This is a chart of memory locations of the Model 100 keys. It shows thet memory locations of the keys and the values returned at those locations when the keys are pressed. Use the peek function to find the values Example Print Peek(65425) will show the values in that row. 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 65425 Z X C V B N M L 65426 A S D F G H J K 65427 Q W E R T Y U I 65428 O P BR :; "' ,< .> ?/ 65429 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 65430 9( 0) -_ += LA RA UA DA 65431 SPA DEL TAB ESC PAS LAB PRT ENT 65432 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 65433 SHI CTR GRP COD NUM CAP BRK BR = Brackets SPA = Space PAS = Paste ENT = Enter SHI = Shift CTR = Ctrl GRP = Grph COD = Code CAP = Caps Lock BRK = Break LA = Left Arrow RA = Right Arrow DA = Down Arrow UA = Up Arrow George Saladino 70210,445 /ex