------------------------ | Model 100 System Map | ------------------------ ROM: Part IV Copyright 1985 Revision Date: 09/30/85 Compiled and Researched by: Robert D. Covington Systems Information Management Consultants [Not associated with The Covington Group, N. Y., N. Y.] This document may be duplicated and distributed free of charge to any individuals who desire it. Any duplications of this document, however, must inluce all of the information contained here-in, with no deletions or changes. The author and distributors of this document make no expressed or implied warrantees as to the validity of the information contained here in. 3FA0H - TIME$ ON Statement 3FB2H - TIME$ OFF Statement 3FB9H - TIME$ STOP Statement 4009H - Clear all COM, TIME, and KEY interrupt definitions Exit: HL, A, and B destroyed 407FH - RESTORE Statement 409AH - STOP Statement 409FH - END Statement 40DAH - CONT Statement 40F1H - Check to see if the current character in the buffer pointed to by HL is an alpha character Entry: HL - Points to character to check Exit: A - Character pointed to by HL C flag - Reset if character is a letter 40F2H - Check to see if the character in A is a letter Entry: A - Character to check Exit: A - Preserved C flag - Reset if character is a letter 40F9H - CLEAR Statement 4174H - NEXT Statement 4222H - Send CRLF to screen or printer Exit: A = 10 4225H - Send LF to screen or printer Exit: A = 10 4229H - BEEP Statement. Beep computer. Exit: A = 7 422DH - Home cursor Exit: A = 11 4231H - CLS Statement. Clear screen Exit: A = 12 4235H - Protect line 8. An ESC T is printed. Exit: A = 84 423AH - Unprotect line 8. An ESC U is printed. Exit: A = 85 423FH - Stop automatic scrolling. An ESC V is printed. Exit: A = 86 4244H - Resume automatic scrolling. An ESC W is printed. Exit: A = 87 4249H - Turn the cursor on. An ESC P is printed. Exit: A = 80 424EH - Turn the cursor off. An ESC Q is printed. Exit: A = 81 4253H - Delete current line on screen. An ESC M is printed. Exit: A = 77 4258H - Insert line at current line. An ESC L is printed. Exit: A = 76 425DH - Erase from cursor to end of line. An ESC K is printed. Exit: A = 75 4262H - Send ESC X Exit: A = 88 4269H - Start inverse character mode. An ESC p is printed. Exit: A = 112 426EH - Cancel inverse character mode. An ESC q is printed. Exit: A = 113 4270H - Send escape sequence Entry: A - Character after escape (27) 427CH - Set the current cursor position Entry: L - Column (1-40) H - Row (1-8) Exit: A - Destroyed 428AH - Erase function key display Exit: HL & A - Destroyed 42A5H - Set and display function keys Entry: HL - Start address of function key table (see 5A7CH for the format of the table) Exit: All registers destroyed 42A8H - Display function key line Exit: All registers destroyed 4313H - Print the character in the A register to the screen. This routine is used by RST 20H to print characters on the screen. Entry: A - Character to output 4373H - Control code routine for LCD output (RST 20H) 438AH - Start of lookup table for RST 20H control characters. Each entry starts with the ASCII value of the character followed by the two byte vector address. 43A1H - End of special ASCII character lookup table 43AFH - ESC Y routine (Set cursor position) 43B2H - ESCape routine (27). This routine puts the LCD output routine into ESCape mode. The following characters processed throught the video driver will be used to determine the escape sequence. 43B8H - Start of lookup table for LCD escape sequences. Each entry starts with the one byte escape letter followed by the two byte vector address. 43F9H - End of escape vector lookup table 43FAH - ESCape sequence processor. This routine is used after the escape mode has been enabled (see 43B2H). 