LIB 9 - Peripherals [71266,125] Phil Wheeler 2DRIVE.THD Text, Bytes: 19730, Count: 42, 14-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: DUAL TDD PDD 100 102 200 MESSAGES THREAD 2DR The file 2DRIVE.TDD in Lib 9 discusses developing a dual-TDD system for the Tandy computers. This set of messages discusses the implementation of such a system, and results from the first users. Additional THD files on this topic are expected! [71266,125] Phil Wheeler 2DRV2A.THD Text, Bytes: 10763, Count: 37, 20-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD DUAL DRIVES PROGRAMMING DOS MESSAGES THREAD The file 2DRIVE.TDD in Lib 9 discusses developing a dual-TDD system for the Tandy computers. This is the second THD of messages discusses the implementation of such a system, and results from the first users. These messages focus on software utilities to support the dual-TDD system. ** Uploaded as two pieces: 2DRV2A.THD & 2DRV2B.THD ** [71266,125] Phil Wheeler 2DRV2B.THD Text, Bytes: 13950, Count: 37, 20-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD DUAL DRIVES PROGRAMMING DOS MESSAGES THREAD The file 2DRIVE.TDD in Lib 9 discusses developing a dual-TDD system for the Tandy computers. This is the second THD of messages discusses the implementation of such a system, and results from the first users. These messages focus on software utilities to support the dual-TDD system. ** Uploaded as two pieces: 2DRV2A.THD & 2DRV2B.THD ** [75745,300] RICHARD SALIBA ADAPTR.MIC Text, Bytes: 2865, Count: 201, 05-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: ADAPTER MICRO CASSETTE MICROCASSETTE RECORDER TAPE STORAGE FILE File explains how to build an adapter which allows use of microcassette recorder as a file storage device, and describes technique of saving data to this type of recorder. [75775,202] ADDICT.CHP Text, Bytes: 2675, Count: 50, 10-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 CHIPMUNK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK DISK ADD This program will add words into the disk dictionary files, expanding the disk dictionary. Checksum = 198711 David Willman 75775,202 [75775,202] ADDICT.DOC Text, Bytes: 1695, Count: 175, 03-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE Documentation for ADDICT.TD2. Checksum = 143,124 Dave W. 75775,202 [75775,202] ADDICT.TD2 Text, Bytes: 2205, Count: 134, 03-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE ADDICT.TD2 adds words from the RAM file SUSPEC.DO to the disk dictionary files DICT-A.DO thru DICT-Z.DO. WARNING: There must be enough free memory in the computer to contain a complete individual dictionary file in RAM. Please read: ADDICT.DOC Checksum = 148,005 Dave W. 75775,202 [71676,725] ADDRAM.TXT Text, Bytes: 6515, Count: 151, 20-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: MODEL 100 INTERNAL RAM EXPANSION PG DESIGN INSTALLATION 96K 224K This text file tells how Kenn Becker of the South Coast Model 100 Users Group installed a PG Design RAM chip inside his Model 100. He shows how 96K of RAM cam be installed on the inside of the 40 pin bus with another 96K normally on the outside of the bus, so that with 32K in the main bank you can have a 224K Model 100. Uploaded by Rick Mendosa, but contact Kenn directly at (805) 966-7121. [70465,203] Leonard Erickson ATFIX.DOC Text, Bytes: 1155, Count: 103, 19-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: DVI BASIC DIRECTORY ALLOCATION TABLE FIX DISK AT Documentation for ATFIX.DVI [70465,203] Leonard Erickson ATFIX.DVI Text, Bytes: 575, Count: 76, 11-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: DVI BASIC DIRECTORY ALLOCATION TABLE FIX DISK A program to repair errors in the Allocation Table of the DVI disk. See the instructions in the accompanying file, ATFIX.DOC. You will also need a directory printout, generated by the program FATPRT.DVI, to keep track of which cluster point where. WARNING: This program is NOT User Friendly! If you are unsure of how to use it, leave a message or EasyPlex for the author before trying. Checksum = 34,040 [72237,2656] BACKRD.100 Text, Bytes: 3277, Count: 76, 16-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: NODE RAM 100 102 DATAPAC RAMDISK BASIC BACKUP UTILITY BACKRD.BAS is a Node RAMDisk file backup utility. It backs up all Datapac files to a Tandy portable disk drive. POWER-DISK is required!! Docs included in this file. Checksum=250,325 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson BACKRD.200 Text, Bytes: 21760, Count: 30, 13-Jul-89 Title : Thread on converting BACKRD.100 to .200 Keywords: NODE BACKUP PC RAMDISK COPY TRANSFER XFER 200 M100CO DISK This file contains a captured message thread describing changing BACKRD.100 (a program for the 100/102), so it will run in a 200, allowing the user to backup all files in a 256K Node RAMdisk to a PC clone, using M100CO.EXE in the PC to simulate a TDD (Tandy Portable Disk Drive). It results in a fast, automatic way to backup all Node files to a PC, requiring only minutes to copy all files to a PC disk. [73537,775] BACKUP.DOC Text, Bytes: 5045, Count: 193, 26-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TANDY DISK DRIVE BACKUP TDD PDD POWR-DISK ACROATIX Documentation for DSKRAM.100 and RAMDSK.100, programs to backup and Restore files from the Model 100 RAM to the TDD and back. [70007,1365] Ed Juge BANK0.EJ Text, Bytes: 280, Count: 34, 10-May-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BANK SWITCH BATTERY CHANGE 32K RAM BOARD PG Modification of previous pgm (at suggestion of Bill Templeton) to check the date you installed batteries in your PG Design 32K RAM module, and warn when it's time to change. Date is checked every time you change to that bank. Sub this program for 'BANK 0.BA'. [72027,3653] Peter Ross BANKID.100 Text, Bytes: 86, Count: 38, 07-Dec-92 Title : Identify which PCSG RAM bank you are in Keywords: PCSG CRYPTONICS RAM BANK ID MM.100 TELCOM Run BANKID.100 to identify which PCSG RAM bank is current. BANKID.100 POKEs the bank number you select into the Main Menu, as an extension to TELCOM; e.g. BASIC TEXT TELCOM.3 ADDRESS Useful in conjunction with MM.100 Checksum = 5389 [75655,231] BANKSW.100 Text, Bytes: 405, Count: 137, 10-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BANK SWITCH RAM MENU PGD 224K TDD CHIPMUNK BASIC program for switching banks on the P.G. Design 224K RAM expansion, without using MENU.BA. Works with, or without Chipmunk or Tandy Portable Disk Drives. 159 bytes long. Checksum = 24,223 G.J. Paul, Jr. [72517,526] Don Sakers BANKSW.100 Text, Bytes: 327, Count: 37, 13-Jun-90 Title : 1-line BASIC bank switcher for PCSG RAM expansion Keywords: PCSG CRYPTRONICS RAM BANK 96K MEMORY BANKS SWITCH EXPANSION SAKERS One-line, 36-byte BASIC program which allows users of the PCSG (American Cryptronics) RAM expansion to switch from any bank to any other bank. Checksum = 27,023 [72146,2632] BASIC1.CHP Text, Bytes: 10605, Count: 201, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK FOLDER SYNTAX RAM COMMAND DRIVE Part 1 of Tim Ekdom's "Complete Primer on Disk File Handling with the Chipmunk Disk Drive". It contains an introduction to CDOS and the disk device, and goes on to describe using the Chipmunk from both Basic and Text. There's also a discussion of disk Basic differences with RAM or cassette. And, a snyopsis is given of the CDOS command syntax. [72146,2632] BASIC2.CHP Text, Bytes: 13780, Count: 147, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK DATA FILE STRUCTURE SEQUENTIAL HOLMES Part 2 of Tim Ekdom's Chipmunk Basic primer. File structure of records and fields, sequential files, and fixed-length fields [72146,2632] BASIC3.CHP Text, Bytes: 18950, Count: 132, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK DRIVE PCSG HOLMES FILE FIELD Part 3 of Tim Ekdom's Chipmunk Basic primer. Covers sequential file handling, including adding, reading and searching records. Also, changing, deleting and inserting records is covered. And, we end up in a discussion of variable length fields. [72146,2632] BASIC4.CHP Text, Bytes: 15145, Count: 127, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK DRIVE SEQUENTIAL FILES OPEN RANDOM PART 4 of Tim Ekdom's Chipmunk Basic primer. Contains synopsis of statement syntax for sequential files. Also, covers Random access files and the new statements of FIELD, GET, PUT, LOF, LOC, EOF. [72146,2632] BASIC5.CHP Text, Bytes: 8920, Count: 130, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK DRIVE RANDOM FILE READ WRITE Part 5 of Tim Ekdom's Chipmunk Basic primer. Focuses on random access file handling, and the reading and writing of records [72146,2632] BASIC6.CHP Text, Bytes: 14465, Count: 129, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK DRIVE RECORD ADDRESS DELETE RANDOM PART 6 of Tim Ekdom's Chipmunk Basic primer. Generating record numbers, deleting records, and random access by key transformation [72146,2632] BASIC7.CHP Text, Bytes: 18695, Count: 122, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK DRIVE RANDOM INDEX FILE SORT Part 7 of Tim Ekdom's Chipmunk Basic primer. Discussion and example of random access by index files, tagged sorts, searching any field and searching ordered files on a disk. [72146,2632] BASIC8.CHP Text, Bytes: 11585, Count: 120, 09-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC CDOS DISK DEVICE CHIPMUNK DRIVE SORT RANDOM FILES PACK Part 8 (final section) of Tim Ekdom's Chipmunk Basic Manual. Sorting Random files, and "packing" a file. [71256,1353] BATTRY.LFE Text, Bytes: 760, Count: 149, 08-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DRIVE NICAD BATTERY TEST UTILITY CHARGING This overnight testing program runds down the NiCad batteries in your Chipmunk and (if you've retrofitted NiCads in the M100 via the Preble mod or NICAD5) the M100 itself. It maintains a RAM file of times and notations so you can reconstruct battery lifes later. Checksum: 55807 PA=45 [71256,1353] BCKLST.CHP Text, Bytes: 3255, Count: 39, 03-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK CHIPMUNK DRIVE BACKUP LIST DATE UTILITY Doesn't backup, but provides you with a list of files which need backup, working either 1) from date of last backup; or 2) comparing "last mod" dates on two disks. Modified 5/3/85 Checksum: 203,342 PA=30 [70575,1346] DICK ROUX BOOT.BA Text, Bytes: 465, Count: 238, 26-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE VIDEO INTERFACE BOOT RESET This neat utility allows you folks with Disk/Video Interfaces to load or unload your disk operating system with no loss of files that are in memory. Now when you hit the road with your Model 100 you can gain a quick extra 5K of memory by unloading DOS and then you can re-load it on your return. Checksum: 5,258 [73577,3041] Mike K. Audleman CABLE.MOD Text, Bytes: 7486, Count: 84, 29-Apr-89 Title : Keywords: DVI M100 HARDWARE MODIFICATION CABLE TEXT TXT Tired of the short cable from the Model 100 to DVI? Well, here is a solution. This text describes how to make that cable longer for FREE! All it takes is reading this and 20 minutes of your time, no trips to the store involved! NOT FOR THE MODEL 102 !!! It uses another cable. [70337,3727] CALNDR.PDS Text, Bytes: 4160, Count: 42, 28-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 POWR DOS TANDY EXECUTIVE CALENDAR PATCH MOD This is a short doc file including a simple patch for Tandy's 'Executive Calendar' program(CALNDR.BA). The chksm of the patch when pasted out is 87,377. Just merge with the cassette version to obtain a version of CALNDR that reads the data files from the disk. Use XMO on this one if you can. -ronnie- [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CAS1.THD Text, Bytes: 12672, Count: 61, 13-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: CASSETTE POWR-DOS UTILITIES PROGRAMMING BACKUP MESSAGES THREAD There has been recent interest in the possible and feasible uses of cassette recorders in the Model 100 world, now that TDD and Chipmunk are available. This selected set of messages discusses such issues and gives several points of view -- focusing on backup applications and protable use. Is the cassette dead? Probably not. Very long THD, so in two parts : Part 1 of 2 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CAS2.THD Text, Bytes: 12101, Count: 58, 13-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: CASSETTE POWR-DOS UTILITIES PROGRAMMING BACKUP MESSAGES THREAD There has been recent interest in the possible and feasible uses of cassette recorders in the Model 100 world, now that TDD and Chipmunk are available. This selected set of messages discusses such issues and gives several points of view -- focusing on backup applications and protable use. Is the cassette dead? Probably not. Very long THD, so in two parts : Part 2 of 2 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst CASCAT.100 Text, Bytes: 864, Count: 68, 10-Feb-89 Title : Keywords: CASSETTE FILE ARCHIVE CATALOG UTILITY CAS TAPE RECORDER 100 M100 Small archiving program for cassette files. As you run this pgm, you're asked to name the tape and specify the side. The following information is automatically appended to a RAM file named "CASDIR.DO": File Tape/ Run Name Side Time eg.: MINTEL.BA UTIL3/B 00:46 ...where times indicate the running-time of the tape at the point where each file was found. Cksm = 52,048 Wilson Van Alst 76576,2735 [71706,1313] CASDIR.100 Text, Bytes: 1420, Count: 348, 17-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: CAS CASSETTE DIRECTORY TAPE UTILITY FILES BASIC 100 CASDIR gets a directory of the files saved on a cassette and saves their names & types (Basic, Text, Corrupt (IO error)) to a file called [#].DO Handy for finding out what's on your old unmarked tapes. Checksum:107,183 ASCII Size: 1416 Basic Size:442 [72575,1473] CASS.CTL Text, Bytes: 240, Count: 76, 04-Oct-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CAS CASSETTE MOTOR CONTROL If you're lazy, like me, then you get pretty tired of typing MOTOR ON and MOTOR OFF all the time to position your cassette tape. This program enables single key motor control. Tap the space bar to start the tape, and tap it again to stop it. Or, tape the ESC key to stop the motor and exit to BASIC. The program area will be NEWed, and you'll be left in direct mode, ready to load the next program. Checksum: 15,474 PA=178 [73500,2276] Lance D. Hagen CASS.TIP Text, Bytes: 1803, Count: 76, 18-Apr-89 Title : Keywords: CASSETTE TAPE RECORDING Suggestion for improving cassette recordings and fixing data loss problems. [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst CASTST.THD Text, Bytes: 9068, Count: 58, 21-May-90 Title : Re. cassette reliability; pgrm to set rec. volume Keywords: 100 200 CAS CASSETTE TAPE MASS FILE STORAGE RECORD PLAYBACK A thread on cassette use that includes advice about improving reliability and a simple program for optimizing volume settings on the tape deck. [73327,1653] James Yi CASUTL.100 Text, Bytes: 2310, Count: 84, 12-Jan-89 Title : Keywords: 100 102 HEX CASUTL CASSETTE UTILITY LOAD SAVE FILES ML Cassette file utility for Model 100/102. Saves and loads .BA(Basic), DO(text), .CO(binary) files, or one of the three types with different name extensions(.CA, .CW, .DP, .TC, etc.). Also view text files on cassette, or recover parts of a damaged text file. See CASUTL.DOC in DL10 for instructions. Checksum = 133507 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura CAT-09.ARC Bin, Bytes: 52172, Count: 119, 26-Jun-90 Title : Archived Library Catalog Keywords: CATALOG LIBRARY ARC IBM This ARChive file for PC/MS-DOS contains all catalog (.CAT) files in THIS Library. Binary file; download with protocol and use ARC utiltiy to extract files. [70635,1312] CBACK.100 Text, Bytes: 1005, Count: 81, 19-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE BACKUP UTILITY A short utility program whichmakes backup copies of Chipmunk disks. Checksum: 66,577 PA=82 [75665,1045] CBACK.101 Text, Bytes: 1345, Count: 50, 20-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK CDOS DISK BACKUP COPY Makes backup copy of Chipmunk disk with optional read-check verification. It's slow and requires multiple disk swaps, but copies only those sectors being used. Errors are retried 10 times before giving up (in which case the backp disk is no good even though its directory may look OK). Efficiency depends on amount of free RAM available. Checksum = 87,882 PA=81 [70635,1312] CBACK.DOC Text, Bytes: 1335, Count: 79, 19-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE BACKUP UTILITY This is the documentation for CBACK.100, a utility to make backup copies of Chipmunk disks. PA=99 [75725,1411] CCR81.100 Text, Bytes: 3010, Count: 145, 15-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: TIP CASSETTE RECORDER CCR-81 TAPE Tips for operation of the CCR-81 Computer Cassette Recorder from Radio Shack. PA=312 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CDOS.THD Text, Bytes: 4385, Count: 42, 27-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: CDOS CHIPMUNK DOS OS DISK DRIVE MESSAGES THREAD CDOS is the operating systems for the Chipmunk disk drive, developed by Holmes and sold by PCSG. It is know to be a complex and capable operating system -- which supports disk folders (subdirectories) and provides true random access operation. Any information about CDOS is well worth saving. Here is a small thread of such messages. [73216,1022] CDOSM1.CHI Text, Bytes: 240, Count: 56, 01-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: 100 CDOS ML MACHINE CODE CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE HOLMES PCSG Simple source code to a subroutine callable from BASIC that reads and writes disk sectors. See MLDEMO.CHP for an example of use. Don Corbitt Checksum: 12,251 PA=18 [73216,1022] CDOSML.INF Text, Bytes: 6690, Count: 74, 21-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: 100 CDOS ML MACHINE CODE CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE ASSEMBLY HOLMES Information on how to read and write disk sectors from assembly language. A short example is included. Also, detailed information on disk format and directory and allocation table structure. By Don Corbitt. PA=83 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CGP115.THD Text, Bytes: 2040, Count: 37, 05-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: CGP CGP-115 115 PRINTER PLOTTER GEAR REPAIR TANDY MESSAGE THREAD This is a two-message thread, starting with a question from Bill Templeton and ending with his answer to his own question. Topic is repair of the Tandy CGP-115 printer/plotter -- specifically, what to do when the plasitc stepper-motor gear fails. Thanks, Bill! [76703,4311] Eiji Miura CHIPMK.CAT Text, Bytes: 14508, Count: 51, 25-Mar-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with the Chipmunk Disk Drive, its technology, modifications, and accessories. [70526,1715] CHIPMK.DO1 Text, Bytes: 16975, Count: 159, 08-May-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE CDOS HOLMES PCSG FOLDER PAGE SECTION Beginner's reference guide for the Holmes/PCSG Chipmunk Portable Disk Drive. Guide on setup and use of the Chipmunk by Portable Computer Support Group, 11035 Harry Hines Blvd. #207, Dallas TX 75229 PA=47 [70526,1715] CHIPMK.DO2 Text, Bytes: 9575, Count: 93, 08-May-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE CDOS HOLMES PCSG PUT GET PAGE BASIC guide and warranty for the Holmes/PCSG Chipmunk portable disk drive. PA=37 [70526,1715] CHIPMK.ROM Text, Bytes: 8475, Count: 130, 05-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE CDOS V3.24 ROM INSTALL CHIP A text file (about 8.3K) detailing a new version of CDOS, v3.24, and how Chipmunk portable disk drive owners can change the ROM chip themselves. CDOS v.3.24 automatically corrects CRC errors and prevents formerly troublesome directory overwrites. Do-it-yourself ROM changing is not for everyone, but this guide should let you decide whether you want the factory to do the work or not. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CHP-AC.THD Text, Bytes: 2561, Count: 40, 27-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK AC POWER MESSAGES THREAD This short THD captures messages on availability of a power supply suitable as an AC-only supply for the Chipmink (Ooops -- Chipmunk). Of interest to all Chipmuck owners who are concerned about the demise of their NiCad battery packs. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CHPADP.THD Text, Bytes: 2096, Count: 28, 10-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK MUNK TWO-DRIVE ADAPTER PARTS ICS LIST MESSAGES THREAD The two-drive adapter for the Chipmunk is apparently no longer available. But one might be able to cobble up their own, with enough information. These messages relate to an earlier one along these lines -- and provide a bit of the needed data [72146,2632] CHPBSC.DOC Text, Bytes: 2835, Count: 136, 10-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK CDOS BASIC SYNTAX RANDOM ACCESS This is the index to the files "BASIC1.CHP" thru "BASIC8.CHP" created by Tim Ekdom for Chipmunk disk drive programmers. 48 pages of docs, total. [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst CHPFRE.THD Text, Bytes: 1016, Count: 19, 18-Nov-89 Title : Find free space on Chipmunk Disk Keywords: CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE CDOS FREE SPACE BYTES 100 M100 Describes a way to find free disk space for the Chipmunk drive, using CDOS 3.24 and 3.45 on the M100. