TXTCAL.ASM and TXTCAL.100 by Mo Budlong 76167,3310 (c) 1988 Mo Budlong May be freely used in any non-commercial application. The TXTCAL.ASM program allows TEXT to be called from within a BASIC program to edit a file, and to return to BASIC at the next line or statement. TXTCAL.BAS includes a loader and a sample call to the program. You do not need TXTCAL.ASM to make the program work. It is included for those who are interesed in how the technique works. All you need are the data statements and the loader in TXTCAL.BAS. The TXTCAL.ASM routine has only one location dependent address and the loader takes care of adjusting it for you. To change the address of the TXTCAL routine, change the TX=value at line 320. Also ensure that you have cleared enough memory to load at that address as is shown in line 110 of the sample program. If you are used to using TXTJMP.200 there are a couple of differences. TXTJMP.200 passes the starting address of the DO file to the machine routine. TXTCAL passes a pointer to a variable containing the name of the file to edit. Locating the start of the file is taken care of within the assembly language routine. TXTJMP.200 restores BASIC keys in the BASIC code after returning from the editor. TXTCAL restores this within the machine code. TXTJMP and TXTCAL both ensure that the file to be edited exists by opening the file in append mode and closing it before calling their respective machine language routines. Mo.