Saving fig-Forth Dictionaries: If you have defined new word definitions that you use frequently, or if you have an application program that you want to save as a .CO file, you will want to save a copy of your new Forth dictionary with your definitions or application program already compiled into the dictionary, so that you don't have to LOAD screens each time. Several user variables stored in the origin area ("boot-up literals") will have to be modified so your new words will be recognized the next time this dictionary is booted. Here's how to do it: LOAD the screens containing your word definitions or application program so they're compiled into the dictionalry. Then execute the following words: FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL LATEST 12 +ORIGIN ! ( NFA of most recent addition to current vocabulary ) HERE 28 +ORIGIN ! ( resets FENCE ) HERE 30 +ORIGIN ! ( resets DP ) HERE FENCE ! ( resets current value of FENCE ) HERE U. ( gives you the top of the dictionary ) Also, if you created a new vocabulary: ' vocabname 6 + 32 +ORIGIN ! ( resets VOC-LINK ) Be sure to remember the new value of HERE. Exit to the main RAM menu. Kill the previous FORTH.CO file if it's in the RAM menu and/or other files to make room. Now go to Basic and SAVEM"newfile.CO",40960,new top,40960 and you'll have your new expanded FORTH! Tim Ekdom 72575,1473 Feb, 1986