How to get, LOAD and SAVE the editor for FIG4TH.100. Download the files MATCH&.SCR, EDITR1.SCR and EDITR2.SCR and convert them to .CO files with CHANGE.BA then save them to the TDD. Why not start a fresh new disk for your FIG4TH system and the screens for it? -->FIRST, READ THE TDD/RAMDISK INFORMATION, TDDRAM.FIG<-- When you see the symbol (CR) in these instructions press the ENTER key at that point to cause the computer to begin its action. Clear out as much of memory as you can, you'll need it to use FIG4TH. The uppermost 5K will not be used by FIG4TH so that programs like Diskmanager can be left there and the system memory won't be written over. Write a little BASIC program: 1 CLS: SCREEN 0,0: CALL 41219 (CR) and SAVE it with the name FORTH.BA. Note this enters at the WARM start location. Use this to get into FIG4TH after you have initially cold started the system. That way you won't bomb out any additions to FORTH you may have in memory. Load FIG4TH into memory from the TDD, get into BASIC, type CLEAR 100,41216 (CR) . If you got an OM error message you will need to clean out more room in RAM. Now type CALL 41216 (CR) to COLD start FIG4TH. In FORTH type -8 OFFSET ! EMPTY -BUFFERS HEX E000 C00 ERASE BYE (CR) to clear out the in-memory disk blocks and buffers and return to the M100 MENU. KILL FIG4TH.CO and then bring in MATCH&.CO from the TDD. Put the widebar cursor over MATCH& then (CR), you'll return to the MENU momentarily. This enters the screens in the file MATCH& into their "disk blocks" in memory. Run FORTH.BA to re-enter FIG4TH. Type 1 LOAD to cause FIG4TH to compile the string MATCH words and 2SWAP and 2DROP from the screens into the dictionary. To see a list of words in the dictionary type VLIST (CR). You can stop the scrolling anytime by hitting space. Type BYE to return to the MENU. Now kill MATCH& and load EDITR1.CO and EDITR2.CO into memory. As you did above, place the widebar cursor on EDITR1 and hit enter. Run FORTH to re-enter FIG4TH. Type 1 LOAD (CR) to compile the first half of the editor (this takes a while) and then BYE (CR) to return to the MENU. Repeat for EDITR2. (Don't fool around between loading the first half and returning to the MENU 'cause you will be in the EDITOR vocabulary with it only partly compiled - you may bomb the system.) Now that you've got it all in, type EDITOR (CR) and VLIST (CR) to see all the words that you've compiled. You can stop the scrolling anytime by hitting space. Type 1 LIST to see what a screen looks like. You can protect the entire new system from the rigors of a cold start by performing the actions listed below. FORTH DECIMAL (CR) LATEST 12 +ORIGIN ! (CR) ( TOP NFA) HERE 28 +ORIGIN ! (CR) ( FENCE ) HERE 30 +ORIGIN ! (CR) ( DP ) ' EDITOR 6 + 32 +ORIGIN ! (CR) ( VOC-LINK ) HERE FENCE ! You'll make a new FIG4TH that can be cold started etc., but, will be way too big to save to the TDD since it's bigger than the RAM below your new HIMEM. The M100 system WILL allow you to save it to tape tho! To find the upper boundry of the block of memory you want to save,in FIG4TH type DECIMAL HERE U. (CR) (The number [49262?] will be the first available memory location in the dictionary.) Then, in BASIC, (do your thing with the tape recorder to set it up for saving a program) type CSAVEM"FIG4TH",41216,,41216 (CR). Now you'll have a full figFORTH with EDITOR on tape that you can reload into memory any time you need it. You don't need to save the unused space above the dictionary, the user variables, buffers, etc. since they will all be reestablished by COLD when you CALL 41216. BUG REPORT - fair warning! 1) Fig remembers which screens are in its buffers. Due to the manner that this is done fig thinks that the first disk block (128 char) of screen 1 is in memory after a cold start, a warm start, EMPTY-BUFFERS etc.. This means that 1 LIST will often show the first two lines as blank when they are not. If you 2 LIST 3 LIST (or something similar) you'll fill the internal buffers with something other than screen one then 1 LIST will work fine. LOAD will misbehave in a similar fashion. 2) This is not exactly the same editor that is described in "Starting FORTH" although its very close. "S" works differently here. "M" has a bug that I haven't yet identified. GoFORTH and enjoy! Dave Rowell