The documentation for the Radio Shack/Microsoft ASSEMBLER/DEBUGER fails to mention a number of things. I would like to establish this file as a format for sharing our fixes and/or hints for the best use of ZBGASM. [1] See FIXHOK.ZBG in this DL for a small BASIC program to repair the RST 7 hook table upon exit from ZBGASM. That's why the example program bombs out, CHGET (WAIT: CALL 12CB) calls through the hook table, and ZBGASM isn't set up to handle the suprise! [2] The warm entry for ZBGASM seems to be at location E9D5 (59861). So if you're working on a program and want to reenter ZBGASM (to use the symbolic DEBUGGER perhaps) when a routine finishes just use JMP 0E9D5H as the last instruction. You can also get back to ZBGASM from the MENU without bombing the symbol table by entering BASIC and CALLing 59861. [3] Now its your turn... Contact me through EASYPLEX 'cause I'm not often on the SIG. David O. Rowell 70406,445