4431H - Escape p routine (start inverse video) 4432H - Escape q routine (cancel inverse video) 4437H - Escape U routine (unprotect line 8) 4439H - Escape T routine (protect line 8) 443FH - Escape V routine (Stop automatic scrolling) 4440H - Escape W routine (Resume automatic scrolling) 444AH - Escape X routine 4453H - Escape C routine (move cursor to the right) 445CH - Escape D routine (move cursor to the left) 4461H - Backspace routine (08H) 4469H - Escape A routine (move cursor up one line) 446EH - Escape B routine (move cursor down one line) 4480H - Tab routine (09H) 4494H - Linefeed routine (0AH) 44A8H - Verticle tab (0BH) and ESC H routine (home cursor) 44AAH - Carriage return routine (0DH) 44AFH - Escape P routine (turn cursor on) 44BAH - Escape Q routine (turn cursor off) 44C4H - Escape M routine 44EAH - Escape L routine (insert line on screen) 4535H - Escape l routine (erase current cursor line) 4537H - Escape K routine (erase from cursor to the end of the screen) 4548H - Form feed (0CH), CLS, ESC E, and ESC j routine 454EH - Escape J routine 463EH - Input line and place at F685H. Print characters as they are entered. Start input with a "? ". Exit: F685H - Text input from keyboard HL - Loaded with F685H C flag - Set if input aborted by a control C 4644H - Same as 463EH but no "? " is printed. 4684H - Input routine 463EH Control C handler 4696H - Input routine 463EH ENTER handler 46A0H - Input routine 463EH backspace, left arrow, control H handler 46C3H - Input routine 463EH Control U & X handler 46CAH - Input routine 463EH Tab handler 478BH - DIM Statement 4790H - Find the address of the variable in the buffer pointed to by HL. This routine returns the same result as BASIC's VARPTR instruction. Entry: HL - Points to the buffer containing the variable name Exit: HL - Incremented past variable name DE - Address of variable descriptor table (like VARPTR) (FB65H) - Variable type 4991H - USING Function 4B44H - Vector of RST 20H. Send the character in A to the screen or printer (see RST 20H). 4B55H - Print the character in the A register on the printer. Expand tabs into spaces if nescessary. Entry: A - Character to output 4B92H - Reinitialize screen back to the LCD. This routine sends a CR to the printer if needed to empty the print buffer on the printer. 4BABH - LCD character output routine Entry: A - Character to output 4BB8H - Send a CRLF to screen if needed to end the current line. This routine assures that the next text printed on the screen will start at the beginning of a line. Exit: A - Destroyed 4BEAH - INKEY$ Function 4C84H - Get information for the file number in the A register. This routine performs the same as VARPTR(#x). If A is greater than MAXFILES, a BN error is generated. Entry: A - File number (1-maxfiles) Entry: HL - Points to file number descriptor table (see VARPTR(#x). Z flag - Set if file is not already opened 4CCBH - OPEN Statement 4D59H - LCD, CRT, and LPT file close routine 4D6EH - RUN statement with text following the RUN 4D70H - LOAD Statement 4D71H - MERGE Statement 4DCFH - SAVE Statement 4E28H - CLOSE Statement 4E8EH - INPUT$ Function 4F0AH - Zero the memory starting at HL for B number of bytes Entry: HL - Start of buffer to zero B - Number of bytes to zero Exit: HL - Incremented past last byte zeroed A = 0 B = 0 4F0BH - Fill the memory starting at HL with the byte in the A register for B number of bytes Entry: HL - Start of buffer to fill A - Character to fill buffer with B - Number of bytes to fill Exit: HL - Incremented past last byte filled B = 0 4F2EH - Routine called by the PRINT statement to initialize a PRINT #. 4F5BH - LINE INPUT # statement 504EH - Generate NM error 5051H - Generate AO error 5054H - Generate DS error 5057H - Generate FF error 505AH - Generate CF error 505DH - Generate BN error 5060H - Generate IE error 5063H - Generate EF error 5066H - Generate FL error 506BH - LOF Function 506DH - LOC Function 506FH - LFILES Function 5071H - DSKO$ Function 5073H - DSKI$ Function 50F1H - Start of device name table. Each entry starts with the text name of the device ending with a FFH. 5112H - End of device name table 5113H - Start of device control block vector addresses. Each two byte pointer corresponds to the name in the device name table at 50F1H. This pointer points to the device's DCB which contains the vectors for device open, close, output, and input. 5122H - End of device control block vector addresses