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CHPHLP.THD Text, Bytes: 7176, Count: 30, 27-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK DIRIVE DISK DISKPP RECOVER DIRECTORY MESSAGES THREAD Disk drives are great -- unless you cannot get the data off the disk! This THD is aset of messages on that topic, for the Chipmunk. The availability of that fine utility DISKPP is discussed. And the the originator of the thread is graciously welcomed to the "Chipmunk Zone"! [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CHPPWR.THD Text, Bytes: 16275, Count: 52, 04-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK POWER DEAD BATTERY CHARGING CHARGE NICD NICAD MESSAGES THREAD An earlier thread (DEDCHP.THD, DL9) discussed the failure of Chipmunk drives due to battery wearout. This is a continuation -- with (eventually!) the designer of the Chipmunk coming in with the "real dope" (Hmmmm!). There is some valuable info here for Munk owners, and some good info on NiCd charging in general. (See DEDCHP.THD for precursor messages). [71266,125] Phil Wheeler CHPREC.THD Text, Bytes: 6301, Count: 28, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK RECOVERY RECOVER DISK UTILITY CC CRC ERRORS MESSAGES THREAD This Forum has a number of utilites for recovering files from Chipmunk disks. While not needed often, they can be invaluable. Most of their authors are no longer in these environs -- but support is provided by the "throngs" of Chipmunk users. This is a recent exchange re Chipmunk disk recovery. [70116,1510] Lincoln Baxter CHPSYS.BKU Text, Bytes: 9839, Count: 46, 09-Dec-90 Title : Backing up an M100 Chipmunk System Keywords: M100 CHIPMUNK T102 TDD2 FLOPPY DSKMGR EXTRAM CONVENIENCE PORTABILITY RELIABILIT This document which may appeal to "Model T" chauvinists, who injoy pushing the machine to its limits, covers various equipment and techniques that may help to extend and continue usage of M100 family of systems indefinitely despite declining support in some areas. It is the first of a series that I intend to write. Various files that I have found useful in this context will be referenced here as the series is updated. See CHPSYS.EX1 CHPSYS.EX2 etc. [70116,1510] Lincoln Baxter CHPSYS.EX1 Text, Bytes: 11929, Count: 32, 17-Dec-90 Title : Backing up a Chipmunk System Part II Keywords: M100 CHIPMUNK T102 TDD2 FLOPPY DSKMGR BACKUP This is the second part of CHPSYS.BKU. It covers getting the most reliability through redundancy from an M100, Chipmunk, T102, TDD2, and cassette system, and subsets of these machines, using CDOS, DSKMGR, FLOPPY, and the cassette. The redundancy of configurations backs up the system, and it is shown how CDOS, DSKMGR, and BASIC back up the files by copying them between the various media. [76317,402] CHPTIP.001 Text, Bytes: 1015, Count: 146, 11-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK DISK DISC DRIVE TIP RAM EXTENSION File describes installing and removing TELCOM extensions provided for the Chipmunk by PCSG. [73126,672] CHPTIP.003 Text, Bytes: 410, Count: 44, 19-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK DISK DISC TIP RESET LOAD RELOAD File describes best way to reload Chipmunk's Disk Operating System. [75655,231] CLDSTR.TIP Text, Bytes: 1145, Count: 86, 25-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PCSG 64K 96K RAM EXPANSION 100 COLD START ROM A simple method to Cold Start PCSG's 64K or 96K expansion RAM without using RAM+ ROM. Can be used when another ROM (Lucid, Super ROM etc) is in computer. Avoids swapping ROM modules. [70235,232] Woods Martin CMDS01.TDD Text, Bytes: 9305, Count: 496, 08-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: TDD DISK BASIC 100 200 COMMANDS TUTORIAL A beginning command set to run the TDD from standard BASIC without a DOS. This is a tutorial program, heavily commented, and includes STATUS, DIRECTORY, OPEN (R W A), CLOSE, GET/PUT DATA and FORMAT. Much more work is needed and all are invited to contribute: Woods Martin 70235,232. While not yet practical, it's fun. CAUTION - the EAT DISK command is bound to exist. cksum 691,970 /\ /\ /'`\ /'`\ ')(`woods')(` [73216,1022] CMERGE.CHP Text, Bytes: 1210, Count: 84, 14-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE MAIL MERGE CDOS BASIC mail merge program using Chipmunk disk drive. Allows creation of personalized form letters using ADRS file. See CMERGE.DOC for instructions and sample letters and address files. Don Corbitt Checksum: 82,622 [73216,1022] CMERGE.DOC Text, Bytes: 3100, Count: 74, 14-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE MAIL MERGE CDOS Documentation to CMERGE.CHP, describing how to create your own mailing list and form letter. Uses (needs) Chipmunk disk drive. Written as favor to purchasers of Chipmunk. Don Corbitt [72737,2551] COJACK.DVI Text, Bytes: 1760, Count: 35, 18-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: DISK DVI COCO JACKET SLEEVE BASIC 100 102 Produces a disk jacket outline which is cut out, folded, and glued. The finished jacket is Titled and programs listed with date. Checksum = 106,052 [76701,40] Denny Thomas COPY.PWR Bin, Bytes: 2432, Count: 233, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Single-drive Disk copy program from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 157,368 It is extremely important that you read POWR-D.INF before downloading any of the POWR-DOS binary files. Sysop note: There is a bug in line 25; replace the word "LINE" with a colon. [76701,40] Denny Thomas COPY-C.PWR Bin, Bytes: 2688, Count: 168, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Copy-to-cassette program from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 177,113 It is extremely important that you read POWR-D.INF before downloading any of the POWR-DOS binary files. [75725,1134] COPYFL.DOC Text, Bytes: 8067, Count: 80, 30-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD TDD1 TDD2 PDD PDD1 PDD2 BASIC Documentation for CopyFL.PDS & CopyFL.TD2. [75725,1134] COPYFL.PDS Text, Bytes: 4096, Count: 66, 02-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 TDD1 PDD1 BASIC POWR-DOS ACROATIX FILE TRANSFER COPY CopyFL.PDS transfers selected files from one TDD1 diskette to another. Unlike Acroatix's COPY, this program lets you specify the files to be copied and permits copies to diskettes already containing files. Requires Tandy Portable Disk Drive (1), M100/T102, and Powr-DOS (available here). Documentation at CopyFL.DOC. V1.2A fixes serious bug in v1.2. My thanks (& apologies) to Bill Henderson. CHECKSUM: 259,493 joel [75725,1134] COPYFL.TD2 Text, Bytes: 4803, Count: 72, 30-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD2 PDD2 BASIC FILE TRANSFER COPY BACKUP CopyFL.TD2 transfers selected files from one TDD2 diskette to another. Unlike Tandy's BACKUP, this program lets you specify the files to be copied and permits copies to diskettes already containing files. Requires Tandy Portable Disk Drive 2, M100/T102/T200, and Tandy's FLOPPY. Documentation at CopyFL.DOC. CHECKSUM: 304,258 joel [76703,650] CRCDOC.MR Text, Bytes: 1790, Count: 55, 27-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE CRC ERRORS Documentation for CRCERR.MR, a program to rewrite files that have CRC errors on Chipmunk disks. PA=83 [76703,650] CRCERR.MR Text, Bytes: 515, Count: 50, 27-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE CRC ERRORS A program to rewrite files that have CRC errors on Chipmunk disks. Please see CRCDOC.MR for documentation. Checksum = 34,533 PA=87 [72575,1473] CRCFIX.324 Text, Bytes: 8755, Count: 98, 18-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE CDOS CRC ERROR FIND This file contains instructions and two program listings to help you find and eliminate CRC errors on CDOS 3.24 disks. The two Basic programs create the machine language programs FINDCC.CO and CRCFIX.CO. Checksum = 537,191. Tim Ekdom [75775,202] CVTDIC.DOC Text, Bytes: 895, Count: 130, 27-Apr-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK 100 200 TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE Documentation for CVTDIC.TD2 Checksum: 75,971 Dave W. 75775,202 [75775,202] CVTDIC.TD2 Text, Bytes: 360, Count: 90, 27-Apr-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK 100 200 TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE CVTDIC.TD2 is a short program that aids in converting the two letter CHP dictionary files in the DL to the one letter dictionary files needed for the TD2 versions of the dictionary programs. Please read: CVTDIC.DOC Checksum = 23,511 Dave W. 75775,202 [72527,2631] D-READ.100 Text, Bytes: 1300, Count: 137, 01-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK TDD CASSETTE READ TEXT FILES SCROLL POWR-DISK A simple program that enables reading of text files from any device. TDD will need POWR-DISK or similar Dos using colon prefix. Press space bar to start/stop scrolling and press Q to exit reading mode Checksum: 86,834 [72126,2636] Bill Berit /Pa D-READ.DVI Text, Bytes: 939, Count: 37, 03-Feb-89 Title : Keywords: DVI DISK READ D-READ.DVI checksum=64,024 930 Reads from disk to crt,lcd and appends to do file-finds lost files prints track,sector and switch + data [76701,40] Denny Thomas D-TEXT.PWR Bin, Bytes: 7552, Count: 233, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Disk-based TEXT editing program from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 488,726 It is extremely important that you read POWR-D.INF before downloading any of the POWR-DOS binary files. [70506,223] D-TEXT.TD2 Text, Bytes: 5472, Count: 69, 08-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: D-TEXT DISK TEXT EDIT POWR-DOS TDD2 FLOPPY DIR FLIP 100 D-TEXT.TD2 will modify POWR-DOS's D-TEXT.BA so that it will work with the TDD2 and FLOPPY. So that you can edit files larger than RAm. Requires POWR-DOS and D-TEXT.BA from Acroatix. Also list a possible fix for D-TEXT.BA and the TDD1 Checksum = 385,793 [72757,3076] D-ZAP.301 Text, Bytes: 6122, Count: 79, 02-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: DVI DISK EDIT MODIFY READ WRITE ZAP SECTOR EDITOR ML Disk-Zap v3.01 allows you to inspect and modify your D/VI disks. Portions of Disk-Zap v3.01 are written in machine code, resulting in a program much FASTER than anything else for the same purpose. Features: Enire sector display, cursor editing, hex or ascii input error checking, sector blank, and built-in help screen. Checksum:375,002 Written by Camz 1987 Send bug reports/enhancement ideas to me CIS:72757,3076 ENVOY:M.ZIMMERMAN [70210,445] D100.BA Text, Bytes: 1290, Count: 361, 24-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE SWITCH CHOICE This program allows your to switch DVI Disk BASIC on or off, in the Model 100. An update of the previous program, CHOICE.BA. See the instructions in the file D100.DOC. Checksum = 72,284 [70210,445] D100.DOC Text, Bytes: 825, Count: 325, 24-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE SWITCH CHOICE Documentation file for D100.BA PA=106 [72227,1661] Paul Globman DATNOD.100 Text, Bytes: 2567, Count: 30, 30-Nov-90 Title : Display DATFIL files stored in the Node Datapac. Keywords: DATA BASE DATABASE DATFIL NODE DATAPAC RAMPAC N-READ FILE LINK A data retrieval program that accesses the Node RAMPAC/Datapac and displays selected DATFIL data records in the DATFIL format. Link several files to form large database. cksm = 190064 [73126,1775] DBAKUP.DOC Text, Bytes: 10525, Count: 133, 15-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY DISK DRIVE PDD TDD BASIC 100 POWR-DISK BACKUP RESTORE Documentation for DBAKUP.TDD, a program to automatically save ram files to the Tandy Disk Drive. Requires Acroatix POWR-DISK. [73126,1775] DBAKUP.PAT Text, Bytes: 440, Count: 76, 18-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY DISK DRIVE PDD TDD BASIC 100 POWR-DISK BACKUP RESTORE A one line patch for DBAKUP.TDD to finish writing the .CO files to the directory file on disk, something the original program forgot to do. Checksum: 35,255 [73126,1775] DBAKUP.TDD Text, Bytes: 3725, Count: 127, 19-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY DISK DRIVE PDD TDD BASIC 100 POWR-DISK BACKUP RESTORE Program to back-up all files in RAM to the new Tandy Disk, using POWR-DISK from Acroatix. Automatically backs up .BA, .DO, .CA, and .CO files - even CO files saved in 7 bit form. Combined with DRESTO.TDD, will auto-load those files, too. See DBAKUP.DOC, DRSTO.TDD, DRESTO.DOC NOTE: DBAKUP.PAT patch has been included in this copy. Checksum = 228,499 PA=16 [70146,1107] DCMPAR.BA Text, Bytes: 3210, Count: 99, 11-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BACKUP DIRECTORY UTILITY Compares two Chipmumk disks and lists all files that: 1. are on one disk only, or 2. have different last modification dates, or 3. have different file sizes. Similar to BCKLST.CHP and uses routines from PRDIR.BA. Corrects some oversites in BCKLST.CHP and checks both disks against each other. Checksum = 196,084 William Schneider [70146,1107] [75775,202] DCPREP.100 Text, Bytes: 5645, Count: 75, 10-May-87 Title : Keywords: 100 DICTIONARY PREP DO TEXT FILES STRIP SORT SPELL CHECK Program loads a machine language program that strips words, deletes duplicates and sorts word list within a RAM document file in preparation for running the spelling checker program SPLCHK. This program is Model 100/102 specific! Tandy 200 users, see DCPREP.200 Checksum = 318,557 Dave Willman 75775,202 [75775,202] DCPREP.200 Text, Bytes: 4500, Count: 34, 10-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: 200 DICTIONARY PREP DO TEXT FILES STRIP SORT SPELL CHECK Program loads and executes a machine language program which strips words, deletes duplicates and sorts the word list within a RAM document file in preparation for running the spelling checker program SPLCHK. This version is Tandy 200 specific! Checksum = 236,691 [75775,202] DCPREP.DOC Text, Bytes: 1455, Count: 208, 23-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: 100 DICTIONARY PREP DO TEXT FILES STRIP SORT SPELL CHECK Document file for DCPREP.LDR and the m/l prep program it loads. Checksum = 126,494 Dave W. 75775,202 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DDIR.DOC Text, Bytes: 985, Count: 76, 13-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD POWR-DOS BASIC 100 102 DIRECTORY UTILITY DDIR.TDD is a full-screen directory program for the TDD with POWR-DOS. It can be used as a stand-alone, or integrated with a utility such as MENU.JR2. See DDIR.DOC. **Version of 10/14/86: Better error response to avoid memory gobbling** Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DDIR.TDD Text, Bytes: 615, Count: 79, 14-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD POWR-DOS BASIC 100 102 DIRECTORY UTILITY DDIR.TDD is a full-screen directory program for the TDD with POWR-DOS. It can be used as a stand-alone, or integrated with a utility such as MENU.JR2. See DDIR.DOC. **Version of 10/14/86: Better error response to avoid memory gobbling** Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DEDCHP.THD Text, Bytes: 10443, Count: 41, 18-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK FAILURE BATTERIES NICADS MUNK DRIVE MESSAGES THREAD Flash!! The Chipmunk population is being threatened by a plague -- of battery failure. This THD file reports and discusses the failure of 'Munks from exhaustion of the NiCad battery pack. Now notes that one member is using a "Captain Video Chipmunk Adapter" to charge his drive. No ordering info, though. **Updated 10/17/87** [75775,1430] Don Zeikel DFILES.TDD Text, Bytes: 1005, Count: 59, 02-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD PDD POWR-DOS DIRECTORY FILES TANDY PORTABLE DISK Displays ALL file names from a disk on 100 screen. At conclusion, press F1 and see bytes free. Requires Powr-Dos by Acroatix. New version 8-02-87 has improved error handling; recovers lost RAM if disk not connected or operating. Checksum = 62,048 [75775,202] DICT.CHP Text, Bytes: 8710, Count: 150, 23-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: 100 DICTIONARY DISK MANAGEMENT CHIPMUNK DVI SPELL CHECK FILES TEXT This file contains all the files necessary to create & maintain a disk- based dictionary for checking spelling of document files prepared by DCPREP. By use of DCPREP and SPLCHK.BA within this file a 12K document file can be spell checked within 25 mins., if using a 20,000 word dictionary. Checksum = 646,142 Dave W. 75775,202 [72126,1613] DIR.DOC Text, Bytes: 2795, Count: 264, 18-Aug-84(16-Aug-89) Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY FILES Documentation for the DIR.DVI program. DIR.DVI is a program for managing a file directory of diskette files. PA=166 [72126,1613] DIR.DVI Text, Bytes: 2465, Count: 250, 12-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY FILES LENGTH DIR.DVI creates a directory file with the time and date stamps for each entry. You may enter a comment for each file, and for the disk. Running DIR causes it to look at the disk directory, add newly added files to itself and prompt for comment, deleting files that are no longer on the disk. It prints the directory with lengths. See also DIRDVI.MON which allows screen output. Checksum = 157,325 PA=145 [72126,1613] DIRDVI.MON Text, Bytes: 3085, Count: 190, 30-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY FILES MONITOR VIDEO Like DIR.DVI, but allows screen output as well as printing. Checksum: 193,926 PA=79 [71216,1375] J.K. Heilman DIRLST.LBL Text, Bytes: 1190, Count: 142, 22-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD PDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE LABEL MAKER A module for MERGing with DIRLST.TDD to print labels for disks. Suggestions included for customizing to your printer Chksum = 80,554 [71056,613] Neil Wick DISABL.DVI Text, Bytes: 50, Count: 106, 28-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CALL DISABLE DVI DOS OS MAXRAM Ultra-small no-frills program to disable DVI operating system in Model 100. Switch to LCD screen before running. "RUN40" to reload Disk Basic. Tested with View80 on UR2 and works fine. Checksum=2540 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson DISK.CMD Text, Bytes: 8094, Count: 36, 23-Nov-90 Title : Invisible Disk directory/Select/Run menu program Keywords: CMD COMMAND FUNCTION DISK DIRECTORY MENU INVISIBLE UTILITY RESIDENT BASIC This program is another Menu program for use with Power-Disk or POWR-DOS. It's principal claim to fame is that it can be used as a resident, invisible command program at the main menu, to display disk files, then load and enter a TEXT file, or load and run a cursor-selected program from the disk. Checksum = 646,206 [73126,1775] DISKIT.100 Text, Bytes: 615, Count: 112, 05-Apr-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TANDY DISK DRIVE TDD POWR-DSK PCSG 128K RAM Diskit is designed for users of the Tandy Disk Drive with PWR-DISK and PCSG's Four Bank Ram Upgrade (128K Ram Upgrade). It is a sample program which demonstrates the ram hook pokes necessary to access both disk files and files in other banks within the same program or to run a program directly off disks which then accesses other files in other banks. See DISKIT.DOC for more details. Downloads as 612 bytes, runs as 393 bytes. Checksum = 40,501 [73126,1775] DISKIT.DOC Text, Bytes: 9560, Count: 122, 05-Apr-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY DISK DRIVE TDD PWR-DISK PCSG 128K RAM UPGRADE FILE DISKIT.100 is a program designed for users of both the TDD with PWR-DSK and PCSG 128K Ram Upgrade (4 banks) to enable to access files both on disk and in other banks within the same program. Contains pokes to the Ram Hook table to make this possible. This is the documentation which is 9500 bytes long, set up to echo to the printer. 3 1/2 pages long. [72106,370] DISKMD.BAS Text, Bytes: 7135, Count: 269, 18-Jun-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE RECOVER READ WRITE FIND SEARCH D/VI Disk Utilities. Read, modify, write anything to anywhere on disk. Find a string, recover accidently "killed" files, plus much more. Easy to use. Prompts you all the way. Instructions included in the program. Written in BASIC. Checksum = 486,719 PA=135 [72575,1473] DISKML.CHP Text, Bytes: 4055, Count: 78, 14-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: 100 CHIPMUNK PORTABLE DISK DRIVE CDOS ASSEMBLY ML MACHINE CODE Brief description of CDOS hooks available to machine language programmers and procedures for using Chipmunk disk files from ML. Knowledge of ML and existing ROM routines required. Information provided by PCSG. Checksum = 279,970. Formatted for 80 column printout. Note: typo in READ1 description. Read track should be $E0. [72575,1473] DISKPP.DO1 Text, Bytes: 5025, Count: 165, 13-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK DISK UTILITY CDOS DISKPP RECOVER UNDELETE FILES CRC FIX Part one of the documentation for DISKPP version 3.0 covers CDOS disk format, structure of directories and directory entries, and the allocation table. There are no substantive changes in this part over the same material in the first edition of the DISKPP documentation. See also DISKPP.DO2. Formatted for 80 column printer. Tim Ekdom. [72575,1473] DISKPP.DO2 Text, Bytes: 13865, Count: 153, 13-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK DISK UTILITY CDOS DISKPP RECOVER UNDELETE FILES CRC FIX Part two of the documentation for DISKPP version 3.0 covers using DISKPP. There have been major changes and additions to this section since the first edition. Formatted for 80 column printer. Tim Ekdom. [70146,1107] DISKPP.UD3 Text, Bytes: 2190, Count: 110, 11-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: DISKPP CHIPMUNK 3.24 This enhancement to the latest version 2.2 of DISKPP.324 adds a cluster search feature to the allocation table byte display option. With this, a file can be backtracked thru the allocation table to its originating byte. You must read doc for DISKPP. Originally downloaded as DISKPP.UD2. Update makes contiguous byte easier. Checksum of only program lines = 42,842 William Schneider [70146,1107] [72575,1473] DISKPP.V30 Text, Bytes: 12385, Count: 162, 13-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK UTILITY CDOS DISKPP RECOVER UNDELETE FILES "The Chipmunk Disk Peeker/Poker" CDOS disk utility, version 3.0 for CDOS 3.24 and up. Display and modify directory entries and allocation table bytes. Display and copy sectors and files. Trace and display file chains. Recover deleted and clobbered files. Rename the disk and folders. Fix CRC errors. Smaller, faster, more options. Checksum = 771,665. See new docs: DISKPP.DO1 and DISKPP.DO2. Tim Ekdom. [73127,1727] KEITH RICHMOND DISKUT.DOC Text, Bytes: 1289, Count: 49, 17-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: DISK DIRECTORY PROTECTION M100 THIS IS THE DOC FILE FOR DISKUT.DVI CHECK SUM 111,902 [73127,1727] KEITH RICHMOND DISKUT.DVI Text, Bytes: 4863, Count: 50, 17-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: DISK DIRECTORY PROTECTION M100 THIS PROGRAM PROVIDES DIRECTORY PROTECTION AND ALOWS FOR 9K MORE DISK SPACE CHECKSUM=225,084 KEITH RICHMOND [73127,1727] [75725,1134] DIVVY.DOC Text, Bytes: 9055, Count: 148, 08-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: DIVVY SPLIT SPLITTER TDD PDD DISK DRIVE POWR-DISK DOCUMENTATION BASIC Documentation for DIVVY.TDD. Discusses problems encountered while writing programs for the Tandy Disk Drive/Powr-Disk combination, and programming techniques for defeating them. Includes a short program for appending RAM files to disk files. joel [75725,1134] DIVVY.TDD Text, Bytes: 1985, Count: 132, 07-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 UTILITY TDD PDD DISK DRIVE FILE SPLIT This program is both a demo of Powr-Disk abilities and shortcomings; and a utility program for Powr-Disk users. It splits long files into shorter ones. Presumably, long disk files into shorter ones that can be loaded into RAM. See the instructions in the file DIVVY.DOC. Checksum = 135,025 joel [72507,3077] ROBERT W. BOGGESS SR. DLOAD.COM Bin, Bytes: 896, Count: 18, 02-May-89 Title : Keywords: TDISK.COM LOADER STARLET DLOAD.COM is a loader for TDISK.COM. NOTE: THE LPT MUST BE SET TO 8N81N BEFORE EXECUTING AND THE DRIVE MUST BE ON AND A FLOPY DISK WITH TDISK.COM ON IT IN THE DRIVE. The loader takes up only 1K which cuts down on the overhead. It takes about 4 seconds to load TDISK.COM. Rename DLOAD.COM anything you like and make it a RO file. TDISK.COM must always be on the disk in use when DLOAD is called. Send any comments to me I would like to here any [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DM-PGD.THD Text, Bytes: 7918, Count: 29, 13-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR 0MENU TDD PG DESIGNS RAM CONFLICTS ML PATCH MESSAGES This is a running set of messages on patching DSKMGR (DL9) to work cleanly with 0MENU vers. 1.1 from PG Designs; the program DSKMGR.PGD in DL9 already does that job for 0MENU v. 2.0+. Also discussed are some general issues re use of 0MENU, etc. Note that a similar patch can be found in DL2 for TXTFMT.CO. In principle, the same thing can be done for any RAM-based M/L program which conflicts with 0MENU -- after a bit of disassembly [76701,40] Denny Thomas DMENU.PWR Bin, Bytes: 3584, Count: 277, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Menu program from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 222,679 It is extremely important that you read POWR-D.INF before downloading any of the POWR-DOS binary files. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DMPTDD.BA Text, Bytes: 515, Count: 59, 09-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 200 POWR-DOS FILE DUMP UTILITY DMPTDD.BA is a short program which lets you dump a specified range of disk sectors to a RAM file named "DMPOUT.DO", with POWR-DOS. The output is the ASCII representation, and is text for DO files on the disk and "garbage" otherwise. I wrote it for exploratory purposes, but it can be used for quick- and-dirty text file recovery (is NOT a replacement for RECOVR.BA!). *POWR-DOS only* <> Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71236,1533] DNAME.DVI Text, Bytes: 1135, Count: 188, 17-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DRIVE NAME LFILES This program pokes the standard message which appears during DVI powerup. 80 Characters may NAME and comment each disc. The first 18 are printed during LFiles and the DATE$ replaces VERSION 01.00.00. Checksum: 76,305 PA=66 [75515,1507] David Sumner DOSOFF.DOC Text, Bytes: 365, Count: 90, 05-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: 100 SUPERA CDOS MICRO DEMON Documentation for DOSOFF.SUP [75515,1507] David Sumner DOSOFF.SUP Text, Bytes: 305, Count: 56, 05-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: 100 SUPERA CDOS MICRO DEMON DOSOFF is a utility for Supera version two and CDOS 3.24. it allows you to turn off CDOS without turning off Supera. Cheksum=17608 [75775,1430] Don Zeikel DOSTIP.001 Text, Bytes: 750, Count: 84, 02-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD DISK DRIVE POWR-DOS SUPERA PG DESIGNS RAM ACROATIX A short tip on how to use Powr-Dos by Acroatix to load Supera (and, presumably, the PG Ram bank switcher). [75725,1134] DOSTIP.002 Text, Bytes: 680, Count: 80, 03-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD DISK DRIVE POWR-DOS SUPERA PG DESIGNS RAM ACROATIX A second solution to the obviously vexing problem of how to load another LOMEM occupant with Acroatix' Powr-DOS. joel [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DOSTIP.003 Text, Bytes: 2465, Count: 86, 11-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD POWR-DOS 100 102 200 BASIC PROGRAMMING DSKO DATABASE This "tip" file discusses the possibility of partitioning TDD sectors by using the DSKO$ command of POWR-DOS. Of interest to current and potential owners of POWR-DOS. Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [75775,1430] Don Zeikel DOSTIP.004 Text, Bytes: 1275, Count: 70, 25-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD POWR-DOS 100 BASIC PROGRAMMING DSKO SUPERA SECTOR ACROATIX REVISED 10-25-86 Text file containing three very short programs allowing Powr-Dos users to peek around individual sectors. Does not require machine-language or hexidecimal knowledge. Also mentions a small conflict with Supera keysets. Checksum = 101,881 [75725,1134] DOSTIP.005 Text, Bytes: 875, Count: 96, 14-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD PORTABLE DISK DRIVE ACROATIX POWR-DOS List of files on the Powr-DOS distribution disk. Provided because there's no such list in the package. joel [72457,3343] DOSTIP.006 Text, Bytes: 940, Count: 82, 23-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD 100 200 DISK DRIVE POWR-DOS POWR DOS BUG FIX Bugfix for the MERGE bug on early versions of POWR-DOS. Ed Giese 10/23/86 [75725,1134] DOSTIP.007 Text, Bytes: 780, Count: 63, 11-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 BASIC POWR-DOS POWR-DISK ACROATIX DSKI In which I disclose a safer way to make a program check for the presence of Powr-DOS joel [75725,1134] DOSTIP.008 Text, Bytes: 2005, Count: 153, 17-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD 100 102 200 DISK DRIVE PEEK POKE SECTR0 Short little essay on the risks and payoffs involved in PEEKs & POKEs to learn how TDD (and everything else about this computer) works. [75725,1134] DOSTIP.009 Text, Bytes: 4958, Count: 83, 04-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD TDD1 PDD PDD1 BASIC POWR-DOS SECTOR Powr_DOS provides TDD1 users the capabiltiy to bypass the TDD file structure and access the disk directly. The most obvious applications for this capability are utility programs and database programs. This file lists those things someone writing such a program will need to know. This is an advanced and fairly specialized programming tip. TDD2/FLOPY2 users/programmers should read, instead, TD2TIP.009, which covers the same matters. joel [75725,1134] DOSTIP.010 Text, Bytes: 3027, Count: 77, 02-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 TDD PDD TDD1 PDD1 POWR-DOS RECOVR RECOVER RECOVERY I've said before that RECOVR is worth the price of admission for Powr-DOS; I'm certainly not going to retract the claim now that the program's "free". Nonetheless, RECOVR has some irritating quirks. The patch enclosed in this file fixes some of them. This file includes the patch, some discusion, and instructions for loading the patch. The patch includes several lines which are longer than 80 characters. Checksum for the patch: 88,367 joel [75725,1134] DOSTIP.011 Text, Bytes: 1042, Count: 66, 01-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 TDD PDD TDD1 PDD1 TDD2 PDD2 BASIC LFILES The Powr-DOS command set includes the command LFILES MENU. A couple notes on why it's preferable to MENU for a program exit. [74756,413] DOSTIP.ER6 Text, Bytes: 415, Count: 40, 31-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: POWER-DOS TDD MERGE BUG FIX Correction to apparent typographical error in DOSTIP.006. Partial fix of MERGE/ LOAD [ASCII] bug in POWR-DOS. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DOWTDD.THD Text, Bytes: 8798, Count: 110, 05-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD TDD2 DOWNLOAD COMM RS-232 MESSAGES THREAD Downloading to disk is a major improvement over having to rely on RAM storage for downloads -- particularly if a 1200 baud modem is in use. The Chipmunk (and DVI) disk drives are able to provide this capability. Unfortunately, the Tandy Portable Disk Drives (TDD & TDD2) suffer in this regard, due to their use of the RS-232 for interfacing with the computer. This file captures typical messages on this subject. [73327,2262] DPTIP.000 Text, Bytes: 600, Count: 231, 30-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 200 PDD TDD DOS ULTRASOFT TANDY This is the introduction to the DISK POWER series, placed on CIS by Ultrasoft Innovations Inc. for all users of the Tandy or Brother FB-100 portable disk drive. These tips will help DISK POWER owners to better use their Disk Operating System with various other machine language programs, hardware and peripherals. The series will also address some of the inherant shortcomings of the PDD and will offer solutions at different user levels. [73327,2262] DPTIP.001 Text, Bytes: 2350, Count: 175, 30-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 200 PDD TDD DOS ULTRASOFT TANDY This is the first in a series of tips for users of all levels with DISK POWER and the Tandy/Brother Portable Disk Drive. This tip deals with the use of DISK POWER and ACOUSTIC COUPLERS to upload and/or download to disk (indirectly), without the need of any hardware or software modifications, while connected to TELCOM (TERMinal mode) and without losing the carrier or telephone line. Feedback welcome... [73327,2262] DPTIP.002 Text, Bytes: 1100, Count: 129, 30-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 200 PDD TDD DOS ULTRASOFT TANDY This is the 2nd in a series of tips for users of DISK POWER and Tandy/Brother Portable Disk Drive. In this tip, we will be addressing the problem of the drive to not allow files greater than 64K in length, and some suggestions on how to avoid data loss due to this problem of the drive. Feedback welcome. [73327,2262] DPTIP.003 Text, Bytes: 2180, Count: 139, 14-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 200 TIP PDD TDD DOS FB100 This is tip number three in the ongoing series, for users of the Tandy/Brother Portable Disk Drive and DISK POWER. This tip deals with user documentation clarifications and additions of some omitted material. (for version one only of the manual, since all new users get the updated manual, version two). [72300,3203] GEORGE SHERMAN DPTIP.004 Text, Bytes: 5175, Count: 35, 28-Mar-88(28-Mar-88) Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 PDD TDD1 DOS ULTRASOFT TANDY DRIVE This tip is for the users of the 100/102, Tandy Disk Drive 100k (TDD1), with DiskPower and SUPERA Version 3.0. It contains information about a patch to enable the two to operate simultaneously without resulting in a cold start. [72300,3203] GEORGE SHERMAN DPTIP.005 Text, Bytes: 1207, Count: 35, 30-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 PDD TDD1 DOS ULTRASOFT TANDY DRIVE This tip is for the users of the 100/102, Tandy Disk Drive 100k (TDD1), with DiskPower and SUPERA Version 3.0. It contains a much shorter version of the program given in DPTIP.004 for a patch to enable the two to operate simultaneously without resulting in a cold start. [73327,2262] DPUSER.000 Text, Bytes: 1125, Count: 112, 19-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 200 TDD PDD DOS ULTRASOFT DPTIP is a new series of tips, comments and other useful information from USERS of DISK POWER 100/102/200. The files talk about DISK POWER performance under operating conditions never thought of by its' designer. DPUSER.000 explains the philosophy behind the series. For tips fully supported by Ultrasoft Innovations, please see the series. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DPUSER.001 Text, Bytes: 3650, Count: 130, 19-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: DISK 100 102 200 TDD POWER DP100 TIPS HINTS COMPATIBILITY This file contains some (hopefully) intelligent guesses about how Disk Power 100 is implemented, and some cautionary notes based on these speculations. See DPUSER.002 for some good hints on using other OS's. Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [73537,775] DPUSER.002 Text, Bytes: 3585, Count: 145, 22-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: DISK POWER 100 102 200 TDD PDD DOS ULTRASOFT DPTIP One users opinion of Disk Power after a few weeks use. Includes discussion and program in DL5 to use other operating systems with Disk Power. (This is a corrected version which was originally loaded 8/21/86) Checksum=310,036 [70136,1007] Mel Snyder DPUSER.003 Text, Bytes: 2900, Count: 149, 23-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: DRIVE 200 DISK POWER SAVE LOAD TDD DIRECT CONNECT MODEM The Disk-Power documentation has an "undocumented" explanation of how one can load or save files to/from the TDD while in the F7-called text mode of Telcom - - but only with the acoustic cup connection. This tip reports that the Model 200 supports the direct-connect cable as well - - at least while online to CompuServe and other services that don't shut down after short pauses. [71666,1721] Rick Phillips DRCTRY.100 Text, Bytes: 6215, Count: 146, 20-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: CAS CASSETTE DIRECTORY TAPE LIBRARY FILE (D)IRECTORY.100 is an effective way of managing a virtually unlimited library of cassette tapes for your computer. Throw away that pencil and paper! Instruction set and standard ".DO" file included. NOT A PROGRAM! File is formatted for printing with WRITE+, after processing with FXTXT.100 ver 3.0, but may be read as a normal ASCII file, too. [72227,1661] Paul Globman DRCTRY.BP Text, Bytes: 711, Count: 52, 02-May-88 Title : Keywords: BOOSTER PAK ROOT DIRECTORY SUB LIST MAINTENANCE The following program will maintain a directory list (DIRLST.DO) in the ROOT DIRECTORY of the Booster Pak. This list will contain all the DIRECTORIES with their associated environments and files. Checksum = 41,575 [73126,1775] DRESTO.DOC Text, Bytes: 1965, Count: 126, 15-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY DISK DRIVE PDD TDD BASIC 100 POWR-DISK BACKUP RESTORE Documentation for DRESTO.TDD, a program to automatically restore a saved set of files from the Tandy Disk Drive to ram on the Model 100. Use in conjunction with DBAKUP.TDD to create the saved file sets on the disk. Both written for the Model 100 only. Echo to printer. [73126,1775] DRESTO.PAT Text, Bytes: 490, Count: 62, 18-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY DISK DRIVE PDD TDD BASIC 100 POWR-DISK BACKUP RESTORE A one line patch for DRESTO.TDD to add a little extra error handling I found necessary. The program will now recover from a file not found error and will not halt upon EOF if only BASIC programs have been saved. Checksum: 40,477 [73126,1775] DRESTO.TDD Text, Bytes: 2700, Count: 99, 19-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY DISK DRIVE PDD TDD BASIC 100 POWR-DISK BACKUP RESTORE DRESTO.TDD is a Disk restore utility designed to load a complete saved set of programs and files automatically from the Tandy Disk Drive to ram. It uses the POWER-DISK software from Acroatix. It requires DBAKUP.TDD to work best. See DRESTO.DOC, DBAKUP.TDD, DBAKUP.DOC NOTE: DRESTO.PAT of 18-Feb-86 has been made to this copy. Checksum: 165,469 PA = 13 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DRIVES.THD Text, Bytes: 6294, Count: 86, 24-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: DRIVES DISK RAM CHIPMUNK TDD OPTIONS MESSAGES THREAD The question of which drive to buy for use with the Model 100/102 is a continuing one -- as is the trade-off between use of a disk drive and expanding the RAM above the 32K "limit". Some have tried various combinations, and almost everyone has a preference. These are recent messages on this topic. [70156,1575] DSKCAT.100 Text, Bytes: 1375, Count: 38, 13-Sep-89 Title : Disk catalog database program Keywords: POWER.DOS POWER-DOS POWR-DOS DBNEW.100 DB100 DBASE.100 DB-III DATABASE FILE LFI DSKCAT is used with the Tandy Portable Disk Drive and POWER-DOS to generate a disk catalog database file for use with DBNEW.100. POWER-DOS must be installed in memory before running this program. The program asks for the Disk name and whether the disk is for Business or Personal use. It then reads that disk through POWER-DOS and builds the database file. The file can then be used and manipulated through DBNEW.100. CHECKSUM 96049 [71706,334] DSKCNV.PDD Text, Bytes: 405, Count: 191, 01-Jan-86(02-Jan-86) Title : Keywords: TANDY 100 200 PDD TDD DISK DRIVE LIST FILE CATALOG Conversion program to convert DIRLST files from old DSKL program to current one. Checksum: 24280 [71706,334] DSKDOC.PDD Text, Bytes: 7130, Count: 739, 01-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY 100 200 PDD TDD DISK DRIVE LIST FILE CATALOG Disk catalog program for the Tandy portable disk drive and a Model 100 or 200. See file for more details. If you have a PDD, you will want to take a look at this [71706,334] DSKL.PDD Text, Bytes: 4360, Count: 616, 01-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 PDD TDD DISK DRIVE LIST FILE CATALOG Disk catalog program for use with the Tandy Portable Disk Drive. See the file DSKDOC.PDD for instructions, and the files DSKLP.PDD and DSKLPD.PDD for printer output version. Checksum = 274,894 [71706,334] DSKLP.PDD Text, Bytes: 1445, Count: 422, 01-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY 100 200 PDD TDD DISK DRIVE LIST FILE CATALOG Printer output program for DSKL.PDD files. See file DSKLPD.PDD for documentation. Checksum: 93769 [71706,334] DSKLPD.PDD Text, Bytes: 1710, Count: 393, 01-Jan-86 Title : Keywords: TANDY 100 200 PDD TDD DISK DRIVE LIST FILE CATALOG Documentation for the DSKLP program, a printer program for DSKL program directory files. [72277,1433] D&R ROWLAND DSKLST.100 Text, Bytes: 3929, Count: 39, 14-Mar-91 Title : DSKLST.100 - A DIV disk lister & Alphabetizer Keywords: DVI CATALOG 100 102 LISTINGS INDEX A Basic program to provide an alphabatized catalog by type of all files on a DVI disk. A short description of the contents of each file can be added to the listing. CHECKSUM=230,238 [72277,1433] D&R ROWLAND DSKLST.DOC Text, Bytes: 2679, Count: 25, 13-Mar-91 Title : DSKLST.TXT - A guide to DSKLST.100 Keywords: Guide to using DSKLST.100 [71216,1375] J.K. Heilman DSKMGR.100 Text, Bytes: 8750, Count: 907, 08-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 ML LOADER TANDY PDD TDD PORTABLE DISK DRIVE Version 3.02 of DSKMGR, a disk/file management system for the Model 100 and the Tandy/Purple/Brother portable disk drives. Somewhat smaller, but with more built-in features than previous versions. See also: DSKMGR.DOC and DSKMGR.MNU Checksum = 438,562 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DSKMGR.200 Text, Bytes: 6711, Count: 83, 19-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR TDD TDD1 TDD2 TD2 PDD LOADER BASIC 200 FILE DSKMGR.200 is a Basic loader for DSKMGR.CO on the Tandy 200. The CO program can be located at any legal address. Works same as the 100 version except "self-clearing" is not available. See DSKMGR.DOR for discussion of loader (0MENU options are not included) and DSKMGR.DOC for program operation. **Minor loading bug update on 6/19/88; If you have DSKMGR.CO in your 200, you do NOT need to download this** Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71216,1375] J.K. Heilman DSKMGR.DOC Text, Bytes: 12260, Count: 391, 12-Sep-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 ML LOADER TANDY PDD TDD1 PORTABLE DISK DRIVE Documentation for v3.02 of DSKMGR, a disk/file management program for the Tandy/Purple/Brother 100K portable disk drives. Formatted and paged for ECHO to LPT: or SHIFT-PRINT printing. Also see DSKMGR.100 and DSKMGR.200. (Revised 9/12/87 to correct author's address) [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DSKMGR.DOR Text, Bytes: 2444, Count: 215, 10-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR TDD TDD1 RELOCATE BASIC LOADER 100 102 DSKMGR.REL is James Heilman's DSKMGR v. 3.02 TDD1 file manager, packaged in a relocating Basic loader for the Model 100/102; see DSKMGR.DOC for Basic use and DSKMGR.DOR for more info on relocating version. It permits loading DSKMGR.CO at any legal and available location in RAM (e.g., below another CO program which must be at the top of memory). Patches for use with PG Designs 0MENU are prompted options within the loader. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DSKMGR.MNU Text, Bytes: 770, Count: 393, 08-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE TDD PATCH DSKMGR MENU ENTER This is a small patch to DSKMGR (Vers. 3.02) to cause the key to take you from the DSKMGR menu to the M100 menu (equivalent to F8). <> Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DSKMGR.PGD Text, Bytes: 1485, Count: 150, 09-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD DISK DRIVE MANAGER DSKMGR 0MENU PG RAM This is a short program to patch (and add to) DSKMGR.CO to make it compatible with the P.G. Designs 0MENU vers. 2.00+. Documentation is in the program. ***You MUST have 0MENU installed to use the patched version of the program*** >>>UPDATED FOR VERS 3.02 OF DSKMGR, 12/9/86<<< <> Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DSKMGR.REL Text, Bytes: 7531, Count: 167, 10-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR TDD TDD1 RELOCATE BASIC LOADER 100 102 DSKMGR.REL is J. Heilman's DSKMGR v. 3.02 TDD1 file manager, packaged in a relocating Basic loader for the M100/102; see DSKMGR.DOC for Basic use and DSKMGR.DOR for more info on relocating version. It permits loading DSKMGR at any legal and available location in RAM. Patches for use with PG Designs 0MENU are prompted options within the loader. Checksum = 441,407 Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler DSKMGR.THD Text, Bytes: 6020, Count: 122, 09-Jan-88 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR TDD TDD2 FLOPPY MESSAGES THREAD Recently a bug report on DSKMGR was uploaded, regarding its detection of defective media. It resulted in an exchange here in the Forum -- and eventually, an Easyplex message from the author, J.K. Heilman, explaining the cause of the "bug". That message concludes this file. [73537,775] DSKRAM.100 Text, Bytes: 3075, Count: 159, 26-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TANDY DISK DRIVE BACKUP TDD PDD POWR-DISK ACROATIX A program which restores the RAM from the TDD when it is previously saved using RAMDSK.100. Uses an Index file to allow restoring only those files that were in RAM when run. Checksum=190,725. [74106,761] Doug Mayfield DSMENU.BA Text, Bytes: 1480, Count: 261, 20-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD PDD TANDY DISK DRIVE MENU DSKMGR UTILITY This is a basic menu program to call up the DSKMGR.CO utility modules. It is necessary that you understand the operation of DSKMGR.CO and its utilities and set them up on your own. With this menu it is possible to set up how you want to operate DSKMGR.CO, and it's utilities. All lines under #100 (remarks) may be removed to conserve RAM space. Checksum = 104,780 [70506,1473] DVI.100 Text, Bytes: 85, Count: 174, 29-Mar-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 KILL BOOT DVI DISK OPERATING SYSTEM UTILITY RELOAD DVI.100 kills the DVI operating system when the DVI is not available and frees the 4697 bytes of RAM for other uses. If it is run again when the DVI is available, it will boot (re-load) the DVI operating system provided that sufficient RAM is free. DVI.100 leaves all RAM: files intact! Notes: (1) After booting the DVI operating system reset the M100's clock/calendar. (2) If the M100 seems to lockup, press RESET and try again. Checksum 5,129 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura DVI.CAT Text, Bytes: 9674, Count: 84, 26-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - DVI Keywords: CATALOG DVI RADIO SHACK RS DISK VIDEO INTERFACE This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which deal with the Radio Shack Disk/Video Interface, it's technology, operation, modification and accessories. [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst DVI-DS.THD Text, Bytes: 2523, Count: 28, 15-Apr-90 Title : Re. using both sides of DVI disks. Keywords: DVI DISK DRIVE SINGLE SIDE DOUBLE SIDED DATA STORAGE Comments on using both sides of your single-sided DVI disks. Gives a description of how to modify the disk jacket for this purpose -- and notes that special tools for that purpose are available. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson DVI200.USE Text, Bytes: 3876, Count: 47, 12-Dec-89(21-Nov-95) Title : DOS for Tandy 200 and Disk/Video Interface Keywords: 200 DVI DISK VIDEO INTERFACE SOFTWARE HELP TIP THREAD CATALOG Captured message thread which discusses use of the Tandy Disk/Video Interface with the Tandy 200. Ordering number for the D/VI software for the 200 is included in this thread. [74716,476] George Toft DVI2ND.INF Text, Bytes: 9825, Count: 157, 12-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: DVI DISC DISK 2 2ND SECOND HALF MEG 500K DRIVE This information file describes how to mount a double sided drive into the DVI and access both sides from BASIC. The result is a DVI with 3 sides of 184K each (552K total, 499.5K normal, 515K using special DVI tricks). Now who can't use a half Meg DVI??? Checksum = 795,147 [70466,1511] Maddi Durholz DVITIP.001 Text, Bytes: 1825, Count: 425, 18-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: DVI DISC VIDEO INTERFACE PRINT FORMAT SCREEN DISPLAY This file is the first on the subject of tips for using the Tandy Disk/Video Interface. Feedback and other tips welcome. [70466,1511] Maddi Durholz DVITIP.002 Text, Bytes: 2525, Count: 244, 30-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: SCRIPSIT.100 SCRIPSIT MODEL 100 DVI DISK TEXT FORMATTER WORD PROCESSOR These instructions allow owners of SCRIPSIT.100 and the TANDY DVI to use SCRIPSIT and ALL of its features, including dot commands, with diskettes. Checksum: 206,413 [74216,73] DYSAVE.AJ Text, Bytes: 1040, Count: 37, 01-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: AJ SYSTEM 100 BASIC TMPC DIARY WAFER DRIVE SAVE This program will save & append DIARY.DO files from TMPC to A&J's System 100. (Other storage systems should work, too.) It then clears memory previously used for DIARY.DO files. See DYSAVE.DOC for details. Checksum: 64,561 [74216,73] DYSAVE.DOC Text, Bytes: 1615, Count: 50, 01-Feb-86(01-Feb-86) Title : Keywords: AJ SYSTEM 100 BASIC TMPC DIARY WAFER DRIVE SAVE Documentaion for DYSAVE.AJ [75725,1134] ERASE.TDD Text, Bytes: 1344, Count: 55, 25-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD PDD BASIC FLOPPY POWR-DOS ERASE DELETE Erase deletes every file of a TDD diskette; it's equivalent to the PC-DOS command ERASE *.*. Obviously this is not an everyday utility. But Erase.TDD is *much* quicker than reformatting the diskette. This program works with M100/T102 & Powr-DOS on TDD1 *or* M100/T102/T200 & FLOPPY on TDD2 (scratches both directories); it checks what's there and acts appropriately. Software/Hardware combinations not listed will not work. Checksum: 90,262 joel [71216,1375] J.K. Heilman ERASER.TDD Text, Bytes: 1095, Count: 234, 20-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD PDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE ERASE DELETE A stand-alone BASIC utility to delete files stored on the TDD. Does not require FLOPPY, DSKMGR, or commercial DOS to operate. Checksum = 72788 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler EXP102.THD Text, Bytes: 5082, Count: 91, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: EXPAND 102 PERIPHERALS DISK SOFTWARE MEMORY ADD MESSAGES THREAD This is a nicely crafted reply to a new owner's query on expanding his Tandy 102. Brief, but very much worth saving for future reference. The first message (question) is an agenda for what follows. [72677,42] Carmen Paone EXTRA.NOD Text, Bytes: 2390, Count: 27, 23-Jun-90 Title : EXTRA.NODE is a writer's utility. Keywords: NODE DATAPAC PAC 100 102 VARPTR TEXT CALL JOURNALISM PICAS EXTRA.100 now has a cousin which will run in the NODE DATPAC. The program resides in the NODE and can access your story and a MEMO and HELP files, too. The NODE ROM must be installed for the program to work. It will not work with Paul Globman's fine utility RAMDSK.CO. The program also is for the Model 100 and Model 102 version of the Node as well. Checksum = 169,227 [70465,203] Leonard Erickson FATPRT.DOC Text, Bytes: 4030, Count: 87, 19-Dec-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DIRECTORY PRINT FILE CLUSTER LOCATION FAT Documentation for FATPRT.DVI [70465,203] Leonard Erickson FATPRT.DVI Text, Bytes: 1060, Count: 145, 01-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK DIRECTORY PRINT FILE CLUSTER LOCATION FAT This program will print a directory from the DVI disk. It includes the file type, starting cluster, and location of the entry in the directory (useful for repairing files). It also prints out the FAT table. See FATPRT.DOC. (255 = unused, 254 = used by system, -0 to -9 means last cluster of chain with the abs value of the number = to the number of sectors used in the cluster. 