LOMEM.THD --- Copyright 1987 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. James Yi has recently uploaded a new LOMEM.200/SRC. Can it be converted for use on the Model 100?? These messages discuss the point, and one gives conversion addresses for use in doing the conversion from James' source code in DL10. If anyone is successful, please report the success (and upload the result!). Message range: 157840 to 157959 Dates: 10/7/87 to 10/9/87 Sb: #LOMEM.100??? Fm: RANDY HESS 73267,552 To: [F] Jame Yi 73327,1653 James, Although I own an M100, I read with great interest your LOMEM.200 in DL10 after noticing it's upload in DL1 (DES).Have you or someone else done this same kind of research for the M100? From allusions by Phil and Tony when replying to other questions, I think that 0MENU ma live down in the LOMEM basement along with some other DOS's. While I'm not an M/L type your discussion made sense. Between your LOMEM use and Phil's Alt/LCD we may yet find secure hiding places for everything! If your 200 program could be modified for M100 use I'll bet I wouldn't be the only one to use it! Always enjoy your SIG comments! Best Regards, Randy Fm: James Yi 73327,1653 To: RANDY HESS 73267,552 Randy, have you read LOMEM.SRC in dl10? It explains the rom calls and peeks that I used for Lomem.200, and I think someone may be able to translate those for 100/102. Let me know if you need any help. Fm: RANDY HESS 73267,552 To: James Yi 73327,1653 James, I'll take a look but I'm afraid the subtleties of your work will be lostm on a neophyte such as I. Maybe Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: James Yi 73327,1653 Seems like I did that, James, and that it did not work (for someone, never tried it myself -- just converted the addresses). Info may be in LOWMEM.THD in DL8. Fm: James Yi 73327,1653 To: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 I read LOWMEM.THD, but it seems to be refering to the first version, LOWMEM.200 which was replaced by second version, LOMEM.200 The first was quite unstable, but the second version I think will work. Take a look at the source file, LOMEM.SRC- I hope it will be enough to successfully convert addrs. Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: James Yi 73327,1653 Here are the equivalent addresses I've come up with, in decimal. 200 100 ----- ----- 4556 4514 21744 17982 2327 2284 62702 64192 33498 27551 33448 27501 63074 64431 62703 64193 40960 32768 <---- see note below 11362 8518 Note that 40960 = A000h, and I assume this is the bottom of RAM for the 200. The equivalent address for the 100 should be 8000h = 32769. But I don't find your assembler source easy to read and I do not know what you are doing at this address. Act accordingly! Let us know if this works (anyone!)