Another GW-BASIC tip: Copyright 1990 Tony B. Anderson, All Rights Reserved If you're attempting to convert Model 100 family BASIC programs to run under GW-BASIC, you may find a problem in converting the Model 100 PRINT@ statements to the corresponding LOCATE X,Y notation used in GW-BASIC. The below program makes such conversions rapidly, assuming you have one of the Model 100-type computers to run it in. It runs in any; the 100, 102 or 200. Simply type in the number following the PRINT@ statement, and it returns the Row and Column numbers needed in the GW-BASIC LOCATE statement. 0 ' M100 PRINT@ to GWB LOCATE Conversions 1 ' Copyright 1990 Tony B. Anderson, All Rights Reserved 10 CLS:PRINT@41,"PRINT@ vs LOCATE X,Y conversion":PRINT 20 INPUT" Model 100 screen position: ";N 30 PRINT 40 R=INT(N/40):C=N-(R*40)+1:R=R+1 50 PRINT" Equals: Row (X):"R;CHR$(8);", Column (Y):"C 60 PRINT:PRINT" Another? (Y/N) "; 70 Q$=INPUT$(1):IFQ$=CHR$(13)THEN100 80 Q$=CHR$(ASC(Q$)AND223):PRINTQ$ 90 IFQ$="Y"THEN PRINT@120,CHR$(27)"J":GOTO20 100 MENU