CVT8-7.100 Convert Programs from 8-bit to 7-bit This program allows you to upload/download a Basic program containing 8-bit graphics characters using a regular 7-bit ASCII upload/download. Lines with characters 128 to 255 must be modified if they are to be uploaded in 7-bit mode. CVT8-7 does this by coding these lines and making them into data statements. Line numbers from 65000 up are used for these data statements and also for a routine which later puts the program back in its original form, so the program to be processed must not contain line numbers higher than 64999. How to use CVT8-7 ----------------- Save your program as a .DO file. (Type SAVE"FILE",A or SAVE"FILE.DO") Run CVT8-7. Your program will be processed and a new file written. Lines which contain special characters should be kept a little shorter than usual, since CVT8-7 adds to their length. Characters are divided into three ranges: 32-127, 128-191, 192-255. When any character is in a different range than the preceding character a shift character is inserted into the output listing, so each such change adds one character to the line. A line number and DATA" add another 11 characters to the line length. This new file has mixed-up line numbers, so you may wish to LOAD it and re- save it in ASCII, but don't run it first or it will be converted back to its original form. (You should load it anyway to make sure everything is working okay.) Lastly, be sure to mention in any program description or documentation you upload: 1) The program is self-modifying the first time it is run. 2) It requires an available file slot on the menu for a file called TEMP8B.DO 3) The program listing you upload contains strange character sequences (like ~{}). This last one is especially important and should be in the description because people will think they're getting a bad download or the file is corrupted. Consider Basic statements like the following: C$=MID$({ ~(I9Z:[7X|{,P,1) It sure doesn't look too good, but it translates into a perfectly sensible result. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Neil Wick [71056,613] (GEnie: N.WICK)