Entering a text file from a Basic program on the Model 100/102 Entering TEXT from Basic is easily done with a CALL 24046. This gives you the familiar "File to edit?" prompt you get from the main menu. There is also a way to enter a predetermined file without requiring the user to type the name, but it is necessary to check the directory for the address where the file starts. The following program listing demonstrates how this can be done: 10 CLEAR:FILES:INPUT"Filename";T$:T$=T$+SPACE$(6-LEN(T$))+"DO" 200 F$="":N=256:FORM=-1606TO-1408STEP11:L=M+3:IFPEEK(M)THENW=VARPTR(F$):POKEW,8:POKEW+1,LMODN+N:POKEW+2,L/N+N:IFF$=T$THENCALL24421,0,PEEK(M+1)+256*PEEK(M+2) 210 NEXT:PRINT"File not found" Normally the program would specify the filename as, for example "ADRS DO" and the routine starting at line 200 would follow. Note that filenames must be in capital letters, or the search will fail. After you've finished editing your text file, F8 will return you to the main menu. The real trick would be returning to the Basic program, but I suspect that's much more difficult. You should be aware that editing a program by adding a line at the "Ok" prompt or deleting a line by typing its number followed by the "enter" key does not update the directory. A CLEAR statement at the beginning of your program should solve this. Jumping into a text file part-way through is okay; it just means you can't edit the first part of the file, but jumping into a Basic or .CO file is likely to be hazardous to your RAM files. Neil Wick [71056,613]