3-80 are # of next cluster in the chain.) Checksum = 64,222 [75725,1134] FILVUE.DOC Text, Bytes: 3735, Count: 56, 27-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 BASIC TDD PDD TDD1 PDD1 TDD2 PDD2 Documentation for FilVue.TDD. [75725,1134] FILVUE.TDD Text, Bytes: 2930, Count: 66, 27-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 BASIC TDD PDD TDD1 PDD1 TDD2 PDD2 FilVue lets you peek at TDD files; I use it to help me identify files whose purpose I've forgot. (It makes a nice companion program to NDX100/200, or any other indexer.) FilVue displays the first 280 bytes in the file, which usually includes some indentification information. This program works with: M100/T102 and Powr-DOS for TDD1. M100/T102/T200 and FLOPPY for TDD2. Checksum: 188,708 joel [72575,1473] FINDCC.324 Text, Bytes: 3275, Count: 56, 17-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE CDOS CRC ERROR FINDCC FIND This is a Basic program that creates the machine language program FINDCC.CO, a fast way to find where CRC errors are on CDOS 3.24 disks. A multiple beep signals a CRC error and a single beep signals other errors. Be ready with pencil and paper to copy down the track and sector numbers! Checksum = 172,627 Tim Ekdom [71056,613] Neil Wick FIXPIN.DVI Text, Bytes: 2180, Count: 130, 20-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: DVI 100 200 CONNECTOR PINS HARDWARE FIX REPAIR CABLE What to do about a D/VI cable with a broken pin. An under-$2 fix. [75655,1056] FIXUM.CHP Text, Bytes: 870, Count: 78, 08-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE REPAIR DIRECTORY ALLOCATION TABLE Here's a simple but effective program (93 bytes without REMs) that attempts to repair the MAIN directory and Allocation Table on a Chipmunk disk in the event you cannot load the disk Menu into your Model 100. Assumes the BACKUP Directory and Allocation Table are good, which is true about 9 out of 10 times. Checksum = 65,960 PA=45 [71256,1353] FLAKY.BAS Text, Bytes: 1710, Count: 50, 06-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE ERROR UTILITY CRC Like CRCERR.BA, this tries to retrieve CRC Chipmunk disk errors but FLAKY.BA reads one byte at a time. Watch for garbled bytes in the 100-or-so bytes following a flagged error. (marked <> in RAM file). Last line of program is too long for CIS, correct before running. W.H. Calvin Checksum: 127,149 PA=58 [71216,1564] Haruko Narumi FLDCHG.CHP Text, Bytes: 1646, Count: 42, 27-May-87 Title : Keywords: 100 BASIC CHIPMUNK FOLDER CHANGE This program demonstrates how to change Chipmunk folders from a BASIC program. If you have X-TEL from Sigea Systems, this program can be used to change Chipmunk folders while remaining online. To use with X-TEL, replace END statement in line 13 with CALL n statement, where n is the TOP address of X- TEL. Pressing ENTER key at the prompt will display the help screen. Checksum: 106,750 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler FLIFLO.TD2 Text, Bytes: 400, Count: 111, 15-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TD2 TND2 FLOPPY FREMEM PATCH UTILITY MERGE FLIFLO.TD2 is a TDD2 FREMEM utility patch uploaded by Charlie Summers [ 72257,140] sans checksum. Later, he recommended that I "adopt" it. After considerable use, I have. Merge with FREMEM.BA from TDD2 system disk to create new FREMEM which will FLIp FLOppy in in and out of RAM. Very handy fro freeing RAM for other, potentially conflicting applications and then easily restoring FLOPPY. TDD2 only!! Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [70506,223] FLIP.TD2 Text, Bytes: 955, Count: 106, 07-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC SWITCH DIRECTORY TDD2 TDD FLOPPY POWR-DOS DISK 100 102 FLIP.TD2 is a 190 byte BASIC program that will switch the two directories on the TDD2 using FLOPPY (2). The main use for this program is to allow POWR-DOS access to the second directory. Checksum = 74,780 [72227,1661] Paul Globman FLOPRD.100 Text, Bytes: 1567, Count: 43, 04-Aug-90 Title : Resolve Floppy (TDD2) conflict with RAMDSK.CO Keywords: NODE DATAPAC RAMPAC RAMDSK FLOPPY TDD2 Procedure for eliminating the conflict between FLOPPY (TDD2) and RAMDSK.CO in the M100/102. cksm = 114916 [71625,1162] W. Scott & K. Morton FOLDER.CHP Text, Bytes: 4505, Count: 104, 16-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE FILE FOLDER FOLDERS STORAGE MANUAL CDOS I wrote this article in response to a msg from Larry Holmes asking SIG members to help in writing the revised manual. Someone said that they had trouble understanding how the folders worked, so I gave it a try. Please read this and send me your comments. All comments, good or bad are most welcome. -+WMS3+- [71256,1353] FOLDER.FIX Text, Bytes: 690, Count: 74, 15-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE FOLDER DIRECTORY FIX CORBITT Don Corbitt's FOLDER demo is specific to CDOS 3.1; it will crash CDOS 3.2 without the POKEs changed. This file describes how to update FOLDER. [76701,40] Denny Thomas FORMAT.PWR Bin, Bytes: 1408, Count: 227, 10-Jun-88 Title : POWR-DOS TDD-1 disk format program Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Formatting utility program from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 95,326 It is extremely important that you read POWR-D.INF before downloading any of the POWR-DOS binary files. This program will not format disks in a TDD-2 (200K). [71216,1375] J.K. Heilman FORMAT.TDD Text, Bytes: 940, Count: 346, 29-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE PDD FORMAT A stand-alone BASIC utility to format disk on the Tandy/Brother disk drive. The program requires NO DOS to be resident in the computer, and works regardless of what DOS you normally use with the drive. Checksum = 62,023 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst FYLDOS.100 Text, Bytes: 919, Count: 56, 09-Sep-90 Title : Small file catalog program for TDD1. Rev. 8/9/90 Keywords: TDD TDD1 TANDY DISK DRIVE FILE CATALOG LIBRARY FYLDOS TS-DOS Small, very fast catalog pgm for the TDD1. You insert disks and give each one a name; FYLDOS creates a list of files, their (accurate) sizes, the disk they're on, and the remaining space on each disk. All info is appended to a DO file called AAATDD. For hints on use, see FYLDOS.DOC. FYLDOS, incidentally, communicates with the TDD directly: no extra DOS required. TS-DOS conflict has been fixed. Chksum=56,750 Wilson Van Alst [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst FYLDOS.120 Text, Bytes: 953, Count: 73, 09-Sep-90 Title : Small file catalog program for TDD2. Rev. 8/9/90 Keywords: TDD TDD2 TANDY DISK DRIVE FILE CATALOG LIBRARY FYLDOS TS-DOS Small, very fast catalog pgm for the TDD2. You insert disks and give each one a name; FYLDOS creates a list of files, their (accurate) sizes, the disk & directory they're on, and the free space on each disk. All info is appended to a .DO file called AAATDD. For hints on use, see FYLDOS.DOC. FYLDOS, incidentally, talks the TDD directly: no extra DOS required. TS-DOS conflict has been fixed. Chksum=58,812 Wilson Van Alst [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst FYLDOS.200 Text, Bytes: 917, Count: 43, 15-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: 200 T200 PDD TDD DISK FILE DIRECTORY CATALOG SIZE LFILES Unique disk-catalog program that is small, fast, and 100% accurate on file sizes (a bugaboo for most previous catalog efforts). Amazingly, you do _not_ have to have any DOS installed to run this program -- a boon if you need memory to the MAX for the catalog itself. This version specific to the T200 and fixes a bug in the previous upload. DOC file describes how to. Cksum = 55,838 Wilson Van Alst [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst FYLDOS.220 Text, Bytes: 942, Count: 40, 03-Apr-90 Title : TDD-2 Disk Cataloging program Keywords: 200 PDD2 TDD2 DISK FILE DIRECTORY CATALOG SIZE LFILES TDD2 disk-catalog program that works without a resident DOS. Appends the following disk file info to a formatted RAM file named AAATDD.DO: File Name ... Size ... Disk Name :Dir# After listing all files on each directory, the program adds a line giving the amount of free space on the disk. This program is for the T200. See FYLDOS.DOC in Lib 9 for general operating hints. Cksum = 57,716 Wilson Van Alst [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst FYLDOS.DOC Text, Bytes: 4196, Count: 107, 29-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: DOC SUGGESTS WAYS USE PROGRAMS MAINTAINING DECENT INVENTORY Instructions for FYLDOS.100/FYLDOS.200, which are TDD catalog programs requiring no resident DOS. You'll find the programs are very small, very fast, and (unlike many previous catalog attempts) completely accurate on file sizes. [74016,1660] RALPH D.WALTHALL FYLPRT.100 Text, Bytes: 2250, Count: 34, 17-Jun-90 Title : FYLPRT.100 Keywords: FYLDOS 4COLUMN PRINTOUT M100 TDD1 A small addition to FYLDOS.100 to printout a 4 column listing of the disk files from a single diskette (TDD1) to any printer. See remarks at end of program for info. Checksum [151,605] [75655,1056] GETUM.CHP Text, Bytes: 570, Count: 80, 11-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE RECOVER FILE FILES ERROR RECOVERY After using DISKPP.CHP or SEARCH.CHP to locate where a given file is stored on your Chipmunk disk, you can run this program to easily retrieve DO files from a damaged disk that has no backup. It is also possible to recover .BA programs, but you must run the recovered ASCII file through a detokenizing program such as DETOKE.100. Checksum: 37,377 PA=43 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura HARDWR.CAT Text, Bytes: 12125, Count: 118, 26-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - Hardware Keywords: CATALOG HARDWARE UTILITY CASSETTE RS232 This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which are hardware-oritented; items for the cassette recorder, A&J Micro Drive, expansion RAM module, RS232 cable, connections, etc. [72677,42] Carmen Paone HELPER.BA Text, Bytes: 3659, Count: 28, 16-Jun-90 Title : HELPER.BA is a Model 100/102 utility for the Node Keywords: BASIC NODE DATAPAC UTILITY 100 102 ASCII KILL NAME CIS HELPER.BA is a Model 100/102 utility for the Node DATAPAC. It contains several utility features such as KILL, NAME. Also included are provisions for loading eight of your favorite CO programs from the Node into RAM. Checksum = 253,697 The program will only work with the ROM chip supplied with the Node DataPak. [72237,2656] ICU.BA Text, Bytes: 3336, Count: 32, 05-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD PDD TDD2 PDD2 BASIC DOC PORTABLE Index Compression Utility shrinks INDEX.DO files produced by the NDXxxx TDD2 index programs (dl9) by removing repetitive data [i.e. ALARM3.BA 511 0:MAIN(CR) ALARM3.BA 511 1:BACKUP1(CR) is changed to ALARM3.BA 511 0:MAIN, BACKUP1(CR)]. This file contains both the program (389 bytes in BASIC) and documentation. Checksum=257,128. [72227,1661] Paul Globman INFO.PDD Text, Bytes: 7488, Count: 24, 02-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: PDD PACKET PROTOCOL PDD packet info update June 02 1988 [71256,1353] INSURE.DIR Text, Bytes: 6300, Count: 47, 24-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY BACKUP UTILITY CDOS ALLOCATION Overwritten main directories continue to be an occassional but catastrophic problem under all versions of CDOS. This group of programs (cut and paste from the documentation) creates a backup directory and allocation table at the top end of the disk. If backed up after each disk write, it should insure against catastrophic loss. W.H Calvin 5/24/85 Checksum: 487,976 PA=45 [71256,1353] INSURE.FIX Text, Bytes: 1360, Count: 43, 26-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY BACKUP UTILITY PATCH CDOS A minor patch to one of the INSURE.DIR programs, so as to initialize both copies of the Allocation Table (turns out that CDOS swaps them). Checksum = 107,327 PA= 22 [70536,1061] KISS.CAS Text, Bytes: 2115, Count: 76, 05-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 KISS CAS CASSETTE COLD START RECOVER UTILITY KISS.CAS makes use of Function Keys to load up to three BASIC programs and as many .DO files as desired after a cold-start. >>READ<< KISS.DOC BEFORE RUNNING! Checksum: 127,846 PA=157 [70536,1061] KISS.DOC Text, Bytes: 5220, Count: 137, 05-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 KISS COLD START RECOVER CAS CASSETTE DVI DISK Documentation for KISS.CAS and KISS.DVI PA=229 [70536,1061] KISS.DVI Text, Bytes: 2290, Count: 76, 05-Aug-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 COLD START RECOVER DVI DISK UTILITY KISS.DVI and KISS.CAS make use of Function Keys to load up to three BASIC programs and as many .DO files as desired, after a cold-start. >>READ<< KISS.DOC BEFORE RUNNING!!! Checksum: 137,276 PA=75 [70235,232] Woods Martin L-DVI.100 Text, Bytes: 1445, Count: 281, 26-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE POWR-DISK TS-DOS Selectively enables and disables D/VI software, preserving date and time during conversion. On enable, first disables POWR-DISK or TS-DOS software for the Tandy Portable Disk Drive should it be in use. Defaults to 80 x 24 display--see line 48. On enable, at first Menu display, select L-DVI AGAIN to automatically preserve date and time. Checksum 95,123 PA=79 /\ /\ /'`\ /'`\ ')(`woods')(` [70235,232] Woods Martin L-POWR.100 Text, Bytes: 220, Count: 212, 07-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE DVI VIDEO Short program to install POWR-D.CO saved as a RAM file into high memory. If the D/VI is in use, it will first be disabled and the display returned to the Model 100 screen. Checksum 14,019 /\ /\ /'`\ /'`\ ')(`woods')(` [70235,232] Woods Martin L-TSD.100 Text, Bytes: 100, Count: 124, 26-May-86 Title : Keywords: TDD DISK BASIC TS-DOS DVI UTILITY 100 Short program to load TS-DOS. First it disables D/VI DOS if it is in use and then does a RUNM of TS-DOS.CO which in turn loads and runs DOS100.CO from disk. Checksum 5,843 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson LDPDSK.NOD Text, Bytes: 5444, Count: 28, 23-Dec-89 Title : Power-Disk loader, runs in Node RAMdisk Keywords: 200 NODE POWR POWER DISK RAMDISK DATAPAK LOADER RECOVER BASIC Program runs from Node Datapak menu, loading Power-Disk from POWR-D.CO file stored in the Node, into RAM. Virtually immediate reload of the DOS after cold starts or deliberate removal of Power-Disk. Specific to the Tandy 200, Power-Disk, Node Datapak combination, but may be adaptable to others. The program can also be used to reload other cold-start configuration setups. Checksum = 440,097 [75775,1430] Don Zeikel LILDEX.DOC Text, Bytes: 4450, Count: 96, 23-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD PDD POWR-DISK POWR-D.CO POWR-DOS INDEX TANDY PORTABLE Directions for LILDEX.TDD, alphabetical disk file name indexer for Mod 100 (102 ) with POWR-DISK. Can handle indexes of over 20K. Use these directions also for LILDOS.TDD, operationally much the same but using POWR-DOS. NOTE: FILES ON DISKS MUST HAVE LETTER OF THE ALPHABET FOR FIRST LETTER OF NAME WITH LILDEX, AND MAY NOT HAVE NUMBER AS FIRST LETTER OF THE NAME FOR LILDOS. [75775,1430] Don Zeikel LILDEX.TDD Text, Bytes: 2900, Count: 78, 23-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 TDD PDD POWR-DISK INDEX ACROATIX DISK DRIVE Alphabetical disk file name indexer for Model 100 (102) with POWR-DISK software from Acroatix. Can handle indexes of over 20K. NOTE: Files on disks MUST have a letter of the alphabet for the first letter of the file names. See the instructions in the file LILDEX.DOC. If you have POWR-DOS software, use the program LILDOS.TDD instead. Checksum = 185,431 [75775,1430] Don Zeikel LILDOS.TDD Text, Bytes: 2965, Count: 67, 05-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD PDD POWR-DOS INDEX TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE Alphabetical disk file name indexer for Mod 100 (102). Can handle indexes of over 20K. This is a version of LILDEX.TDD for use with POWR-DOS. If you have POWR-DISK, use LILDEX instead. See LILDEX.DOC for instructions. NOTE: FILES ON DISKS MAY NOT HAVE NUMBERS AS FIRST CHARACTERS IN FILE NAMES. Checksum = 189,606 [70337,3727] LOGPDD.BA Text, Bytes: 4630, Count: 119, 21-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DISK DRIVE POWR-DOS MODIFICATION LOG PDD TDD This is the POWR-DOS modification of the original disk log program for the PDD. The program as modified runs from the disk exclusively and offers twice the memory for file storage. Can return back to DMENU if it is in RAM. For the documentation for this modified program see LOGPDD.DOC. -ronnie- Checksum: 290,932 [70337,3727] LOGPDD.DOC Text, Bytes: 5915, Count: 124, 18-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DISK DRIVE POWR-DOS MODIFICATION LOG PDD TDD This is a modification of the fine disk log program on the SIG to run with the POWR-DOS utility. This is the DOC file. The program is LOGPDD.BA. The program now uses disk based data files and can log twice the amount of data as the original. Formatted for 80 col. DL or dump to printer. -ronnie- /ex [70337,3727] LOGPRT.BA Text, Bytes: 2175, Count: 53, 17-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE FILE POWR-DOS CATALOG PRINT LOG This is the companion program to the LOGPDD.BA program which is a mod for PowrDOS of the fine catalog programs by Richard Haw on this DL. This program will print the disk based DIRLST files produced by LOGPDD.BA. If you have PowrDOS these are really useful progs. Using the disk based files the programs handle double the amount of data as the original program. ********requires PowrDOS*********** -ronnie- Checksum: 141,022 [70506,223] LOOKUP.BA Text, Bytes: 3171, Count: 68, 19-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK 100 TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE POWR-DISK This program takes the RAM file leftover from SPLCHK.TD2 (SUSPEC.DO) and allows you lookup the suspect words against the disk dictionary files DICT-A.DO thru DICT-Z.DO and correct the words and then fix the document file. See LOOKUP.DOC for documentation. Checksum = 200,444 [70506,223] LOOKUP.DOC Text, Bytes: 4434, Count: 73, 19-Feb-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK 100 TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE POWR-DISK Documentation for LOOKUP.BA [73357,3552] M.BA Text, Bytes: 929, Count: 60, 09-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: M.BA POWER DOS MENU A SHORT MENU PROGRAM FOR POWER DOS(DISK) USERS. CHECKSUM 56,509 SEE M.DOC FOR INSTRUCTIONS. USES ABOUT 500 BYTES. [73357,3552] M.DOC Text, Bytes: 1331, Count: 70, 09-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: M.BA M.DOC DISK POWER DOS M.DOC INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE M.BA PROGRAM. THIS IS A DOS MENU FOR POWER DOS(DISK) USERS. CHECKSUM 86,366 [71555,1002] LEN TUCKER M100CO.BAS Bin, Bytes: 14592, Count: 190, 22-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: DISK DOS TDD PDD IBM SOURCE PROGRAM WRITTEN IN BASIC AND COMPILED WITH QUICK BASIC 4.0 FOR M100COM.EXE. [71555,1002] LEN TUCKER M100CO.DOC Text, Bytes: 1181, Count: 384, 22-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD DISK DOS IBM OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR M100COM.EXE [71555,1002] LEN TUCKER M100CO.EXE Bin, Bytes: 56192, Count: 274, 22-Mar-88 Title : Keywords: DISK DOS TDD PDD IBM IBM/COMPATIBLE PROGRAM TO ALLOW AN IBM PC COMPUTER TO EMULATE A PDD DISK DRIVE [71266,125] Phil Wheeler M100CO.THD Text, Bytes: 9505, Count: 220, 23-Apr-88 Title : Keywords: IBM PC TDD EMULATION DISK FILE TRANSFER 100 102 200 M100CO.EXE (DL9) is an IBM-PC program which makes the IBM and compatible computers emulate a Tandy portable disk drive (TDD). This makes it possible to archive Model 100/102/200 programs on the PC disk by using a file manager on the laptop and a null modem cable to connect the machines via their serial ports. These messages relate to difficulties in using M100CO with certain Model 100 software (Powr-DOS) and solutions to the problems. [75725,1134] MAPTDD.100 Text, Bytes: 1735, Count: 85, 12-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 POWR-DOS TDD PDD ACROATIX DISK DRIVE MAP DEMO Program uses Powr-DOS's DSKO$ to pull all the file-control information from a TDD diskette. This program is mainly useful as the basis for another. CHECKSUM 111,781 joel [75725,1134] MAPTDD.DOC Text, Bytes: 4585, Count: 78, 12-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 POWR-DOS TDD PDD ACROATIX DISK DRIVE MAP DEMO Documentation for MAPTDD.100 Powr-DOS required. [76606,3202] MARIAN.BA Text, Bytes: 3398, Count: 163, 31-May-87 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD DISK DIRECTORY CATALOG LIBRARIAN 100 DOS FILES MARIAN is a disk librarian program for the Tandy Model 100 and Portable Disk Drive. MARIAN maintains catalog files containing lists of files and which disks they are on, allowing creation, updating, and searching of the lists. MARIAN version 2 reads disk directories without a resident DOS, and is compatible with both FLOPPY.CO and POWR-DISK. CHECKSUM: 223,283 [76606,3202] MARIAN.DO Text, Bytes: 5259, Count: 170, 22-May-87 Title : Keywords: M100 TDD PDD LIBRARIAN CATALOG DOCUMENTATION This is the documentation for MARIAN.BA, a Disk Catalog Librarian for the Tandy Model 100 and a Portable Disk Drive. Requires some sort of DOS to operate. [70506,1473] MAXRAM.DVI Text, Bytes: 350, Count: 100, 24-Apr-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE DVI MAXRAM SET POKES MAXRAM.DVI pokes a new MAXRAM value into the DVI operating system. Useful for protecting permanently installed machine code form being inadvertently clobbered by a CLEAR statement. <> Checksum 24,019 [75725,1134] MENU.DOC Text, Bytes: 6260, Count: 82, 08-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 POWR-DISK POWR-DOS FILE Documentation for MENU.jr & MENU.jr2 (joel) and PDMENU.TDD (Woods Martin [70235,232]); three versions of the same program. joel [75725,1134] MENU.JR Text, Bytes: 865, Count: 157, 12-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 POWR-DISK POWR-DOS FILE A short but entirely adequate utility in BASIC to simplify file transfers between M100 & TDD using Powr-Disk or Powr-DOS from Acroatix. This version owes a lot to Woods: Thanks! Documentation at MENU.DOC. CHECKSUM 58,118 joel [75725,1134] MENU.JR2 Text, Bytes: 1470, Count: 67, 08-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 POWR-DOS FILE TRANSFER File transfer utility for use with Powr-DOS from Acroatix (WON'T work with Powr-Disk); facilitates transfers between M100 & TDD without all the frills of DMENU. Documentation at MENU.DOC. CHECKSUM 98,098 joel [72126,1613] MENUD.DOC Text, Bytes: 1460, Count: 174, 23-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 MENU DVI DISK DIRECTORY Documentation for the program MENUD.DVI PA=107 [72126,1613] MENUD.DVI Text, Bytes: 2175, Count: 177, 23-Sep-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI MENU DISK DIRECTORY A menu for getting and storing DVI files in a manner similar to that of the regular M100 menu. Requires DIRECT file on disk, created by DIR.DVI. Checksum: 132,701 PA=95 [71666,1175] MENUD5.DOC Text, Bytes: 3085, Count: 122, 05-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: UPDATE DVI DUAL DISK DRIVE MENU PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION TIPS Documentation/tips for running MENU5.DVI and DIR.DVI. Also See MENUD.DVI documentation. This program will build a menu of files stored on a dual drive RS Disk/Video Interface (DVI). It will also run on a signle drive system. It now will provides output to CRT: (monitor or TV) and LPT: (printer). Offers practically full control of DVI without additional software. Checksum = 259,071 [71666,1175] MENUD5.DVI Text, Bytes: 3370, Count: 123, 06-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 UPDATE DVI DISKVIDEO INTERFACE MENU DUAL DRIVE KILL An of MENUD5.DVI for use on dual disk drive, FKeys include "Bytes Free" for both drives; disk OUTPUT to either CRT or printer; KILL as well as load /run for TEXT and BASIC files. Requires DIR.DVI and SORT.LDR programs in this DL. See