TCOMP.TDD This is the promised TDD version of TCOMP.DVI. It works similar to TCOMP.DVI in the method by which it extracts the BASIC program from the disk drive. A couple of lines had to be added to catch the End Of File. This is most prominent in line 100. Line 7400 is a correction applied to TCOMP.DVI and carried over to TCOMP.TDD. Follow these instructions to modify TCOMP.DVI to work with the TDD: 1) Save TCOMP.TDD on RAM: using 'SAVE"TCOMPA",A' 2) Load TCOMP.DVI from wherever it is stored (RAM:, CAS:, 0:) 3) Delete lines 7000-7100 Delete lines 8000-8099 4) Apply the fix like this: 'MERGE"TCOMPA"' 5) Save the new TCOMP.TDD: 'SAVE"0:TCOMP.BA"' 6) Run TCOMP.TDD using TEST.TCM stored on disk to verify operation. And that's it!!! The programming =============== This section is for those of you who have a Chipmunk and wish to convert TCOMP.TDD to run on it. Located In the program are 3 calls to machine language programs. These calls are: 1) CALL MAXRAM+3, param#1, param#2 This call opens up a file for output, append or input, the file whose name is pointed to by param#2. Param#1 must be a value of 1 for output, 2 for append, or 3 for input. Param#2 points to the name of the file to be opened and must be 8 characters long (ie. "TEST.BA" looks like "TEST BA"). 2) CALL MAXRAM+6,param#1,param#2 This call loads into a buffer (which is param#1 in length) the data from disk previously opened (by CALL MAXRAM+3). Param#2 is a pointer pointing to the beginning of the buffer. 3) CALL MAXRAM+15,2 This closes the opened file on the TDD. If you know the calls in the Chipmunk O/S and their format, there should be no problem performing the conversion. Compare TCOMP.121, .DVI, and .TDD and notice how I modified .121; The lines to look at are 8000-8099, and 7040-7060. I tried to keep it obvious, however, what is obvious to some is obscure to others. My biggest thing is neatness, so there shouldn't be any problems. TCOMP.TDD merge file: 100 IF EN AND Q>=LEN(ZZ$)-2 THEN 200 102 GOSUB 1: Z0=ZZ: Q=Q+1: Z0=ZZ: GOSUB 1: Q=Q+1: IF Z0+ZZ THEN NL=NL+1: GOSUB 1: Q=Q+1: Z0=ZZ: GOSUB 1: Q=Q+1: L(NL)=Z0+ZZ*256: M(NL)=M: PRINT@16,L(NL)"="M ELSE 200 7000 CLS: PRINT "TCOMP.121.TDD - Tiny Basic Compiler": PRINT "Using POWR-Disk ver 100.1.1": PRINT 7010 EX=0:INPUT"Starting Address";EX:IFEX=0THENMENU 7011 IFEX>MAXRAMTHENPRINT"That is above MAXRAM":BEEP:GOTO7010 7020 ON ERROR GOTO 7300 7021 CLEAR 800,EX: DEFSNG A-Z: DEFINT G,I,J,N,P,R: DEFSTR C 7022 ON ERROR GOTO 7300 7023 DIM P,C,R,Q,M,V,L(200),M(200),S%(21),S(21),U%(10),U(10),V$(50),V(50),A%(1000),A(1000),X(3) 7030 Z=MAXRAM:INPUT"Ending Address";Z:IFZ>MAXRAMORZ96ANDP<123THENMID$(CS,I,1)=CHR$(P-32) 7042 NEXT: IF INSTR(CS,"0:")<>0 THEN CS=MID$(CS,INSTR(CS,"0:")) 7043 ZZ=INSTR(CS,".BA"): IF ZZ=0 THEN CS=CS+".BA": GOTO 7043 7044 IF LEN(CS)>9 THEN PRINT "Error in file name": BEEP: GOTO 7040 7045 CS=LEFT$(CS,ZZ-1)+SPACE$(6-ZZ+1)+"BA" 7050 LFILES TO "" 7051 OPEN "qfwfq" FOR INPUT AS 1: ZZ=0: Z1$=LEFT$(CS,6)+"."