HEX2CO -- Intel Format Hex Loader, and CO2HEX -- Convert .CO to Intel Hex HEX2CO loads an Intel format hex file as a .CO file on the model 100. This format is used by a number of assemblers, including the standard CP/M ASM. To load a hex file, simply run HEX2CO. You will be prompted for the name of the file (the .DO is not necessary). It may take several minutes to load; be patient. After loading, there will be a .CO file with the same name as the .DO file. The machine language program will also be loaded and ready to run. HIMEM will be set to reserve space for the machine language program. Remember to CLEAR 256,MAXRAM when you are finished running the machine language program to recover the space. CO2HEX performs the reverse process: it converts a .CO file in the model 100's RAM into its Intel hex representation. The EXE: address is used to set the beginning address contained in the EOF (:00) record. Known Deficiencies: - Both programs require a 24k system to operate. - The first address loaded with HEX2CO must be the lowest address used. Credits: These programs are updates of programs written by Michael J. Rubenstein called (respectively) HEXLDR.100 and UNLOAD.100, both of which can be found on the CompuServe Model 100 SIG. If you are not a member of this SIG, I strongly recommend that you join it, as there are a lot of knowledgable and helpful folks on there. These programs differ from the previous ones in that they properly handle the checksums at the end of each line of data.