CRLF.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. Did you ever wonder about the ^M and ^J you sometimes see on your M100 screen? Or wonder why its CR-LF and not LF-CR? Or have other perverse obsessions? If so, read on! Message range: 161013 to 161197 Dates: 11/22/87 to 11/24/87 Sb: #Basic help Fm: CHAIM FORGACS 72737,2213 To: Sysops I have the following problem. I wish to input a character-string into a text-file so, that in the file it should split into two parts with a carriage return in the middle. In other words if the string is "Text1?Text2" I wish to get in the file Text1 Text2 By the way chr$(13) does not help it results in "Text1^MText2" Thanks in advance for your help. Fm: Denny Thomas 76701,40 To: CHAIM FORGACS 72737,2213 You are half the way there. In addition to the CHR$(13), add a CHR$(10) (linefeed) along behind it. That should produce the desired little triangle. Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Denny Thomas 76701,40 It will produce ^M^L, but not the left-pointing triangle. At least in the screen display of the TEXT file. It should _function_ the same as the triangle however. Fm: Denny Thomas 76701,40 To: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 I'm going to try it, but I think it'll show up as a ^M^J pair only if you use the ^P to imbed the characters. If you are fiddling with them in basic, it makes the transition to a triangle. Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Denny Thomas 76701,40 Oh, I see.... interesting. Have you tried it to confirm it yet? I _was_ thinking of embedding them with the ^P technique. Fm: Denny Thomas 76701,40 To: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 Lo and behold - If you imbed a ^M followed by a ^J into text, it magically turns into a triange. If you try ^J^M, it stays as is Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Denny Thomas 76701,40 You're right. For some reason, I tested it with ^M^L, and that doesn't do it. (Obviously) Fm: Denny Thomas 76701,40 To: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 Gee, why would you want to do a top-of-form after every line? (hee hee) Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Denny Thomas 76701,40 The grey cells are deteriorating. Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Denny Thomas 76701,40 And another thing... Why would anybody want to keystroke CTRL-P, CTRL-M, CTRL-P, CTRL-J into a TEXT file, instead of just pressing the ENTER key???? It would be an arcane exercise. (and redundant, too) Even if creating a file with a BASIC program, it's not necessary. Fm: Denny Thomas 76701,40 To: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 Well, it's pretty entertaining watching those characters magically turn into a triangle? I can't imagine another use for it, but I have had the occasion to repair a file by inserting a ^J after a lone ^M. Search and replace programs can be deadly.