+RIGHT$(CS,2) 7052 IF EOF(1) THEN 7058 7053 LINE INPUT#1,CZ: ZZ=ZZ+1 7054 IF LEFT$(CZ,9)<>Z1$ THEN 7052 7055 ' found!!! 7056 CLOSE 1 7057 KILL"": GOTO 7060 7058 CLOSE 1: CLS: PRINT "File not found":BEEP: OPEN "qfwfq" FOR INPUT AS 1: FOR I7=1 TO ZZ-1: INPUT#1,ZZ$: PRINT LEFT$(ZZ$,9)" ";: NEXT I7: CLOSE 1: PRINT 7059 KILL"": LINE INPUT "Press [RETURN] to continue";ZZ$: GOTO 7040 7060 INPUT"Object .CO File";CO 7062 IF INSTR(CO,".")<>0 THEN PRINT ".CO extension assumed": BEEP: CO=CO+".CO" 7064 IF LEN(CO)>9 THEN BEEP: PRINT ".CO file name too long": GOTO 7060 7070 Q=1: EX=HIMEM: M=EX: VT=Z 7071 C=".DP":GOSUB7210:C=".FP":GOSUB7210:C=".FS":VT=VT-38:GOSUB7210:C=".RN":GOSUB7210 7072 RESTORE9910:GOSUB7200:CX=C:GOSUB7200:CM=C:GOSUB7200:CP=C 7090 CLS: PRINT "Compiling BASIC:": V=0: GOSUB 6: CS%=VARPTR(CS): CALL MAXRAM+3,3,PEEK(CS%+1)+256*PEEK(CS%+2)' open CS for input 7092 ZZ$=SPACE$(200): ZZ=VARPTR(ZZ$): CALL MAXRAM+6,PEEK(ZZ),PEEK(ZZ+1)+256*PEEK(ZZ+2)' get 200 bytes 7094 OPEN "qfwfq" FOR OUTPUT AS 1: CLOSE 1: KILL"" 7099 GOTO 100 7400 BEEP: PRINT "SYSTEM ERROR #";ERR;"OCCURED IN LINE #";ERL 7410 IF ERR>=59 AND ERR<=67 THEN PRINT "Check error codes and descriptions on page -17- of the POWR-Disk manual. 7490 END 7520 IF CO<>"" THEN SAVEM "0:"+CO+".CO",EX,Z,EX 8000 REM read char 8002 IF Q<1 THEN PRINT"Compiler error: too many reverse reads": END 8010 IF Q<=LEN(ZZ$) THEN ZZ=ASC(MID$(ZZ$,Q,1)): GOTO 8099 8020 IF EN THEN PRINT "Unexpected END of SOURCE file.": ZZ=0: GOTO 8099 8030 ON ERROR GOTO 8090 8040 Z9$=STRING$(100,0): Z9=VARPTR(Z9$) 8050 CALL MAXRAM+6, PEEK(Z9), PEEK(Z9+1)+256*PEEK(Z9+2)' get 100 bytes 8055 ON ERROR GOTO 7400 8060 ZZ$=RIGHT$(ZZ$,100)+Z9$ 8070 Q=101 8080 GOTO 8010 8090 CALL MAXRAM+15,2' close CS 8092 EN=NOT 0 8094 Z9$=LEFT$(Z9$,INSTR(Z9$,STRING$(2,0))+2) 8096 RESUME 8055 8099 RETURN CHECKSUM:193,735 (On above code) Final notes =========== 1) This program should work with subsequent versions of POWR-D. I used only the calls that Acroatix has promised to maintain from rev to rev. 2) This program creates and destroys a ram file named "QWFWQ.DO" - if you should have such a file in ram, it WILL be lost. This is the same file as used by "MENU.BA" on the "POWR-DISK Owner's Disk" so there should be no conflict nor problems. Happy compiling!!! +-------------+ | Robert Toft | | [74716,476] | +-------------+