UTY2 ("Yootie-too") is my offering for a utilities program, inspired by UTILTY.300 and its brethren. This one automatically resets DATE$ to (19)84 when run (reprogram line 2 when year changes). Then files are listed, with a Function-key menu on bottom line (to dump screen to a lineprinter, press the PAUSE and then PRINT keys). Lots of inverse printing in this. F1 Kills any file; if an extension isn't typed, a menu is displayed; pressing D, B, or C completes the file-name with a .DO, .BA, or .CO extension (this works for F2 Load and F4 Name also). If a .BA file is killed, the Ok prompt appears with instruction to "press F4 to continue"; if a .DO file is killed, the UTY menu reappears automatically. F2 Loads a file from RAM into Basic and runs it (runs a .DO program file). NOTE: although variables I and J are DEFined as STRings, Load and Name will not work without the "$"; if you revise this program, do not change I$ or J$ in lines 200 & 410. F3 is FILEN.100 by [75765,762]; pressing the PRINT key will dump this to your lineprinter; any key returns you to the UTY menu. F4 reNames a file. F5 [Cadv] turns the cassette motor on & off for a moment, to place a blank space between files on tape; returns to UTY menu. F6 [Scrn] dumps the UTY-files screen to the Lineprinter. F7 [Pout] (Printout) dumps to lineprinter the DATE$, TIME$, memory available and string-space, on one line, then Lprints blank lines until intercepted; [P] switches back-and-forth between blank-printout and an idling loop; [M] exits to main Menu, & [U] to the UTY menu. F8 exits to the main menu. UTY2.BA is 1473 bytes with all REMarks removed. Comments in lines 0, 1,2,8,10,16,100,200,405,410,500,600,750,755,900,950,953,955,960,970,971,972, 980,981,1000,1008,2000,2002