appropriate Docs. Checksum = 206,007 Cecil Richmond 71666,1175 [70406,445] David O. Rowell MGRLDR.100 Text, Bytes: 1070, Count: 338, 08-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TANDY DISK DRIVE MANAGER MENU TDD PDD UTILITY Menu driven loader program for DSKMGR.100 and it's two utilities. For those who don't want to bother with clearing etc. Checksum: 67,444 [70406,445] David O. Rowell MGRLDR.DOC Text, Bytes: 3400, Count: 309, 08-Jun-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TANDY DISK DRIVE TDD PDD MANAGER MENU UTILITY Documentation for MGRLDR.100 prepared with the aid of SuperROM's THOUGHT outline program. This is a neat way of preparing a program and developing the doc's as you go. Using the outline format for program ing is a great way to keep organized. Checksum: 202,270 [70346,1267] Stan Wong MIC001.TIP Text, Bytes: 4506, Count: 95, 16-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: TIPS MICRO CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER Tips on using the Panasonic RN-109 microcassette recorder as a mass storage device. No special adapters need to be built. Just a mini-micro plug. -- Stan Wong [70346,1267] [75655,1056] MICREC.100 Text, Bytes: 3770, Count: 205, 01-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: MICRO CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER Used in conjunction with MICREC.WHT, to assist the Model 100 user to select and use a micro-recorder as a portable data recording device. Bill Templeton PA=484 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler MICREC.THD Text, Bytes: 2144, Count: 75, 30-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: MICREC RECORDERS CASSETTE MESSAGES THREAD This is a short set of messages re use of a micro recorder as a portable storage device. Similar in theme tothe THD's CAS1.THD & CAS2.THD, also in DL9. If you can deal with the limitations, microrecorders are abou the most compact form of mass storage for these computers. [75655,1056] MICREC.WHT Text, Bytes: 3565, Count: 171, 30-Nov-83 Title : Keywords: TIPS MICRO CASSETTE RECORDER With MICREC.100, this file is intended to assist M100 users select and use a micro-recorder with their Model 100 as a portable storage device. Bill Templeton. PA=328 [75655,1056] MICREM.100 Text, Bytes: 980, Count: 76, 09-Dec-83 Title : Keywords: MODIFICATION INSTALL REMOTE JACK RECORDER To add a remote control feature to a standard mini/micro tape recorder, all you need do is buy a sub-mini jack, and carefully follow the directions in this file. This proceedure is recommended only for those SIG members who are handy in the fine art of soldering, and in working with their hands in small spaces. PA=153 [70105,166] carl A. Von Papp MICRO.UPD Text, Bytes: 2860, Count: 211, 09-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: MICRO RECORDER INTERFACE UPDATE This article cancels all earlier articles, and provides update information on useing micro recorders as a storage medium for programs and files from the Model 100 (and others that normally use cassette recorders). Previous files MICRO.UPL and MICRO.100 are obsolete, and deleted. PA=26 [73216,1022] MLDEMO.CHP Text, Bytes: 695, Count: 54, 01-Jun-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE CDOS ML MACHINE CODE LANGUAGE This is a simple program showing how to access the Chipmunk drive from BASIC, reading and writing entire sectors using a machine language subroutine. This might be useful to someone writing backup utilities, and similar programs. Use normal precautions before experimenting (save all, remove important disks). Don Corbitt Checksum: 44,600 PA=22 [73537,775] MLOPSY.100 Text, Bytes: 2310, Count: 123, 22-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DISK POWER CDOS TDD PDD CHIPMUNK ULTRASOFT A program which will allow the use of Disk Power, Power-Disk, and CDOS without cold starts. See documentation in the file MLOPSY.DOC CHECKSUM = 134,386 [73537,775] MLOPSY.DOC Text, Bytes: 3820, Count: 136, 22-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 DISK POWER CDOS TDD PDD CHIPMUNK ULTRASOFT Documentation for MLOPSY.100, a program to allow the use of more than one DOS in the computer. [72027,3653] Peter Ross MM.100 Text, Bytes: 2518, Count: 60, 30-Nov-92(07-Dec-92) Title : ROM and machine language program management Keywords: MEMORY COLD START ROM PCSG RAM BANK EXTRAM XR4 CLEAUSEAU This Model 100 memory management the automates the prevention of cold starts when you switch among various ROMs and machine language programs. Besides ROM loading and unloading CALLs, it includes general housekeeping routines like the BASIC datefix and simple interfaces for the PCSG RAM banks and extRAM/XR4. Checkum = 158,840 [72027,3653] Peter Ross MM.DOC Text, Bytes: 6005, Count: 65, 30-Nov-92(07-Dec-92) Title : ROM and machine language program management Keywords: MEMORY COLD START ROM PCSG RAM BANK EXTRAM XR4 CLEAUSEAU This Model 100 memory management the automates the prevention of cold starts when you switch among various ROMs and machine language programs. Besides ROM loading and unloading CALLs, it includes general housekeeping routines like the BASIC datefix and simple interfaces for the PCSG RAM banks and extRAM/XR4. You'll also need BANKID.100 if you have the PCSG RAM banks. [70346,1267] Stan Wong MMDEMO.EXE Bin, Bytes: 203205, Count: 113, 30-Apr-91 Title : PC-PDD : A Tandy Portable Disk Drive File Utility Keywords: 100 102 200 WP-2 PC-PDD DEMO MICROMIME PDD TPDD TDD PC-PDD is a file management program for the Tandy Portable Disk Drive (PDD). PC-PDD runs on an IBM PC and allows you to connect your PDD to your PC serial port. This is a functional demonstration version of the commercial version. Self-extracting archive. Published by MicroMime. [72527,2631] MONEY.100 Text, Bytes: 5315, Count: 30, 11-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 MONEY POWR-DISK SEARCH FINANCE TDD BUDGET ACCOUNTING SORT A Basic money tracking program written to work a data file directly from TDD using POWR-DISK or similar Dos. Add data, total data, sort data (date is displayed in Australian DD/MM/YY format. Change to US format: Line 86: switch D$ & M$ positions. Lines 308 and 370: switch positions of entire RIGHT$() statement with entire MID$() statement. Line 358: Replace MID$ to colon with DATE$. Desperately needs a DELETE ENTRY function CHECKSUM: 344,735 [73267,552] RANDY HESS N-DKTR.BA Text, Bytes: 4745, Count: 39, 17-Mar-92 Title : DATAPAC data-recovery/sector-maintenance utility. Keywords: 100 200 NODE 256K DATAPAC RECOVER FILES CRASH EXAMINE SECTOR N-DKTR.BA: a 3500 byte, 100/102/200 compatible, file and sector maintenance utility for use with the 256K NODE DATAPAC(c). Quickly, reliably, and automatically: 'soft format' and recover data from a 'crashed' DATAPAC; recover 'KILLed' DATAPAC .DO file data; correct illegal or garbled DATAPAC file names; recover 'lost' storage sectors; and much more. NO other hardware or software needed for use. Download and read N-DKTR.DOC before use. CHEKSUM=299,183 [73267,552] RANDY HESS N-DKTR.DOC Text, Bytes: 12598, Count: 48, 17-Mar-92(24-Mar-92) Title : DATAPAC/RAMPAC data-recovery utility. Keywords: 100 102 200 NODE 256K DATAPAC RAMPAC RECOVER FILES CRASH Instructions for N-DKTR.BA: a 3500 byte, 100/102/200 compatible, file and sector maintenance utility for use with the 256K NODE DATAPAC/RAMPAC(c). Quickly, reliably, and automatically: 'soft format' and recover data from a 'crashed' DATAPAC; recover 'KILLed' DATAPAC .DO file data; correct illegal or garbled DATAPAC file names; recover 'lost' storage sectors; and much more. NO other hardware or software needed for use: formatted for 78 char/ln. (3/24/92 rev. confirms RAMPAC compatability) [73267,552] RANDY HESS N-DKTR.TP1 Text, Bytes: 2172, Count: 26, 19-Mar-92 Title : Using N-DKTR.BA to relocate RAMDSK.CO Keywords: 100 200 NODE 256K DATAPAC N-DKTR RAMDSK RE-LOCATE TIP Instructions for using N-DKTR.BA to correctly store RAMDSK.CO in the NODE DATAPAC sectors 1 and 2. See N-DKTR.BA and N-DKTR.DOC (both DL9) for complete program and operating instructions. (formatted for 78 char/ln) [75725,1134] NDX1-2.DOC Text, Bytes: 7552, Count: 53, 20-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD PDD TDD2 PDD2 DOC PORTABLE DRIVE Documentation for NDX100.TD2 and NDX200.TD2 [75725,1134] NDX100.TD2 Text, Bytes: 2631, Count: 48, 20-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 TDD PDD TDD2 PDD2 BASIC PORTABLE DRIVE INDEX NDX100.TD2 creates an index of files stored on TDD2 diskettes. This index can be printed. This program works with M100/T102 and TDD2; FLOPPY must be installed. A separate sort routine is required; SORTHI.100 in DL7 is recommended. The program's got one interesting trick: It writes a disk name on Directory 0:, and checks to see if it's there. Documentation at NDX1-2.DOC. Checksum: 167,891 T200 version is NDX200.TD2 joel [75725,1134] NDX200.TD2 Text, Bytes: 2645, Count: 29, 20-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: BASIC 200 TDD PDD TDD2 PDD2 PORTABLE DRIVE INDEX FILES NDX200.TD2 creates an index of files stored on TDD2 diskettes. This index can be printed. This program works with T200 and TDD2; FLOPPY must be installed. A separate sort routine is required; SORTHI.RTN in DL10 is recommended. The program's got one interesting trick: It writes a disk name on Directory 0:, and checks to see if it's there. Documentation at NDX1-2.DOC. Checksum: 168,757 M100/T102 version is NDX100.TD2 joel [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst NODBAT.THD Text, Bytes: 2148, Count: 33, 01-Feb-92 Title : On replacing Node Datapak internal battery. Keywords: NODE DATAPAK PERIPHERAL RAM MEMORY EXPANSION BACKUP LITHIUM BATTERY Some notes on internal batteries used by the Node Datapak and what's involved in replacing them. [74076,1273] LOUIS SELF NODE.BAS Text, Bytes: 5211, Count: 48, 15-Jun-91 Title : NODE.BAS Keywords: BACKUP NODE RAMDSK DATAPAC POWER DOS IO PD-102 POWR-D TS-DOS NODE.BAS automatically installs NODE.BA in your Tandy 100/102/200 in less than two minutes. This 3.3k program combines lightning speed, alphabetized directories and disk I/O with the Node DataPac/ROM (125k/256k). Checksum is 344,630 Requirements: Tandy 100/102/200 Node DataPac with the OPTION ROM Power DOS in DataPac (optional) TS-DOS in DataPac (optional) Documentation is contained in NODE.DOC if you need it [73117,351] Mark Earle NODE.DIR Text, Bytes: 640, Count: 57, 10-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: NODE DATAPACK DATAPAK FILES LIST DIRECTORY 100 102 MEMORY BANK Utility program for use with the Node Datapak; run this program in your main RAM memory. It creates RAMDIR.DO file, which lists the BA and DO files in the Node Datapak. Checksum is 28589 [74076,1273] LOUIS SELF NODE.DOC Text, Bytes: 6893, Count: 56, 15-Jun-91 Title : NODE.DOC Keywords: BACKUP NODE RAMDSK DATAPAC POWER DOS IO PD-102 POWER-D TS-DOS NODE.DOC explains NODE.BAS which automatically installs NODE.BA, a 3.3k program that combines lightning speed, alphabatized directories and disk I/O with the Node DataPac/ROM (128k/256k). Program requirements: Tandy 100/102/200 Node DataPac with the option ROM Power DOS in DataPac (optional) TS-DOS in DataPac (optional) Join the ranks of powerful computering with your notebook. Get NODE.BA today! [71266,125] Phil Wheeler NODE01.THD Text, Bytes: 12380, Count: 88, 16-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: NODE PAK RAM RAMPAK MEMORY PROGRAM DIRECTORY 100 102 200 The Node RAM modules, adding some 256K to the Tandy computers (100/102/200) appear to be very popular. But they do require some different approaches to using the machines they are in. This file discusses word processing approaches with the Node RAM, and some technical info required to convert some of the support programs (particularly directory programs) from the 100/102 to the 200. <> [71266,125] Phil Wheeler NODE02.THD Text, Bytes: 8856, Count: 63, 13-Jan-89 Title : Keywords: NODE RAM RAMPAK 100 102 200 MESSAGES THREAD The NODE RAM pack is a popular and reasonably priced expansion RAM for the 100/102/200. These messages discuss a problem with losing all files in the Node unit, as well as a bit about the electonic architecture. The last message announces that the product will be discontinued in about 60 days- - so, if you want one, get it now! [71266,125] Phil Wheeler NODEBA.THD Text, Bytes: 1952, Count: 70, 10-Dec-87 Title : Keywords: NODE RAM 256K BA MEMORY RECOVER TIP PERIPHERAL MESSAGES THREAD The Node RAM modules are one of the popular approaches to adding RAM to the Tandy 100/102/200. As with most such expansions, they lead to some specialized operating procedures. This short file discusses how to recover lost RAM after terminating a BA program while using a Node 256K module in a Model 100. It may have broader applicability. [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst NODMNU.THD Text, Bytes: 4792, Count: 30, 25-May-90 Title : Programmers' tips on running sofware from Node Keywords: 100 200 NODE DATAPACK RAM MENU CALL LOAD Discusses techniques for running programs from the Node Datapack, using the Node ROM and its "argumented" CALLs to 63013/61162 (M100/T200). This file contains sample programs, and the info here presumes some BASIC programming knowledge. [73117,351] Mark Earle NODTIP.001 Text, Bytes: 1025, Count: 120, 26-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: NODE 256K MODULE EXPANSION RAM MEMORY DATAPACK TIP Tip file describing some of the things I've discovered about the Node 256K RAM expansion unit. [73327,1653] James Yi NPL.100 Text, Bytes: 8229, Count: 42, 25-Sep-92 Title : Node Datapac - PDD file transfer Keywords: 100 102 NPL LDR NODE DATAPAC PDD TDD FILE TRANSFER Node Datapac - PDD Link Transfer files in between the two devices directly. Read documentation, NPL.DOC in DL9. Tandy 200 version is in DL10. Checksum = 717047 [73327,1653] James Yi NPL.DOC Text, Bytes: 5808, Count: 72, 25-Sep-92 Title : Node Datapac - PDD file transfer Keywords: 100 102 200 NPL DOC NODE DATAPAC PDD TDD FILE Documentation for NPL.100 (DL9) and NPL.200 (DL10) Node Datapac - PDD Link Transfer files in between the two devices directly. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PARROT.THD Text, Bytes: 4895, Count: 28, 28-Apr-88 Title : Keywords: PARROT MODEM POWER RS-232 NOVATION MESSAGES THREAD While many of us use the WorldPort 1200 and other Hayes-compatible modems, there are other tiny modems in use with the Model 100. These messages discuss problems enmcountered with one specific modem (the Novation Parrot) when using it with a Model 100 -- specifically due to the power available from the 100/200 RS-232 being inadequate to power the modem. [73770,3507] Kraig D Pritts PC100A.ZIP Bin, Bytes: 13750, Count: 128, 01-Jan-91 Title : File Manager program for TDD-1 and AT-class PC's Keywords: MS-DOS IBM PDD MODEL 100 M100 FILE TRANSFER AT DISK PC100 allows AT-class MS-DOS computers to read, write, erase, and view directories on a TDD-1 (original 100K format) plugged into the COM1 port. Make sure you read the READ.ME file or the program may not work for you. Complete documentation included in the DOC file. Based upon TDIR, TERASE, TREAD, and TWRITE, all in one program with many additional features. Program doesn't work in an XT-class PC. [71340,1162] Edmund Creekmore PCANY.DOC Text, Bytes: 12680, Count: 63, 04-Jan-88 Title : Keywords: DVI MODEL 100 REMOTE TERMINAL EMULATION PCANYWHERE TELECOMMUNICATION [76517,1546] Tim Palmquist PDD210.ZIP Bin, Bytes: 26668, Count: 319, 06-Apr-91 Title : PDD.EXE version 2.10 Keywords: TDD PDD TDD1 TDD2 PDD1 PDD2 DISK DOS LAPDOS PC Command-line-driven program for accessing Tandy Portable Disk Drive or Tandy Portable Disk Drive 2 from a PC compatible computer. (Compatible with 386 or low-end PC, or anything in between.) Nine-page user manual included, along with a comparison of features in LapDOS and PDD.EXE. Shareware $10, with free 30-day trial period. Uploaded by the author. [73327,1653] James Yi PDE.EXE Bin, Bytes: 8896, Count: 259, 05-Oct-92 Title : emulate PDD on a PC Keywords: 100 102 200 PORTABLE DRIVE EMULATE PDD TDD PC DOS Portable Drive Emulator. Emulates PDD-1 and PDD-2 on a PC. Run this program on a PC, establish a null modem link with your 100/200, and usy any disk management software to transfer files to PC. Follow on-screen instructions. Binary Program! Download directly into your PC. [70235,232] Woods Martin PDFDIR.TDD Text, Bytes: 950, Count: 95, 22-May-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD DISK BASIC 100 POWR POWR-DISK UTILITY MENU SEE-CAUTION-BELOW V03 enable screen print with date stamp Run this when Acroatix POWR-DISK V100.1.1 (standard or relocated) is active in M100 to modify high memory for full screen LFILES directory (less length). Delete line 7 to save permanent copy as PDFDIR.CO. LFILES TO gives standard output less length with date at end. Works with FILREV and PDMENU but not with MENU.BA--check your programs. Checksum 65,499 PA=34 /\ /\ /'`\ /'`\ ')(`woods')(` [70235,232] Woods Martin PDMENU.TDD Text, Bytes: 1850, Count: 106, 01-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD DISK BASIC 100 POWR POWR-DISK UTILITY MENU V10-Fix erratic command truncation and expand cold-start protection. Short Menu program for M100 & TDD using Acroatix POWR-DISK. File length, RAM erase, SAVE/LOAD and FORMAT with overwrite protection added. Thanks to Phil W. and Joel D. POWR-DISK V100.1.1 - use as is POWR-DISK V100.0.0 - CHANGE Line 14 old B=A+1996 new B=A+1997 BRO MENU.DOC for instructions. BRO PDFDIR for Fast Directory POWR patch. Cksum 120,094 PA 245 Woods [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK01.200 Text, Bytes: 6514, Count: 155, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK DOCUMENTATION DOS 200 This file is the starting point for POWR-DISK.200, an alternate DOS for the Tandy Portable Disk Drive, version 1 (100K) and the Tandy 200 portable computer. It also describes the conditions under which Acroatix is releasing the programs for public access through the forum. READ THIS FILE FIRST, then read or download the rest of the files needed in the recommended order. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK02.200 Text, Bytes: 63809, Count: 59, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS This file contains the complete POWR-DISK manual, edited and commented. It is 63K, and contains embedded top-of-form commands for echoing to a printer to create a complete copy of the manual. (about 30 pages) Make sure your terminal profile setting allows for REAL Form Feeds. Turn printer "skip over perforation" capability OFF. This file is also available in 7 "parts" to download to RAM and print offline, as PDSKM1.DOC - PDSKM7.DOC [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK03.200 Text, Bytes: 7495, Count: 95, 09-Oct-88(09-Oct-88) Title : Keywords: POWER-DISK POWR-D POWER DISK DOS TDD ACROATIX 200 BASIC ML Operational modules of Power-Disk for the Tandy 200. This is all you need to get POWR-DISK working. A hex datafile of POWR-D.CO (convert with HXFER.200), and an abbreviated START.BA which loads the ML module, hooks it into the system, and deletes the image file and program. (Save 'em first!) Checksum = 539,794 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK04.200 Text, Bytes: 3584, Count: 52, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD POWER DISK POWER-DISK TDD-1 START BASIC LOADER 200 DOS This is the complete START.BA program, as it appears on the release disk. It was designed to be loaded from the disk using FLOPPY.CO, and after loading, FLOPPY.CO could be killed from the menu. Should you ever need to boot the Power-Disk system from a storage disk using FLOPPY.CO, this would be the START program to use to load POWR-D.CO into high memory, activate the hooks, and make it operational. Checksum = 260,621 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK05.200 Text, Bytes: 4550, Count: 35, 09-Oct-88(09-Oct-88) Title : Keywords: TDD POWER DISK POWER-DISK TDD-1 DOS HEX DATA This is a hex datafile for POWR-D.CO, the menu file which is loaded into high memory and becomes the operating DOS. Once loaded, this file is erased, so be sure to save it somewhere. Use HXFER.200 to convert it into the file which appears on the menu, and the START program from the file P-D04.200 to load and hook it into the operating system. A duplicate of the datafile in P-D03.200; needed only if you use P-D04.200. Checksum = 276,028 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK06.200 Text, Bytes: 5744, Count: 59, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD POWER DISK POWER-DISK MENU PROGRAM BASIC TDD-1 200 This is the Power-Disk Menu program, whose only practical purpose is to be able to load and save .CO files/programs to and from the disk. Everything else can be done with direct commands, either in BASIC or TEXT. It uses a lot of RAM space for what it does. But if you need to save .CO files to the disk, or load them back into RAM, it's the only way provided by Acroatix Checksum = 374,329 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK07.200 Text, Bytes: 1097, Count: 37, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD POWER DISK POWER-DISK TDD-1 BASIC FLOPPY DOS 200 The program in this file runs a copy of FLOPPY.CO directly from disk, and loads a version of POWR-DISK into RAM below FLOPPY.CO so that they can both be in RAM at the same time. Program requires that a copy of FLOPPY.CO and PD-FLP.CO (PDSK09.200) be on the disk that's loaded in the disk drive. Checksum = 86,524 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK08.200 Text, Bytes: 1996, Count: 32, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWER DISK POWER-DISK BASIC MSPLAN 200 RELOCATE This program, and it's companion ML program PD-MPL.CO (PDSK10.200) is not documented in the manual and is unmentioned in subsequent newsletters. Apparently it's designed to run a specially relocated version of POWR-DISK which does not conflict with access to, or use of the built-in MSPLAN spreadsheet program. Checksum = 161,213 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK09.200 Text, Bytes: 4782, Count: 32, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWER-DISK POWER DISK 200 HEX DATAFILE RELOCATE This file contains the hex code which is a relocated version of POWR-DISK which will load below a resident version of FLOPPY.CO. It loads at 55356. Use HXFER.200 to convert this data into PD-FLP.CO. Use the Acroatix Menu program (PDSK06.200) to save it to disk. Also save a copy of FLOPPY.CO to the disk; both files must be on the same disk in order to run the program in PDSK07.200 which does the load. Checksum = 293,256 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK10.200 Text, Bytes: 4455, Count: 32, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWER DISK POWER-DISK ML HEX DATAFILE MSPLAN RELOCATE This is the hex datafile for PD-MPL.CO. Convert with HXFER.200 and save to disk. Use in conjunction with MSPLAN.BA (PDSK08.200). CHECKSUM = 264,316 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK11.200 Text, Bytes: 2164, Count: 34, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWER DISK POWER-DISK RELOCATE RELOCATOR BASIC 200 This file contains 8-bit characters; download with 8-bit or Xmodem protocol. This is a BASIC relocator that will build a relocated version of Power-Disk at whatever RAM address you choose. It requires that you have POWR.CO (PDSK15.200) (NOT POWR-D.CO) and RELO.DO (PDSK12.200) on a disk and loaded in the drive. It also assumes you already have a working version of Power-Disk operating in the computer. Checksum = 157,626 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK12.200 Text, Bytes: 730, Count: 35, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWER DISK POWER-DISK RELOCATE RELOCATOR BASIC 200 Save this file to disk as RELO.DO. It iss used by RELOC.BA (PDSK11.200) in the process of relocating Power-Disk to operate at a different RAM location. Checksum = 48,783 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK13.200 Text, Bytes: 944, Count: 31, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWER DISK POWER-DISK RESTORE RELOAD RELOCATE BASIC 200 This program restores the "normal" Power-Disk program by reloading and running it from POWR-D.CO on disk. Since it access the disk, it assumes that you already have a version of the DOS loaded, presumably a relocated version at another address. So essentially, what this program does, is to kill a relocated version of Power-Disk, and reloads a "normal" version at the default address just below system maxram. Checksum = 74,431 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK14.200 Text, Bytes: 4059, Count: 40, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 POWR-DISK MAP POWER DISK POWER-DISK ADDRESSES ML CODE This file contains a "Map" of the POWR-DISK machine language routines, the entry and exit conditions where needed, and other information to make direct calls into the routines possible. This information can be used to develop other ML programs that can use the routines to communicate with the TDD. For the Tandy 200 version only! [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSK15.200 Text, Bytes: 4595, Count: 34, 09-Oct-88(09-Oct-88) Title : Keywords: TDD POWER DISK POWER-DISK TDD-1 DOS HEX DATA RELOCATE This is a hex datafile for POWR.CO, which is used by RELOC.BA in creating a relocated version of POWR-DISK. Use HXFER.200 to convert it into POWR.CO which will appear on the menu. See instructions in PDSK11.200. Checksum = 278,905 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKM1.DOC Text, Bytes: 9683, Count: 51, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS Part 1 of the POWER-DISK Owner's Manual. Table of Contents, Getting Started, and using MENU.BA. This file contains embedded printer Top-of-form commands for proper paging; suggest you echo this, and subsequent parts of the manual to your printer, or download with Xmodem to preserve the formatting commands. