 !93@8#99385 and you can still sort by any '!','@', or '#'. neat? Lastly, i merged another one of my programs into this that tells you how long it took to sort your file. (lines 1405, 10000-10020) this can be deleted with line #10020 changed to line #10000. hope you like it.