This is the kludge that I've developed as a first solution to the disk/screen problem for FIG4TH. FORTH stores everything to disk in the same manner, as "screens" consisting of 16 lines of 64 characters. Shorter lines are padded out with spaces. The system is organized so that virtual memory is implemented on disk. That's great but the M100 doesn't support the TDD. In this version of figFORTH disk has been emulated in RAM so that some of FORTH's features can be used. In the future this capability can be bootstrapped to give us real disk support. There are three screens simulated in RAM in these locations: screen start end 1 E000 E3FF 57344 58367 2 E400 E7FF 58368 59391 3 E800 EBFF 59392 60415 Screens contain only text information. Text files are a pain to deal with since they don't sit still in memory. But, .CO files have their boundries stored as part of the file enabling the system to store them and restore them to their original location. We use what support the system gives us. Store a screen in lo-memory from BASIC by SAVEM"name",start,end. Restore it by placing the widebar cursor over it and pressing ENTER. This way you can deal with one, two or all screens in one file. The screen will go back where it came from. I propose that any screens uploaded to the SIG for the FIG4TH system be uploaded as HEX files to be converted back with CHANGE.BA. The file extension should be .SCR. With a little skull work there is no big trick in updating a file already in lo -memory from within FORTH. Also locations can be changed at will. Fig deals with the disk in blocks of 128 characters (that is with the original version of ENCLOSE) or two lines of a screen at a time. Its internal buffers are also arrainged in that manner. What's lacking is a disk drive primative routine to read and write to a specific track and sector on the disk. Given that, the remainder of the figFORTH listing will enable virtual memory. The word CALL is written in low level in FIG4TH to enable use of the ROM routines. I'm hoping that one-of- these-days I'll understand FLOPPY.CO and the ROMs well enough so that FIG4TH can talk to the disk without any mysterious system crashes. GoFORTH and enjoy! Dave Rowell