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKM2.DOC Text, Bytes: 9653, Count: 42, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS Part 2 of the POWER-DISK Owner's Manual. Includes Using MENU.BA (cont.); Doing Without MENU.BA, Access from TEXT, Access from BASIC, BASIC Command Extensions. This file contains embedded printer Top-of-form commands for proper paging; suggest you echo this, and subsequent parts of the manual to your printer, or download with Xmodem to preserve the formatting commands. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKM3.DOC Text, Bytes: 10985, Count: 46, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS Part 3 of the POWER-DISK Owner's Manual. Continues with BASIC Command Extensions with examples, Side effects of certain commands, and Machine Language CALLS to POWR-DISK routines. This file contains embedded printer top-of-form commands for proper paging; suggest you echo this, and subsequent parts of the manual to your printer, or download with Xmodem to preserve the formatting commands. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKM4.DOC Text, Bytes: 11487, Count: 41, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS Part 4 of the POWER-DISK Owner's Manual. Includes CALLs to ROM routines (cont.), Error Codes List, Using other ML programs, Relocating POWR-DISK. This file contains embedded printer Top-of-form commands for proper paging; suggest you echo this, and subsequent parts of the manual to your printer, or download with Xmodem to preserve the formatting commands. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKM5.DOC Text, Bytes: 11432, Count: 42, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS Part 5 of the POWER-DISK Owner's Manual. Includes more on Relocating programs, FLOPPY.CO, the disk drive itself, the disk drive operating system, and machine language files in the computer. This file contains embedded printer Top-of-form commands for proper paging; suggest you echo this, and subsequent parts of the manual to your printer, or download with Xmodem to preserve the formatting commands. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKM6.DOC Text, Bytes: 8480, Count: 39, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS Part 6 of the POWER-DISK Owner's Manual discusses RAM organization in the Tandy portables, machine language usage, and how relocating files move the system pointers. This file contains embedded printer Top-of-form commands for proper paging; suggest you echo this, and subsequent parts of the manual to your printer, or download with Xmodem to preserve the formatting commands. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKM7.DOC Text, Bytes: 2089, Count: 45, 09-Oct-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 P-DISK POWER DISK POWER-DISK POWR-DISK MANUAL DOCUMENTATION DOS Part 7 of the POWER-DISK Owner's Manual. Acroatix Inc. produced at least one newsletter in May of '86. Most of it dealt with upgrades to various versions of software they sold, with some information of interest to POWR-DISK owners. Those comments are presented here. This file contains embedded printer Top-of-forms for proper paging; echo this, and subsequent parts of the manual to your printer, or D/L with Xmodem to preserve the formatting commands. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKRD.100 Text, Bytes: 7640, Count: 37, 24-Jul-90 Title : Relocated Power-Disk for Node RAMDSK.CO & 100/102 Keywords: POWER DISK PWRDSK DOS TDD PDD RAMDSK NODE DATAPAC RAMPAC Relocated version of Power-Disk for the Model 100/102, loads under RAMDSK.CO so that user will have access to both the Node RAMpac (or Node DataPac) and a TDD, simultaneously. Hex file requires HEX2CO.100 from Lib. 8 to convert into runnable .CO file. (Loading instructions in the file. Checksum = 480,397 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PDSKRD.200 Text, Bytes: 7358, Count: 22, 24-Jul-90 Title : Relocated Power-Disk for Node RAMDSK.CO & T200 Keywords: POWER DISK PWRDSK DOS TDD PDD RAMDSK NODE DATAPAC RAMPAC Relocated version of Power-Disk for the Tandy 200 and Node RAMpac, loads under RAMDSK.CO so that user will have access to both the RAMpac (or Node Datapac) and a TDD simultaneously. Hex file requires a relocated version of HXFER.200 to convert - get HXFER.REL from Lib. 10 to make HXFER.CO, which will convert this file into a runnable .CO file. (Loading instructions in the file.) Checksum = 504,463 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PG-TIP.000 Text, Bytes: 4620, Count: 48, 13-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: PG RAM PGRAM BIGRAM TIPS HINTS COMPATIBILITY 100 This is a TIP file for use with PG RAM memory expansion boards. It discusses bugs (and how to avoid) and compatibility. The improvements (aka bug swatting) in the soon-to-be released upgrade to the Menu utility are described. Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PG-TIP.001 Text, Bytes: 1635, Count: 61, 01-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: PGRAM BIGRAM PG RAM 100 LINEFEED PRINT LF BASIC 0MENU This file gives info on toggling the linefeed patch of the PG Designs MENU/ 0MENU utility from a Basic program. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler PG-TIP.002 Text, Bytes: 1700, Count: 55, 02-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: PG PGRAM BIGRAM 0MENU BASIC 100 TIP RAM This short file tells how to turn the PG Designs MENU/0MENU utility on and off under software control. For version 2.00 and higher only! No checksum, so I will repeat the CALL addresses here: On -- 32825; Off -- 34080. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [75735,176] PG64K.DVI Text, Bytes: 750, Count: 95, 06-Aug-85 Title : Keywords: DVI PG-DESIGNS SCREEN SWITCHER This is designed to keep you from going nuts when using the D/VI with PG Designs 64K RAM module. [71266,1364] Paul Sumi PGMENU.100 Text, Bytes: 1030, Count: 61, 09-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 PG DESIGNS 64 128 224 RAM MENU.BA VERSION PGMENU.100 is a short program which customizes the PG Design 64/128/224K RAM module's MENU.BA bank key labels. Instead of Bnk1, Bnk2, etc, you can now change them to suit your own personal needs. PLEASE NOTE: this utility is specific to MENU.BA 2.01 and will NOT work on any earlier version of MENU.BA. Checksum is 58,970 and its size in .BA form is 791 bytes. - Paul Sumi [71266,1364] [76703,3041] Doug Pratt PGMUNK.TIP Text, Bytes: 3285, Count: 62, 03-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: PGD RAM 100 BANK 64K DISK DRIVE CHIPMUNK HOLMES ADAPTER One yser's story of how he got the Chipmunk and a PG Designs RAM Bank happily married and working together, without leaving the adapter board dangling. [70235,232] Woods Martin PIP.100 Text, Bytes: 10335, Count: 417, 28-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 FILE MANAGE PIP DISK DRIVE DVI TRANSFER CASSETTE Peripheral Interchange Program for Model 100 which allows BA, DO and CO programs/files to be transferred between RAM, CAS, DVI, CRT, LCD, LPT, COM and MDM devices. Files can be renamed or deleted. Wildcard symbols allow groups of files to be processed with one command. Provides self-reloading CAS or disk backups of RAM. Full DVI support includes switching disk BASIC with date/time retention. Checksum 652,634 See PIPDOC.100 PA = 213 [70235,232] Woods Martin PIPDOC.100 Text, Bytes: 14790, Count: 383, 28-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE DVI FILE MANAGER MANAGEMENT PIP TRANSFER Documentation for Pip, a peripheral interchange program for the Model 100 which allows BA, .DO and .CO programs/files to be transferred between RAM, cassette, DVI, LCD, LPT, COM and MDM devices. Files can be renamed or deleted. Wildcard symbols allow groups of files to be processed with one command. Self reloading cassette or disk backups of RAM are a feature. Full DVI support includes switching disk Basic with date/time retention. PA=213 [76701,40] Denny Thomas POWR.DOS Text, Bytes: 8252, Count: 383, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 POWR-DOS operating system program from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 475,641 This file is a ASCII HEX file converted with HXFER (LIB 7). See POWR-D.INF for extremely important information and instructions. [76701,40] Denny Thomas POWR-D.ARC Bin, Bytes: 56614, Count: 210, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 ARC'd version of the POWR-DOS manual for those who wish to download to a PC-DOS /MS-DOS compatible computer. Extract with ARCE or PKXARC available on the IBMNET forums. See POWR-D.INF for extremely important information and instructions. [76701,40] Denny Thomas POWR-D.DOC Text, Bytes: 150574, Count: 91, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 The POWR-DOS manual. This file is prepared for echoing to a printer. Before doing so, it is extremely important that you read POWR-D.INF for instuctions on how to make this file format properly on your printer. If you PROFILE settings are not correct, this file will NOT echo properly! [76701,40] Denny Thomas POWR-D.INF Text, Bytes: 7965, Count: 611, 10-Jun-88(19-Jun-88) Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 READ ME FIRST! Very important instructions that MUST be read before starting to download any of the POWR-DOS system. To browse through all of the files, use the command: BRO KEY:P-DOS at the LIB 9 prompt. This is a unique keyword and will display only the POWR-DOS system files. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler POWR-D.TD2 Text, Bytes: 1942, Count: 157, 19-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: POWR-D POWER DOS ACROATIX TDD2 PATCH BACKUP POWR-DOS is a TDD1 OS which works with the TDD2 in all but its sector access mode (which is a built-in FLOPPY2 feature, anyway). But Powr-Dos cannot be booted from the TDD2. This file tells how to make it feasible to load Powr-Dos from the TDD2. An added feature is that you do not need to use your Powr-Dos distribution disk again -- once you have followed the steps here. And the same approach will work for back-up purposes with the TDD1. [73216,1022] PRDIR.BA Text, Bytes: 1140, Count: 91, 02-Jan-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE LIST PRINT DIRECTORY FOLDERS Prints a list of the directory and folders of Chipmunk disks, adds period to BA, DO and CO files. Prints all 24 files. Can be reduced by Byte Fighting techniques. Checksum: 64,797 PA=135 [73216,1022] PRDIR.CHI Text, Bytes: 4125, Count: 90, 24-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY FOLDERS FILES PRINT CDOS *HEAVILY* commented version of PRDIR.BA, prints out all fles on a Chipmunk disk, showing sub-directories (folders), etc. Includes dictionary to CDOS file structure, just the thing for bit twiddlers. Highly recommended (by author) Checksum 305,735 PA=139 [73216,1022] PRDIR.DOC Text, Bytes: 1480, Count: 66, 24-Dec-84 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE SAMPLE DIRECTORY FOLDERS FILES Sample output from the PRDIR.CHI program, for reference purposes. PA=102 [70116,1416] PRDIR.SUP Text, Bytes: 250, Count: 140, 09-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY FOLDER FILE PRINT LPRINT These lines merge into PRDIR.BA [73216,1022], to allow output to line printer. Checksum: 17,105 PA=79 [71256,1353] PRESAV.DIR Text, Bytes: 2365, Count: 35, 30-May-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE DIRECTORY UTILITY This program, if run before each SAVE to disk, will probably warn of an impending main directory overwrite. Used together with INSURE.DIR and INSURE.FIX, both forewarning and backup/restoration of the main directory and allocation table can be achieved. W.H. Calvin 5/29/85 Checksum = 191,362 PA=24 [76701,40] Denny Thomas PRFORM.PWR Bin, Bytes: 1664, Count: 198, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Printer support program for D-TEXT.PWR from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 40,457 It is extremely important that you read POWR-D.INF before downloading any of the POWR-DOS binary files. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson PRINTR.ERR Text, Bytes: 2471, Count: 35, 21-Sep-91 Title : Printer going into compressed mode problem Keywords: COMPRESS PROBLEM ERROR PRINT PRINTER HELP TIP 100 102 200 Some users are surprised to find that when they press the PRINT button to get a printed copy of what's on the screen of their Model 100/102/200, that their printer suddenly goes into compressed mode. Here's one user's question about that, and several responses from forum members. [72216,512] PRTDIR.BA Text, Bytes: 1840, Count: 108, 10-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE TDD POWR-DOS DOS DIRECTORY INDEX PRINT Print out a hard copy "Executive Disk Directory" of files on your Tandy portable disk drive. See PRTDIR.DOC Checksum: 119,714 [72216,512] PRTDIR.DOC Text, Bytes: 1420, Count: 107, 09-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE TDD POWR-DOS DIRECTORY DOS INDEX PRINT Documentation for PRTDIR.BA for formatted disk directory. About the size of a dollar bill booklet. [75745,1575] PRTREE.CHP Text, Bytes: 4880, Count: 150, 23-Jul-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE FILES FOLDERS DIRECTORY SIZE LCD Prints Chipmunk folder structure directory in a top to bottom order, with number of bytes in each file in the folder. Output to screen, printer, or RAM file. Checksum = 303,561 [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-01.DOC Text, Bytes: 8854, Count: 89, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 1 of POWR-DOS manual. Heading and Index This is the first of a series of 14 files that contain the same version of the POWR-DOS manual as POWR-D.DOC and POWR-D.ARC, but split for ease of downloading/capturing into an M100 or T200. Also, you can download specific sections as needs arise instead of doing everything at once. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-02.DOC Text, Bytes: 15503, Count: 109, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 2 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 1: "Loading POWR-DOS" Includes loading instructions (if you have a distribution diskette) and the operation of TINY.PWR. Includes a copy of IPL.BA, the initialization program for the TDD-1. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-03.DOC Text, Bytes: 12237, Count: 91, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 3 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 2: "POWR-DOS Basics Includes procedures for operating the "bare bones" system without a menu. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-04.DOC Text, Bytes: 10645, Count: 71, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 4 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 3: "Using DMENU.BA" (Part 1) First half of instructions for using the menu program, DMENU.PWR. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-05.DOC Text, Bytes: 8622, Count: 71, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 5 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 3: "Using DMENU.BA" (Part 2) Last half of instructions for using the menu program, DMENU.PWR. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-06.DOC Text, Bytes: 13212, Count: 68, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 6 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 4: "Formats and Backups" Includes instructions for using COPY-C.PWR, COPY.PWR and FORMAT.PWR. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-07.DOC Text, Bytes: 8498, Count: 69, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 7 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 5: "Disk-Based TEXT" (Part 1) First half of instructions for using the application program D-TEXT.PWR and its companion program, PRFORM.PWR. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-08.DOC Text, Bytes: 8967, Count: 70, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 8 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 5: "Disk-Based TEXT" (Part 2) Last half of instructions for using the application program D-TEXT.PWR and its companion program, PRFORM.PWR [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-09.DOC Text, Bytes: 9258, Count: 71, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 9 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 6: "Data Recovery" Includes instructions for using the application program RECOVR.PWR. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-10.DOC Text, Bytes: 11716, Count: 76, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 10 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 7: "Command Descriptions" (Part 1) First half of descriptions of BASIC commands tht POWR-DOS adds or enhances. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-11.DOC Text, Bytes: 10777, Count: 73, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 11 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 7: "Command Descriptions" (Part 2) Last half of descriptions of BASIC commands that POWR-DOS adds or enhances. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-12.DOC Text, Bytes: 14021, Count: 72, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 12 of POWR-DOS manual. Chapter 8: "Programming Tips" Includes tips for programmers using POWR-DOS. [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-13.DOC Text, Bytes: 5888, Count: 82, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 13 of POWR-DOS manual. Appendix A: "Your Portable Disk Drive" "Entire books could be written on the subject of disk drives, but this short appendix describes only a few matters of prudence and simple curiosity. " [76701,40] Denny Thomas PWR-14.DOC Text, Bytes: 12446, Count: 74, 09-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Part 14 of POWR-DOS manual. Appendix B: "Reserved Memory" Includes discussions of reserved memory, HIMEM, the structure of the M100's memory and POWR-DOS's interaction thereof. [75675,302] PWRDOS.DOC Text, Bytes: 1145, Count: 313, 25-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE FUNCTION KEY POWR-DOS POWR DOS PDD Short,simple function key driven program with ram and disk directories(with byte sizes), loading/saving from from/to disk and killing of files in ram and on disk. Only 231 bytes in .BA form. See PWRDOS.DOC Checksum=15,371 [75675,302] PWRDOS.MNU Text, Bytes: 290, Count: 252, 25-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE FUNCTION KEY POWR-DOS POWR DOS PDD Short,simple function key driven program with ram and disk directories(with byte sizes), loading/saving from from/to disk and killing of files in ram and on disk. Only 231 bytes in .BA form. See PWRDOS.DOC Checksum=15,371 [74756,413] PWRDSW.100 Text, Bytes: 1545, Count: 139, 27-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 POWER POWR-DISK POWR-D PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK This is a simple approach to memory conflicts between POWR-DISK and ML programs suitable for most purposes. chksum=125112 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst PWRHI.LDR Text, Bytes: 1577, Count: 133, 11-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD1 MENU UTILITY DISK DRIVE TAGGING ACROATIX DOS POWR-DOS BASIC program to create PWRHI.CO, the machine language companion for PWRMNU.100. PWRHI runs in the alternate screen buffer -- so will not conflict with other machine language programs kept above HIMEM. The main program, PWRMNU, is a full-featured menu utility for the M100 and TDD using the public domain version of POWRDOS. PWRHI.LDR Cksum = 82,000 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst PWRHI.SRC Text, Bytes: 3978, Count: 50, 11-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD1 SECTOR 0 DIRECTORY ACCESS ML RAM FILE SIZE Commented source code for PWRHI.CO, a machine language module that retrieves and displays TDD and RAM directory information. There's some very elementary code here to access the disk drive, sort the info it returns, and to compute sizes for RAM files. Cksum = 288,888 Wilson Van Alst 76575,2735 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst PWRMNU.100 Text, Bytes: 2346, Count: 179, 11-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD1 MENU UTILITY DISK DRIVE TAGGING ACROATIX DOS POWR-DOS Fast, powerful, compact menu pgm for M100, TDD and pub domain version of POWR-DOS. Full display of RAM and Disk files, with sizes and free memory. F- keys will switch directories, re-name, kill, and transfer files, and view or print documents. Also, "tagging" allows multiple operations on multiple files -- automatically. See PWRMNU.DOC and get PWRHI.LDR, to create the no-fuss machine language file that makes it all go. Cksum = 150,664. [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst PWRMNU.DOC Text, Bytes: 10842, Count: 169, 11-Sep-88 Title : Keywords: PWRMNU POWR-DOS 100 DISK MENU UTILITY TDD TDD1 PDD DOCUMENT Document file for PWRMNU.100 -- the full-featured menu utility for your M100, the TDD1, and POWR-DOS. This file describes how to get things loaded, and how to run them once you have. [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst PWRPCH.001 Text, Bytes: 730, Count: 102, 22-Sep-88(20-Nov-88) Title : Keywords: PWRMNU PATCH KILL DISK MENU TDD TDD1 PDD 100 POWR-DOS Patch 01 for PWRMNU.100. Asks user to confirm the KILL command. Adds about 60 bytes to program. Installation instructions are given in self-deleting remarks within the PWRPCH.001 file. In use, this patch affects the KILL command only in the "immediate mode" ( i.e., with no files tagged for the multiple-command option). If files are tagged, commands will be performed as indicated by F-key highlighting. Patch file cksum = 49,423 [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst PWRPCH.002 Text, Bytes: 881, Count: 85, 02-Nov-88 Title : Keywords: PWRMNU POWR-DOS MENU FILE TRANSFER UTILITY PATCH APPEND OVERWRITE TDD PWRMNU patch that allows "Append/Overwrite/Quit" option if the .DO file you're tranferring already exists on device you're transferring to. Installation instructions in self-deleting comment lines at start of this file. Checksum = 60,735 [70235,232] Woods Martin PWRPCH.003 Text, Bytes: 2448, Count: 64, 04-Jan-90 Title : Patch for PWRMNU program adds aditional features Keywords: POWR DOS PWRMNU PATCH TDD RUN, OVERWRITE, DISK functions. Replaces 21-Dec-89 version. Fixes failure of single file overwrite. Patch 3 for the GREAT program PWRMNU. Pressing Enter key will RUN selected BA file. File transfer will overwrite. QUERY on single file kills or overwrites (with progress display). F7 Disk key switches to DISK mode and refreshes the menu. Instructions in remarks at beginning of patch. Download as PWPCH3.DO. Checksum=167,893 Woods [75725,1134] PWRTIP.001 Text, Bytes: 6193, Count: 205, 16-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 TDD2 PDD2 SYSTEM For the benefit of the uninitiated, a quick description of Powr-DOS and some suggestion of why someone might want to acquire it. Then a few notes you might find useful joel [75725,1134] PWRTIP.002 Text, Bytes: 4435, Count: 151, 15-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS TINY TINY.PWR PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 PDD2 TDD2 TINY.PWR (one of the POWR-DOS files) is a *very small* file transfer utility for the Model 100/Tandy 102 and the TDD/TDD2. IT DOES *NOT* REQUIRE POWR-DOS OR ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM. If that's what you need, this is the program you need. The advantage, of course, is that nearly all of your RAM remains available for other applications. Mostly, this file contains those excerpts from the Powr-DOS manual which pertain to TINY.... joel [75725,1134] PWRTIP.003 Text, Bytes: 1581, Count: 87, 01-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 TDD PDD TDD1 PDD1 P-DOS TIP RECOVR RECOVER Among the Powr-DOS files is a very capable file recovery program. This TIP describes it and tells which files to pick up. joel [73267,552] RANDY HESS QWKPWR.100 Text, Bytes: 1197, Count: 149, 23-May-88 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 TDD POWR-DOS ACROATIX FILE SAVE MENU DOS QWKPWR is a 100/102 BASIC, cursor file select utility for operating POWR- DOS that is three times as fast as DMENU.BA and only takes up 751 bytes!, doesn't use temp RAM or files with NO file name typing!. It saves and loads RAM or DISK files; erases DISK files; appends or overwrites existing DISK or RAM files; runs programs from DISK; prints a file directory and let's you preview a .DO file. Download QWKPWR.DOC and QWKPWR.100 (CHECK=77,728) [73267,552] RANDY HESS QWKPWR.DOC Text, Bytes: 6850, Count: 144, 23-May-88 Title : Keywords: BASIC MENU 100 102 FILES SAVE LOAD RUN POWR-DOS DOS QWKPWR is a 100/102 BASIC, cursor file select utility for operating POWR- DOS that is three times as fast as DMENU.BA and only takes up 751 bytes!, doesn't use temp RAM or files with NO file name typing!. It saves and loads RAM or DISK files; erases DISK files; appends or overwrites existing DISK or RAM files; runs programs from DISK; prints a file directory and let's you preview a .DO file. Download QWKPWR.DOC and QWKPWR.100 (CHECK=77,728) [73537,775] RAMDSK.100 Text, Bytes: 4130, Count: 177, 26-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TANDY DISK DRIVE BACKUP TDD PDD POWR-DISK ACROATIX A program to save the entire contents of RAM to the TDD for later retrieval using DSKRAM.100. An index file name is used to allow selective retrieval from the disk. See BACKUP.DOC for instructions. Checksum = 247,976. [72227,1661] Paul Globman RAMDSK.TIP Text, Bytes: 3547, Count: 61, 20-Mar-90 Title : RAMDSK.CO entry points Keywords: NODE DATAPAC DATAPAK RAMDISK RAMDSK RAM DISK BASIC 100 200 This file contains the Model 100 and Tandy 200 entry points for RAMDSK.CO (c) that will permit program control for the LOAD, SAVE, KILL, and NAME operations on Node Datapac files. Most of the functions offered by the Node ROM can be accomplished with RAMDSK.CO and the use of these entry addresses. cksm = 281822 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler RAMEXP.THD Text, Bytes: 4502, Count: 84, 25-Aug-88 Title : Keywords: BIGRAM RAM MODULE EXPANSION BOOSTER MESSAGES THREAD This message collection starts with a notice that Tandy RSCC is now selling the PG Designs 224K RAM expansion for the Model 100. Subsequent messages discuss characteristics and compatibility of this device -- and mention some competing alternatives. