This file contains information about the Model-100 ROMs from 5000 hex to 5FFF hex. It will be updated from time to time with code (after the rather tedious chore of picking out text is complete.) Robert Briggs [70515,1262] . 50f1 (?????) device table defm 'LCD',0ffh defm 'CRT',0feh defm 'CAS',0fdh defm 'COM',0fch defm 'WAND',0fbh defm 'LPT',0fah defm 'MDM',0f9h defm 'RAM',0f8h defb 00h . . . 517c (?????) TELCOM text and table defm 'Telcom: ',00h text address ---- -------. 5185 defm 'STAT', 51c0 518b defm 'TERM', 5455 5191 defm 'CALL', 522f 5197 defm 'FIND', 534d 519d defm 'MENU', 5797 51a3 defb 0ffh Telcom label line 51a4 defm 'Find',0a0h 51a9 defm 'Call',0a0h 51ae defm 'Stat',0a0h 51b3 defm 'Term',08dh 51b8 defb 80h 51b9 defb 80h ; blank entries 51ba defb 80h 51bb defm 'Menu',08dh . . . 5244 defm 'Calling ',00h . . . 5583 defm 'Full' defm 'Half' defm 'Echo' defm ' ' defb 0dh defm ' Wait ',00h defm ' ' . . . 5753 defm 'File to Upload',00h 5760 defm 'File to Download',00h 5771 defm 'aborted',0dh,0ah,00h 577c defm 'No file',0dh,0ah,00h 5786 defm 'Disconnect',00h . . . 5ae9 defm 'Jan' 5aec defm 'Feb' 5aef defm 'Mar' 5af2 defm 'Apr' 5af5 defm 'May' 5af8 defm 'Jun' 5afb defm 'Jul' 5afe defm 'Aug' 5b01 defm 'Sep' 5b04 defm 'Oct' 5b07 defm 'Nov' 5b0a defm 'Dec' 5b0d defm '(C)Microsoft',00 . . . 5b24 defm 'Select: ',05fh 5b2d defm ' ',00h . . . ; BASIC label line selections ; 5b46 defm 'Files',08dh 5b4c defm 'Load ',0a2h 5b52 defm 'Save ',0a2h 5b58 defm 'Run',08dh 5b5c defm 'List',08dh 5b61 defm 080h,080h ; empty selections 5b63 defm 'Menu',08dh . . . 5cce defm 'ADRS.DO not found',00 5ce1 defm 'Adrs: ',00h 5ce8 defm 'Schd: ',00h ; ; next seems to be table and addresses ; 5cef defm 'FIND' 5cf3 defw 5c53 ; 5cf5 defm 'LFND' 5cf9 defw 5bf7 ; 5cfb defm /MENU' 5cff defw 5797 ; 5d01 defb 0ffh ; end of table ; 5d02 defm 'NOTE.DO',00 ; ;SCHDL label line ; 5d0a defm 'Find',0a0h 5d0f defm 080h,080h,080h ; empty 5d12 defm 'Lfnd',0a0h 5d17 defm 080h,080h 5d19 defm 'Menu',08dh ; 5d1e defm 080h,080h 5d20 defm 'Mor',0e5h 5d24 defm 'Qui',0f4h 5d28 defm 080h,080h,080h,080h 5d2c defm 'Call',0a0h 5d31 defm 'Mor',0e5h 5d35 defm 'Qui',0f4h 5d39 defm 080h,080h,080h,080h . . . 5e15 defm 'File to edit',00h 5e22 defm 080h,080h,080h,080h 5e26 defm 080h,080h,080h,083h 5e2a defm 'Find',08eh 5e2f defm 'Load',096h 5e34 defm 'Save',087h 5e39 defm 080h 5e3a defm 'Copy',08fh 5e3f defm 'Cut ',095h 5e44 defm 'Sel ',08ch 5e49 defm 'Menu' 5e4d defb 01bh,09bh ;????? . . . 5f38 defm 'Text ill-formed',07,00 5f49 defb 0dh,0ah 5f4b defm 'Press space bar ' defm 'for ',00 5f60 defm 'TEXT',00 . . .