"Printable" Ctrl Chars ---------------------- ^G bel bell ^H bs backspace (w/o erasing) ^I tab tab ^J lf linefeed (w/o carriage return) ^K vt home cursor (does not clear screen) ^L ff clear screen & home cursor ^M cr carriage return (w/o linefeed) ^[ esc escape (see escape sequence list below) ^\ fs cursor right (CRT only) (right-arrow key) ^] gs cursor left (CRT only) (left-arrow key) ^^ rs cursor up (CRT only) (up-arrow key) ^_ us cursor down (CRT only) (down-arrow key) DEL del basckspace & erase Escape Sequences ($=esc) ---------------- $A cursor up (stops at edge of screen) $B cursor down (stops at edge of screen) $C cursor right (stops at edge of screen) $D cursor left (stops at edge of screen) $E clear screen/home cursor $H home cursor (does not clear screen) $J erase from cursor to end of screen $K erase from cursor to end of line $L inserts blank line at cursor (text scrolls down) $M deletes line at cursor (text scrolls up to fill) $N bs & erase (will wrap around at start of line)(CRT only) $P cursor on $Q cursor off $R changes cursor from block to underline (CRT only) $T protects bottom line of screen $U unprotects bottom line of screen $V lock mode (screen will not scroll) $W unlock (screen will scroll normally) $X clear keyboard buffer? $Ylc positions cursor to line ASC(l)-32, column ASC(c)-32. If line or col greater than screen limits then uses maximum possible value. $b clear from cursor to beginning of screen (CRT only) $c executes WIDTH 40 (clears screen)(CRT only) $d executes WIDTH 80 (clears screen)(CRT only) $e starts flash mode (CRT only) $f ends flash mode (CRT only) $i stores current cursor position (CRT only) $j same as $E $k moves cursor to stored position (0,0 default) (CRT only) $l clears line at cursor position $n prints "ESCY" & lc code for current cursor position (CRT only) $p start reverse mode $q end reverse mode $z DO NOT USE! Most of the time it does WIDTH 40 & clears the stored cursor position. However sometimes it can cause a two-character delay between when a character is sent to the screen & when it is actually displayed. (ie type 123 & the 1 will show up as you type 3...) (CRT only)