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson RAMPAC.001 Text, Bytes: 4375, Count: 59, 25-Jul-90(27-Jul-90) Title : Cold-Start Warning - What to avoid Keywords: NODE RAMPAC RAMDISK RAMDSK.CO 100 102 200 STORAGE COLD WARNING COLD-START WARNING! Removing a Node Rampac from the computer while the power is on can lead to a cold start in the computer, and worse, a loss of data in the Rampac! Includes some followup information from Paul Globman on a possible recovery technique when the RAMpac asks if you wish to format it. [72245,66] READ.DVI Text, Bytes: 785, Count: 67, 10-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 DVI DISK READ FILE PRINT UTILITY Small program will read files from DVI disk, printing to screen, and optionally to printer. May also be used on Chipmunk. Checksum = 45,523 [75126,72] Frank Hentschel READER.DVI Text, Bytes: 385, Count: 145, 23-Sep-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE DVI READ FILES ASCII TEXT CRT a simple program to read ascii(text) files direct to the crt with a hardcopy option. Quicker than loading into TEXT and doesn't se RAM. Line 5 is printer control, delete or change for your printer. checksum = 23,461 upl with Xmodem.312 F.J.Hentschel [70526,342] Willie Reese READR2.DVI Text, Bytes: 560, Count: 286, 20-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DISK DRIVE DVI READ ASCII FILE CRT LPT This program is a modest modification of Frank Hentschel's READER.DVI program. It allows you to read disk file on your CRT without loading them, thus saving RAM space. There is also a hardcopy option that allows you to print the file in it's entirety, or by pressing the "ESC" key, you may stop or start this option at will. "Menu" at the file prompt will return to the main menu. Checksum = 33,025 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler RECOV2.DOC Text, Bytes: 6556, Count: 98, 20-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD1 TDD2 TD2 FILE RECOVER BA 100 102 RECOV2.TD2 is a program to recover DO (ASCII/TEXT) files from a TDD disk ( TDD1 or TDD2) using a TDD2 disk drive (only). It uses the sector access call within FLOPPY2, so you need buy no specU is incorporated in V06 of that program by Woods Martin (5/10/86). Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler SW232.THD Text, Bytes: 2258, Count: 58, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: RS232 SWITCH PORT HARDWARE MESSAGES THREAD This short file relates to switching multiple peripheral devices, so as to share the single RS-232 port of the Model 100. This DOES not tell you how to use the port for two things at the same time (such as download toa TDD); not a good answer to that one! The issue here is avoiding lots of plug- unplug operations. [71666,1175] SWITCH.64K Text, Bytes: 1435, Count: 179, 15-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BANK SWITCH PCSG VARIABLE RAM EXPANSION 64K 96K Two programs for variable bank switching with PCSG's 64K and 96K RAM expansion units allow switching forward and backward - or skipping over a bank. Very short, run quickly. File checksum = 110,632 [75735,176] SWITCH.DSK Text, Bytes: 1660, Count: 185, 20-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD DVI POWR-DISK PGD SUPER TANDY DISK DRIVE This is a utility to switch both TDD and D/VI drivers in and out with a minimum of fuss. Provision for P.G. expansion RAM. Documentation included herein. Checksum: 125,308 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2MON.100 Text, Bytes: 2855, Count: 98, 17-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 MONITOR SECTOR READ WRITE PATCH FLOPPY 100 102 BASIC TD2MON.100 is a sector read and modify program for the TDD2. It is based on TDDMON.100 for the TDD1, but uses resident capabilities of the TDD2 OS (aka FLOPPY) to read and write sectors. You can (for example) modify file names on a disk to load otherwise unloadable files. Or you can use the dump function to recover data from trashed disks. Or you can just explore the disk structure. See TDDMON.DOC (DL9) for operational usage. [70136,1007] Mel Snyder TD2TIP.001 Text, Bytes: 2533, Count: 208, 02-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TANDY DISK DRIVE 2 POWER WALL TRANSFORMER New TDD2? Here's two valuable tips -- yes, you can use Disk Power and Power-Disk from your old TDD...with a limit of 40 files. No, you can't power both TDD2 and M100/200 from your old wall transformer without risking a crash. [70506,223] TD2TIP.003 Text, Bytes: 5019, Count: 170, 04-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD2 DISK SPELL IPL TIP 100 DRIVE POWR DOS These are some of my observations about the TDD2. Backing up TDD1 disks to the TDD2 using Copy.BA. Using Splchk.BA with only one dictionary disk. And a way to load Powr-DOS from the TDD2. [73117,351] Mark Earle TD2TIP.004 Text, Bytes: 1613, Count: 168, 07-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TIP TD2 PDD2 DISK DRIVE NEW Observations and tips on use of new Tandy Portable Disk Drive, the TD2, or PDD-2 [70506,223] TD2TIP.005 Text, Bytes: 714, Count: 200, 18-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TANDY DISK DRIVE 2 FLOPPY FLOPY2 CALL A breif overview of FLOPY2.CO and CALL 62297,Mode,Adr The call is used by the basic program BACKUP.BA for the TDD2. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2TIP.006 Text, Bytes: 1440, Count: 97, 15-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TD2 PDD2 DISK DRIVE FLOPPY PATCH 0MENU SUPERA MACPGM This short tip file includes a patch to modify the TDD OS for compatibility with Low-RAM resident programs such as 0MENU, SUPERA and Tony's MACRO program. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2TIP.007 Text, Bytes: 1508, Count: 145, 17-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR TDD2 SECTORS TIPS This TD2TIP file discusses the use of DSKMGR.100/200 with the TDD2. Capabilities, limitations and cautionary notes are the topics. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2TIP.008 Text, Bytes: 1683, Count: 85, 19-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: TDD1 TDD2 PDD COMPATIBILITY LOAD SAVE TESTS There is a fair amount of interest in TDD1-TDD2 disk compatibility. This note reports some tests, conducted with DSKMGR.REL, and repeated with two version of TS-DOS with the same results. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [75725,1134] TD2TIP.009 Text, Bytes: 10179, Count: 117, 04-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD TDD2 PDD PDD2 BASIC FLOPPY SECTOR FLOPY2 provides TDD2 users the capabiltiy to bypass the TDD file structure and access the disk directly. The most obvious applications for this capability are utility programs and database programs. This file lists those things someone writing such a program will need to know. This is an advanced and fairly specialized programming tip. TDD1/Powr-DOS users/programmers should read, instead, DOSTIP.009, which covers the same matters. joel [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TD2TIP.015 Text, Bytes: 590, Count: 103, 03-Oct-89 Title : Keywords: IPL TDD2 PDD2 DISK DRIVE LOAD FLOPPY INFO DOC IPL loading instructions for the TDD-2. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDD2.THD Text, Bytes: 10755, Count: 155, 05-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: DISK DRIVE TDD TDD2 PDD DOS FLOPPY MESSAGES THREAD The Tandy Portable Disk Drive (TDD) now comes in two flavors, the original one (100K of storage) and the TDD2 (with 200K capacity). Recent messages have discussed the differences, identified some documentation errors and generally addresses use of some of the "old" third-party software with the new version of the TDD. This file captures some of these messages. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDD2A.THD Text, Bytes: 5722, Count: 142, 20-May-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TDD TND PDD DISK DRIVE OS DOS COMPATIBILITY MESSAGES This is a loose collection of messages (vs. a collection of loose messages!) on the general topic of the TDD2 (and even the TDD). Issues addressed include software (operating system) available for the TDD2, machine language conflicts, and some inconclusive problem discussions. If they become conclusive, I'll add that to this THD. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDD2B.THD Text, Bytes: 10487, Count: 116, 30-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD2 TDD1 DP100 TS-RANDOM FLOPPY MESSAGES THREAD This is a collection of message re the TDD2, gathered over a week's time. topics include: o FLOPPY for TDD2 (recovery from killing menu program and calls available from Ba or CO programs) o Disk Power 100 with TDD2 o TDD1/TDD2 disk format difference o TS-RANDOM -- TDD2 compatibility, and other stuff Of interest to all TDD2 users! [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW TDD2PC.2DR Text, Bytes: 3494, Count: 70, 19-Feb-89 Title : Keywords: 2DRIVE 2DR TDD1 IBM PC FILE COPY DISK BACKUP POWR-DOS An updated version of the original disk file copy program of the same name for the M100/102 and a 2-drive interface connected to a TDD and a PC. This version works with either Booster-Link or M100CO.EXE (in DL 9) to emulate a TDD on the PC. Could also be used with 2 TDD's. See TDD2PC.DOC and TDD2PC.ADD for documentation. Checksum=224,543 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW TDD2PC.ADD Text, Bytes: 4634, Count: 65, 19-Feb-89 Title : Keywords: 2DRIVE 2DR TDD1 IBM PC FILE COPY DISK BACKUP POWR-DOS Addendum to the documentation file, TDD2PC.DOC, describing the latest version of TDD2PC.2DR which supports both Booster-Link and M100CO.EXE (in DL 9) to emulate a TDD on an IBM PC or compatible. [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW TDD2PC.DOC Text, Bytes: 4642, Count: 75, 16-Jan-89 Title : Keywords: 2DRIVE 2DR TDD1 IBM PC FILE COPY DISK BACKUP POWR-DOS Documentation for TDD2PC.2DR, a disk file copy program for M100/102 and a 2-drive interface. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDCLN.THD Text, Bytes: 8590, Count: 46, 19-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD TD2 TDD2 TDD1 HEADS CLEAN CLEANING DISK MESSAGES With regard to disk drives: "To clean or not to clean, that is the question" (Chalk that up to Summer Silliness, folks!). In this set of messages, the question is asked, and some answers are offered. This "old" THD file has recently been augmented by some new material. Well, it IS summer again! The new messages include interesting info on the mechanical relationship of the heads and the media. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TDDINF.TIP Text, Bytes: 10210, Count: 111, 03-Oct-89 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 TDD-2 PDD DISK DRIVE TANDY PORTABLE DOS FORMAT The TDD-2 (Tandy Portable Disk Drive - version 2) is currently the only disk drive still available for use with the Tandy line of portable computers, the Model 100/102 and Tandy 200. This is a captured message thread discussing some aspects of it's technical capabilities. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDMON.100 Text, Bytes: 2460, Count: 90, 13-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD POWR-DOS MONITOR DISK PEEKER PATCHER UTILITY BASIC 100 TDDMON.100 is a utility for examining and changing the contents of a TDD disk, using POWR-DOS; it is documented in TDDMON.DOC. This is definitely an exploring and "hacking" tool. NOT a mainstream utility! ***Modified 10/13/86 to disable function keys during examine and patch mode*** Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDMON.DOC Text, Bytes: 1955, Count: 145, 11-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD POWR-DOS MONITOR DISK PEEKER PATCHER UTILITY BASIC 100 TDDMON.100 is a utility for examining and changing the contents of a TDD disk, using POWR-DOS; it is documented in TDDMON.DOC. This is definitely an exploring and "hacking" tool. NOT a mainstream utility! **New version 10/11/86 shows when you have passed the Sector limit in the Patch mode; plus DOC changes** Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [76703,4311] Eiji Miura TDDPGM.CAT Text, Bytes: 21318, Count: 119, 26-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - TDD Program Keywords: CATALOG TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE TDD PDD PROGRAMS This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which make use of the Tandy Portable Disk Drive. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDREC.THD Text, Bytes: 3582, Count: 62, 11-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD FILE RECOVERY POWR-DOS TS-RANDOM MESSAGES THREAD Have you ever had a TDD disk become unreadable? Well there is hope. The data is probably still there, waiting to be read, IF you can get to it. There appears to be a bug in the TDD's built-in ROM that trashes the directory -- but not the data. To date there are no free recovery programs; but there are some very effective commercial ones. Read this file for more information. [76703,4311] Eiji Miura TDDTEK.CAT Text, Bytes: 15404, Count: 107, 29-Nov-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE TDD PDD TECHNICAL APPLICATION This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which include technical or application information for the Tandy Portable Disk Drive. [75715,100] RICHARD LOGAN TDDTIP.002 Text, Bytes: 1830, Count: 873, 24-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 200 DOS Use 3.5K of the memory taken up by the DOS .CO file when not in use. Easy to install DOS and to remove DOS. Will not conflict with other M/Language Programs. Also will not "bomb" the computer if Drive is not turned on when DISK.BA is selected. [75776,3061] james alder TDDTIP.003 Text, Bytes: 3010, Count: 734, 27-Oct-85(30-Oct-85) Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 200 TIP This file identifies the disk controller chip in the new Tandy drive, and speculates about a new operating system which would make the drive more responsive. Update: 10/29 PA=37 [73016,1336] Ches Looney TDDTIP.005 Text, Bytes: 1145, Count: 680, 03-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 FUNCTION KEY This message and short program guide a user in changing the function menu for the new Tandy Portable Disk file manager so that the function key labels are in the expectied locations. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDTIP.006 Text, Bytes: 2215, Count: 477, 04-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE 100 FLOPPY 64K RAM This file describes how to modify FLOPPY.CO for operation with the PG Designs 64K RAM MENU utility -- and probably with SUPERA, as well. It also describes my approach (today, at least) to using the drive with multiple banks of RAM......Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDTIP.007 Text, Bytes: 2725, Count: 515, 16-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 TMPC FUTIL This TDDTIP discusses the use of a commercial program, FUTIL (from TMPC package) to make use of FLOPPY.CO in conjunction with other M/L programs more convenient and memory-efficient. Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [73226,3504] TDDTIP.008 Text, Bytes: 4095, Count: 385, 21-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 200 PATCH FUNCTION This is an update to TDDTIP.008, with some added information on formatting the function key labels. It includes all the information in the prior file, and adds the program checksums. PA=33 [73016,1336] Ches Looney TDDTIP.009 Text, Bytes: 1525, Count: 476, 23-Nov-85(23-Nov-85) Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 FUNCTION KEY A brief note on labeling and using function keys to CALL the Disk File System and MultiPlan. [72246,355] TDDTIP.010 Text, Bytes: 8225, Count: 298, 21-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 DVI VIDEO Recovery of DVI RAM using both DVI & TDD with Model 100. Included program's Checksum: 81,603 [70235,232] Woods Martin TDDTIP.011 Text, Bytes: 425, Count: 1148, 28-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 FLOPPY DOS TDDTIP.005 in DL9 by Chesley Looney 73016,1336 includes a short program to modify the TDD control program FLOPPY.CO to give a more conventional and pleasing Menu display. Ches's fine program is repeated here with the addition of code to automatically load FLOPPY into high memory and to then save the modified program as a RAM file. Ches's program name FXMENU is included in the display. /\ /\ /'`\ /'`\ ')(`woods')(` [73016,1336] Ches Looney TDDTIP.012 Text, Bytes: 2865, Count: 389, 11-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE 100 POWR UTILITY BASIC Short program description and listing for displaying 16 TDD file titles and lengths on the Model 100 screen instead of the usual seven. Differs from other menu approaches in being limited to the displaying of disk contents only. Program length is less than 160 bytes Checksum 224,536 Ches Looney [73016,1336] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDTIP.013 Text, Bytes: 655, Count: 200, 21-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: DISK DRIVE 100 TIP TDD ULTIMATE ROM DOS TS-DOS UR-2 How to boot the TDD from Ultimate ROM II, without needing to own TS-DOS. Tested with the Model 100, but should work for the Model 200. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TDDTIP.014 Text, Bytes: 1138, Count: 88, 15-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TIP PDD DIP SWITCH POSITION BAUD RATE TEST BOOT "Truth Table" defines various baud rates and test positions of the four dip switches in the bottom of the Tandy/Brother Portable Disk Drive. (TDD-1 or PDD-1) [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TDDTIP.015 Text, Bytes: 1395, Count: 132, 15-Jul-88(02-Oct-88) Title : Keywords: TDD PDD TIP IPL IPL.BA BOOT PROGRAM DISK DRIVE DOS U is incorporated in V06 of that program by Woods Martin (5/10/86). Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler SW232.THD Text, Bytes: 2258, Count: 58, 21-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: RS232 SWITCH PORT HARDWARE MESSAGES THREAD This short file relates to switching multiple peripheral devices, so as to share the single RS-232 port of the Model 100. This DOES not tell you how to use the port for two things at the same time (such as download toa TDD); not a good answer to that one! The issue here is avoiding lots of plug- unplug operations. [71666,1175] SWITCH.64K Text, Bytes: 1435, Count: 179, 15-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 BANK SWITCH PCSG VARIABLE RAM EXPANSION 64K 96K Two programs for variable bank switching with PCSG's 64K and 96K RAM expansion units allow switching forward and backward - or skipping over a bank. Very short, run quickly. File checksum = 110,632 [75735,176] SWITCH.DSK Text, Bytes: 1660, Count: 185, 20-Jul-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 TDD DVI POWR-DISK PGD SUPER TANDY DISK DRIVE This is a utility to switch both TDD and D/VI drivers in and out with a minimum of fuss. Provision for P.G. expansion RAM. Documentation included herein. Checksum: 125,308 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2MON.100 Text, Bytes: 2855, Count: 98, 17-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 MONITOR SECTOR READ WRITE PATCH FLOPPY 100 102 BASIC TD2MON.100 is a sector read and modify program for the TDD2. It is based on TDDMON.100 for the TDD1, but uses resident capabilities of the TDD2 OS (aka FLOPPY) to read and write sectors. You can (for example) modify file names on a disk to load otherwise unloadable files. Or you can use the dump function to recover data from trashed disks. Or you can just explore the disk structure. See TDDMON.DOC (DL9) for operational usage. [70136,1007] Mel Snyder TD2TIP.001 Text, Bytes: 2533, Count: 208, 02-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TANDY DISK DRIVE 2 POWER WALL TRANSFORMER New TDD2? Here's two valuable tips -- yes, you can use Disk Power and Power-Disk from your old TDD...with a limit of 40 files. No, you can't power both TDD2 and M100/200 from your old wall transformer without risking a crash. [70506,223] TD2TIP.003 Text, Bytes: 5019, Count: 170, 04-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD2 DISK SPELL IPL TIP 100 DRIVE POWR DOS These are some of my observations about the TDD2. Backing up TDD1 disks to the TDD2 using Copy.BA. Using Splchk.BA with only one dictionary disk. And a way to load Powr-DOS from the TDD2. [73117,351] Mark Earle TD2TIP.004 Text, Bytes: 1613, Count: 168, 07-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TIP TD2 PDD2 DISK DRIVE NEW Observations and tips on use of new Tandy Portable Disk Drive, the TD2, or PDD-2 [70506,223] TD2TIP.005 Text, Bytes: 714, Count: 200, 18-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TANDY DISK DRIVE 2 FLOPPY FLOPY2 CALL A breif overview of FLOPY2.CO and CALL 62297,Mode,Adr The call is used by the basic program BACKUP.BA for the TDD2. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2TIP.006 Text, Bytes: 1440, Count: 97, 15-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TD2 PDD2 DISK DRIVE FLOPPY PATCH 0MENU SUPERA MACPGM This short tip file includes a patch to modify the TDD OS for compatibility with Low-RAM resident programs such as 0MENU, SUPERA and Tony's MACRO program. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2TIP.007 Text, Bytes: 1508, Count: 145, 17-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: DSKMGR TDD2 SECTORS TIPS This TD2TIP file discusses the use of DSKMGR.100/200 with the TDD2. Capabilities, limitations and cautionary notes are the topics. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TD2TIP.008 Text, Bytes: 1683, Count: 85, 19-Jul-87 Title : Keywords: TDD1 TDD2 PDD COMPATIBILITY LOAD SAVE TESTS There is a fair amount of interest in TDD1-TDD2 disk compatibility. This note reports some tests, conducted with DSKMGR.REL, and repeated with two version of TS-DOS with the same results. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [75725,1134] TD2TIP.009 Text, Bytes: 10179, Count: 117, 04-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: 100 102 200 TDD TDD2 PDD PDD2 BASIC FLOPPY SECTOR FLOPY2 provides TDD2 users the capabiltiy to bypass the TDD file structure and access the disk directly. The most obvious applications for this capability are utility programs and database programs. This file lists those things someone writing such a program will need to know. This is an advanced and fairly specialized programming tip. TDD1/Powr-DOS users/programmers should read, instead, DOSTIP.009, which covers the same matters. joel [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TD2TIP.015 Text, Bytes: 590, Count: 103, 03-Oct-89 Title : Keywords: IPL TDD2 PDD2 DISK DRIVE LOAD FLOPPY INFO DOC IPL loading instructions for the TDD-2. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDD2.THD Text, Bytes: 10755, Count: 155, 05-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: DISK DRIVE TDD TDD2 PDD DOS FLOPPY MESSAGES THREAD The Tandy Portable Disk Drive (TDD) now comes in two flavors, the original one (100K of storage) and the TDD2 (with 200K capacity). Recent messages have discussed the differences, identified some documentation errors and generally addresses use of some of the "old" third-party software with the new version of the TDD. This file captures some of these messages. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDD2A.THD Text, Bytes: 5722, Count: 142, 20-May-87 Title : Keywords: TDD2 TDD TND PDD DISK DRIVE OS DOS COMPATIBILITY MESSAGES This is a loose collection of messages (vs. a collection of loose messages!) on the general topic of the TDD2 (and even the TDD). Issues addressed include software (operating system) available for the TDD2, machine language conflicts, and some inconclusive problem discussions. If they become conclusive, I'll add that to this THD. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDD2B.THD Text, Bytes: 10487, Count: 116, 30-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD2 TDD1 DP100 TS-RANDOM FLOPPY MESSAGES THREAD This is a collection of message re the TDD2, gathered over a week's time. topics include: o FLOPPY for TDD2 (recovery from killing menu program and calls available from Ba or CO programs) o Disk Power 100 with TDD2 o TDD1/TDD2 disk format difference o TS-RANDOM -- TDD2 compatibility, and other stuff Of interest to all TDD2 users! [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW TDD2PC.2DR Text, Bytes: 3494, Count: 70, 19-Feb-89 Title : Keywords: 2DRIVE 2DR TDD1 IBM PC FILE COPY DISK BACKUP POWR-DOS An updated version of the original disk file copy program of the same name for the M100/102 and a 2-drive interface connected to a TDD and a PC. This version works with either Booster-Link or M100CO.EXE (in DL 9) to emulate a TDD on the PC. Could also be used with 2 TDD's. See TDD2PC.DOC and TDD2PC.ADD for documentation. Checksum=224,543 [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW TDD2PC.ADD Text, Bytes: 4634, Count: 65, 19-Feb-89 Title : Keywords: 2DRIVE 2DR TDD1 IBM PC FILE COPY DISK BACKUP POWR-DOS Addendum to the documentation file, TDD2PC.DOC, describing the latest version of TDD2PC.2DR which supports both Booster-Link and M100CO.EXE (in DL 9) to emulate a TDD on an IBM PC or compatible. [73625,365] HOWARD SPROW TDD2PC.DOC Text, Bytes: 4642, Count: 75, 16-Jan-89 Title : Keywords: 2DRIVE 2DR TDD1 IBM PC FILE COPY DISK BACKUP POWR-DOS Documentation for TDD2PC.2DR, a disk file copy program for M100/102 and a 2-drive interface. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDCLN.THD Text, Bytes: 8590, Count: 46, 19-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD TD2 TDD2 TDD1 HEADS CLEAN CLEANING DISK MESSAGES With regard to disk drives: "To clean or not to clean, that is the question" (Chalk that up to Summer Silliness, folks!). In this set of messages, the question is asked, and some answers are offered. This "old" THD file has recently been augmented by some new material. Well, it IS summer again! The new messages include interesting info on the mechanical relationship of the heads and the media. [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TDDINF.TIP Text, Bytes: 10210, Count: 111, 03-Oct-89 Title : Keywords: TDD TDD-1 TDD-2 PDD DISK DRIVE TANDY PORTABLE DOS FORMAT The TDD-2 (Tandy Portable Disk Drive - version 2) is currently the only disk drive still available for use with the Tandy line of portable computers, the Model 100/102 and Tandy 200. This is a captured message thread discussing some aspects of it's technical capabilities. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDMON.100 Text, Bytes: 2460, Count: 90, 13-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD POWR-DOS MONITOR DISK PEEKER PATCHER UTILITY BASIC 100 TDDMON.100 is a utility for examining and changing the contents of a TDD disk, using POWR-DOS; it is documented in TDDMON.DOC. This is definitely an exploring and "hacking" tool. NOT a mainstream utility! ***Modified 10/13/86 to disable function keys during examine and patch mode*** Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDMON.DOC Text, Bytes: 1955, Count: 145, 11-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD POWR-DOS MONITOR DISK PEEKER PATCHER UTILITY BASIC 100 TDDMON.100 is a utility for examining and changing the contents of a TDD disk, using POWR-DOS; it is documented in TDDMON.DOC. This is definitely an exploring and "hacking" tool. NOT a mainstream utility! **New version 10/11/86 shows when you have passed the Sector limit in the Patch mode; plus DOC changes** Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [76703,4311] Eiji Miura TDDPGM.CAT Text, Bytes: 21318, Count: 119, 26-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - TDD Program Keywords: CATALOG TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE TDD PDD PROGRAMS This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which make use of the Tandy Portable Disk Drive. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDREC.THD Text, Bytes: 3582, Count: 62, 11-Apr-87 Title : Keywords: TDD PDD FILE RECOVERY POWR-DOS TS-RANDOM MESSAGES THREAD Have you ever had a TDD disk become unreadable? Well there is hope. The data is probably still there, waiting to be read, IF you can get to it. There appears to be a bug in the TDD's built-in ROM that trashes the directory -- but not the data. To date there are no free recovery programs; but there are some very effective commercial ones. Read this file for more information. [76703,4311] Eiji Miura TDDTEK.CAT Text, Bytes: 15404, Count: 107, 29-Nov-89 Title : Keywords: CATALOG TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE TDD PDD TECHNICAL APPLICATION This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which include technical or application information for the Tandy Portable Disk Drive. [75715,100] RICHARD LOGAN TDDTIP.002 Text, Bytes: 1830, Count: 873, 24-Oct-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 200 DOS Use 3.5K of the memory taken up by the DOS .CO file when not in use. Easy to install DOS and to remove DOS. Will not conflict with other M/Language Programs. Also will not "bomb" the computer if Drive is not turned on when DISK.BA is selected. [75776,3061] james alder TDDTIP.003 Text, Bytes: 3010, Count: 734, 27-Oct-85(30-Oct-85) Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 200 TIP This file identifies the disk controller chip in the new Tandy drive, and speculates about a new operating system which would make the drive more responsive. Update: 10/29 PA=37 [73016,1336] Ches Looney TDDTIP.005 Text, Bytes: 1145, Count: 680, 03-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 FUNCTION KEY This message and short program guide a user in changing the function menu for the new Tandy Portable Disk file manager so that the function key labels are in the expectied locations. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDTIP.006 Text, Bytes: 2215, Count: 477, 04-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE 100 FLOPPY 64K RAM This file describes how to modify FLOPPY.CO for operation with the PG Designs 64K RAM MENU utility -- and probably with SUPERA, as well. It also describes my approach (today, at least) to using the drive with multiple banks of RAM......Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDTIP.007 Text, Bytes: 2725, Count: 515, 16-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 TMPC FUTIL This TDDTIP discusses the use of a commercial program, FUTIL (from TMPC package) to make use of FLOPPY.CO in conjunction with other M/L programs more convenient and memory-efficient. Phil Wheeler [71266,125] [73226,3504] TDDTIP.008 Text, Bytes: 4095, Count: 385, 21-Nov-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 200 PATCH FUNCTION This is an update to TDDTIP.008, with some added information on formatting the function key labels. It includes all the information in the prior file, and adds the program checksums. PA=33 [73016,1336] Ches Looney TDDTIP.009 Text, Bytes: 1525, Count: 476, 23-Nov-85(23-Nov-85) Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 FUNCTION KEY A brief note on labeling and using function keys to CALL the Disk File System and MultiPlan. [72246,355] TDDTIP.010 Text, Bytes: 8225, Count: 298, 21-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 DVI VIDEO Recovery of DVI RAM using both DVI & TDD with Model 100. Included program's Checksum: 81,603 [70235,232] Woods Martin TDDTIP.011 Text, Bytes: 425, Count: 1148, 28-Dec-85 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE BASIC 100 FLOPPY DOS TDDTIP.005 in DL9 by Chesley Looney 73016,1336 includes a short program to modify the TDD control program FLOPPY.CO to give a more conventional and pleasing Menu display. Ches's fine program is repeated here with the addition of code to automatically load FLOPPY into high memory and to then save the modified program as a RAM file. Ches's program name FXMENU is included in the display. /\ /\ /'`\ /'`\ ')(`woods')(` [73016,1336] Ches Looney TDDTIP.012 Text, Bytes: 2865, Count: 389, 11-Feb-86 Title : Keywords: PDD TDD TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE 100 POWR UTILITY BASIC Short program description and listing for displaying 16 TDD file titles and lengths on the Model 100 screen instead of the usual seven. Differs from other menu approaches in being limited to the displaying of disk contents only. Program length is less than 160 bytes Checksum 224,536 Ches Looney [73016,1336] [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TDDTIP.013 Text, Bytes: 655, Count: 200, 21-Aug-86 Title : Keywords: DISK DRIVE 100 TIP TDD ULTIMATE ROM DOS TS-DOS UR-2 How to boot the TDD from Ultimate ROM II, without needing to own TS-DOS. Tested with the Model 100, but should work for the Model 200. Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TDDTIP.014 Text, Bytes: 1138, Count: 88, 15-Jul-88 Title : Keywords: TDD TIP PDD DIP SWITCH POSITION BAUD RATE TEST BOOT "Truth Table" defines various baud rates and test positions of the four dip switches in the bottom of the Tandy/Brother Portable Disk Drive. (TDD-1 or PDD-1) [76703,4062] Tony Anderson TDDTIP.015 Text, Bytes: 1395, Count: 132, 15-Jul-88(02-Oct-88) Title : Keywords: TDD PDD TIP IPL IPL.BA BOOT PROGRAM DISK DRIVE DOS Captured messages discuss why Tandy's IPL.BA code is not in the forum library, and where you can find a copy; and how to use it to load FLOPPY.CO from the TDD-1 utility disk into the computer. [76703,4311] Eiji Miura TDDUTL.CAT Text, Bytes: 17397, Count: 133, 26-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - TDD Utility Keywords: CATALOG TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE TDD PDD UTILITY This file lists names and descriptions of programs and files in this section which include utility type programs for the Tandy Portable Disk Drive. [72517,526] Don Sakers TDIR.BAS Text, Bytes: 1685, Count: 141, 12-Sep-90 Title : MS-DOS desktop displays directory of TDD-1 disks Keywords: TDD PDD TREAD TWRITE TDIR TERASE TREWD DESKTOP MS-DOS GWBASIC FOR MS-DOS COMPUTERS to display directory of disk in Tandy Portable Disk Drive 1. Requires GWBASIC or a compatible BASIC. Documentation in TREWD.DOC. Related files: TREAD.BAS, TWRITE.BAS, TERASE.BAS. Checksum = 113,248 [72507,3077] ROBERT W. BOGGESS SR. TDISK.COM Bin, Bytes: 3968, Count: 24, 02-May-89 Title : Keywords: TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE STARLET TDISK.COM is a menu driven utility allows the Tandy Portable Disk Drive to be used with the STARLET in the 32K mode. It can be used to store and retrieve data and programs Note: THE LPT MUST BE SET TO 8N81N BEFORE RUNING THE PROGRAM. Only capital letters and commands are recognized. Access 1 second per 1K bytes. "\" EXITS THE PROGRAM. The program takes up 4K.(does not support B.S. carefull what you enter..) For less overhead see DLOAD.COM [72507,3077] ROBERT W. BOGGESS SR. TDISK.DOC Text, Bytes: 4352, Count: 35, 11-May-89 Title : Keywords: TANDY PORTABLE DISK DRIVE STARLET TDISK.DOC is the documentation for TDISK.COM AND DLOAD.COM . It describes the menu and peculerarities of this no frills utility. [72227,1661] Paul Globman TELEME.102 Text, Bytes: 1251, Count: 31, 03-Jul-93 Title : Access Node Datapac while on-line. Keywords: TELCOM EME DATAPAC RAMPAC RAM100 RAM DISK BASIC Access the Node Datapac while on-line with the internal modem. Requires RAM100.CO. Checksum = 90297 [72227,1661] Paul Globman TELNOD.100 Text, Bytes: 1374, Count: 47, 27-May-90 Title : Access Node Datapac while on-line. Keywords: TELCOM NODE DATAPAC RAMPAC RAMDSK RAM DISK BASIC Access the Node Datapac while on-line with the internal modem. Requires RAMDSK.CO. cksm = 97078 [72517,526] Don Sakers TERASE.BAS Text, Bytes: 1630, Count: 130, 12-Sep-90 Title : Allows MS-DOS computer to erase files on TDD-1 Keywords: TDD PDD TREAD TWRITE TERASE TDIR TREWD DESKTOP MS-DOS GWBASIC FOR MS-DOS COMPUTERS to erase files from Tandy Portable Disk Drive 1. Requires GWBASIC or a compatible BASIC. Documentation in TREWD.DOC. Related files: TREAD.BAS, TWRITE.BAS, TDIR.BAS. Checksum = 108,593 [76703,4311] Eiji Miura THD-09.CAT Text, Bytes: 4643, Count: 33, 26-Jun-90 Title : Library Catalog - Message Thread Keywords: CATALOG THREAD THD FILES MESSAGE BOARD This file lists names and descriptions of the thread (.THD) files in THIS Library. [76701,40] Denny Thomas TINY.PWR Text, Bytes: 1556, Count: 299, 10-Jun-88 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS P-DOS ACROATIX PDD TDD PDD1 TDD1 SYSTEM 100 102 Minature DOS from the POWR-DOS distribution diskette. Checksum = 88,786 This file is a ASCII HEX file converted with HXFER (LIB 7). See POWR-D.INF for extremely important information and instructions. [76576,2735] Wilson Van Alst TINYOK.THD Text, Bytes: 2546, Count: 59, 03-Jul-90 Title : Reasons to keep POWR-DOS =and= TINY.CO in RAM Keywords: 100 102 PWR-DOS POWR-DOS TINY TINY.CO DOS DISK DRIVE TDD Why one user keeps TINY.CO permanently on the menu of his M100, even though he also has POWR-DOS installed. TINY, as this user discovered, can be much more convenient for some file management functions. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TP-10.THD Text, Bytes: 6761, Count: 37, 06-May-88 Title : Keywords: TANDY PRINTER SERIAL INTERFACE 102 100 200 MESSAGES THREAD The TP-10 is a small Tandy printer, configured to interface with the Color Computer. This thread deals with its use with the Model 100 family -- via the RS-232 port. This short set of messages has stretched over a long period (indeed, may continue to stretch) , and the first one is missing. I imagine it was in the vein of "How can I use a TP-10 printer with my Tandy 102?". <> [71730,373] William Kofoed TPDD.DO Text, Bytes: 6354, Count: 163, 28-Aug-93 Title : Model 100 disk drive cable Keywords: MODEL 100 102 200 DISK DRIVE PORTABLE MAKE BUILD A Doc on how to make a cable for the portable disk drive [72517,526] Don Sakers TREAD.BAS Text, Bytes: 2470, Count: 154, 12-Sep-90 Title : Allows MS-DOS computer to read files from TDD-1 Keywords: TDD PDD TREAD TWRITE TERASE TDIR TREWD DESKTOP MS-DOS GWBASIC FOR MS-DOS COMPUTERS to read files from Tandy Portable Disk Drive 1. Requires GWBASIC or a compatible BASIC. Documentation in TREWD.DOC. Related files: TERASE.BAS, TWRITE.BAS, TDIR.BAS. Checksum = 162,248 [72517,526] Don Sakers TREWD.DOC Text, Bytes: 7293, Count: 161, 12-Sep-90 Title : Docs: 4 programs for MS-DOS desktop <-> PDD xfers Keywords: TDD PDD TREAD TWRITE TDIR TERASE TREWD MS-DOS GWBASIC DESKTOP Documentation for related programs TREAD.BAS, TERASE.BAS, TWRITE.BAS and TDIR.BAS. These programs are FOR MS-DOS COMPUTERS to read/write/ erase/get directory of the Tandy Portable Disk Drive 1. [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TS-NF.100 Text, Bytes: 435, Count: 29, 27-Jan-87 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 102 LOADER ML PATCH TS-DOS FORMAT TDD This is a patch to vers. 2.00/2.01 of the TS-DOS program for the M100/ T102. It removes (for safety reasons) the formatting function from theresulting new version of the program (which is then named ver To use start with DOS100.CO on the menu and load it ('LOADM"DOS100"'). Go to the main menu and run TS-NF.BA. Save an unmodified DOS100 in case you don't like the patch (and to load for formatting). [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TS3-NF.100 Text, Bytes: 491, Count: 34, 02-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: TS-DOS DOS100 TDD2 PDD2 V3.00 FORMAT PATCH 100 102 This is a short program which will create a version of TS-DOS ver. 3 (for the TDD2) which cannot format disks (locks out that function key), and save it as DOS3NF.CO. If you need to format disks, load the original version. ***This patch works with v. 3.00, but is not quite right for v. 3.02*** Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 [71266,125] Phil Wheeler TTX.THD Text, Bytes: 3397, Count: 41, 18-Oct-87 Title : Keywords: TTX PRINTER BATTERIES NICADS MESSAGES THREAD The TTX Express printer is a small, popular and cost-effective ($100 range) printer for use with the Models 100/102/200 etal. These messages discuss operating the TTX from NiCads. A short THD file, but useful info if you need it! [70506,223] TWO.ROM Text, Bytes: 3063, Count: 214, 09-Mar-87 Title : Keywords: TWO ROM INTERNAL 100 102 200 Two approachs to mounting TWO ROMs into one portable computer. This is both the 100 and 200 and should work with a 102 if you can find the space. Text file only. [70465,203] Leonard Erickson TWOSUN.100 Text, Bytes: 4895, Count: 52, 09-Oct-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 DVI DISK VIDEO STARS SIMULATION CURSOR CONTROL A program converted from a version for the H8/19/89. Shows the dynamics of a double star system. Also shows the use of the "store cursor"(ESC i) & "retrieve cursor" (ESC k) sequences available on screen 1. *REQUIRES* an 80-column monitor. checksum 341,726 [72517,526] Don Sakers TWRITE.BAS Text, Bytes: 3010, Count: 160, 12-Sep-90 Title : Allows MS-DOS computer to write files to TDD-1 Keywords: TDD PDD TREAD TWRITE TDIR TERASE TREWD DESKTOP MS-DOS GWBASIC FOR MS-DOS COMPUTERS to write files to Tandy Portable Disk Drive 1. Requires GWBASIC or a compatible BASIC. Documentation in TREWD.DOC. Related files: TREAD.BAS, TERASE.BAS, TDIR.BAS. Checksum = 195,643 [73267,757] TXTDMP.ASM Text, Bytes: 4680, Count: 47, 08-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: SOURCE 100 MACHINE CODE ML ASSEMBLY CASSETTE FAST LOAD SAVE Assembly source code for TXTDMP.CAS Checksum: 276,257 [73267,757] TXTDMP.CAS Text, Bytes: 2270, Count: 77, 08-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 LOADER MACHINE CODE CASSETTE FAST DUMP LOAD SAVE Relocatable loader for 528 bytes of M/L which loads or saves DO files in a single continuous block instead of the usual 256-byte blocks. Assembly source code is in TXTDMP.ASM Checksum=139,068 [73267,757] TXTDMP.DOC Text, Bytes: 1295, Count: 68, 10-Sep-86 Title : Keywords: LOAD SAVE CASSETTE FAST DUMP TXT DO MACHINE CODE 100 Brief description of how to use TXTDMP.CO to load & save text files to cassette. [75775,1430] Don Zeikel UPDATE.100 Text, Bytes: 1612, Count: 52, 15-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS ACROATIX TDD PDD DISK BACKUP UPDATE SAVE KILL Used with Powr-DOS by Acroatix, this will automatically update the backup of a file-in-progress. Frequently updating your backups while working on a complex file can save you time and effort, should your computer fail. This will run on a 100, and will likely run on a 102 and 200 (let me know) Reading the instructions in UPDATE.DOC is STRONGLY urged. Checksum = 104,304 [75775,1430] Don Zeikel UPDATE.DOC Text, Bytes: 2792, Count: 58, 15-Jun-87 Title : Keywords: POWR-DOS ACROATIX TDD PDD DISK BACKUP UPDATE SAVE KILL Instructions for UPDATE.100, a Powr-DOS utility for backing up a file-in- progress. [71256,1353] UPLCHP.CPM Text, Bytes: 1970, Count: 33, 27-Feb-85 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 CHIPMUNK DISK DRIVE FILE TRANSFER UTILITY CPM BACKUP Whole folders worth of Chipmunk files can be transferred, unattended, to a CP/M system under PIP. W.H. Calvin Checksum: 140,841 PA=43 [73117,351] Mark Earle USCTIP.001 Text, Bytes: 878, Count: 58, 27-Aug-87 Title : Keywords: ULTRASCREEN TDD2 TDD1 TANDYDISKS TANDY DISK DRIVES LOADER ML Using UltraScreen 1.1 from a Tandy disk drive 1 or 2 [75775,202] UTLDIC.CHP Text, Bytes: 4070, Count: 53, 10-Nov-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK CHIPMUNK UTILITY UTILITIES This file contains file utility and management programs for the Chipmunk spelling checker dictionary. Look up individual words, remove individual words, print a list of dictionary words, or count the words in the files. Checksum = 297,931 David Willman 75775,202 [75775,202] UTLDIC.TD2 Text, Bytes: 4850, Count: 149, 13-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE UTLDIC.TD2 is a disk dictionary utilities program specifically written for the Model 100 or Tandy 200 with the Tandy portable disk drive utilizing either POWR-DISK or TS-DOS operating systems. This program looks-up individual words, removes individual words, prints words in the files, and counts words in the files. Please read: UTLTD2.DOC Checksum = 325,219 Dave W. 75775,202 [75775,202] UTLTD2.DOC Text, Bytes: 2520, Count: 181, 13-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 200 DISK DICTIONARY SPELL CHECK TANDY PORTABLE DRIVE Documentation for UTLDIC.TD2. Checksum = 219,950 Dave W. 75775,202 [71066,155] Mike Aiello VLTTIP.001 Text, Bytes: 3184, Count: 28, 18-Nov-87 Title : Keywords: VAULT PGDESIGN ULTRASCREEN USC100 USC102 LCD VLTTIP.001 is a description of how to load and use Ultrascreen 10x60 screen driver with PG Design's Vault memory expansion and the Model 102. Checksum = 258,168 [70007,2106] WIRELE.TXT Text, Bytes: 1030, Count: 84, 05-May-85 Title : Keywords: WIRELESS PHONE PORTABLE TELEPHONE How to use a wireless phone with Model 100 or 200. PA=122 [76656,2526] WRSCTR.DVI Text, Bytes: 1535, Count: 53, 10-May-87 Title : Keywords: DVI SECTOR READ WRITE ASSEMBLY ML CODE DISK This file describes the DOS routine to read/write sectors to the DVI, and how to use it. BE CAREFUL!! There is no idiot protection, and you could easily write over the system or directory tracks. CHECKSUM = 115,230 SECTOR DVI READ WRITE ASSEMBLY [75655,1056] WSPEC.BA Text, Bytes: 395, Count: 104, 30-May-86 Title : Keywords: BASIC 100 PCSG SUPER WRITE ROM WSPEC .DT .CW RENAME This program provides a means to covert PCSG's Write ROM `WSPEC' file extensions from the old `.DT' to the newer `.CT' format, or to any combination you may need to store multiple files on disk. The familiar M100 command NAME"wspec.dt"TO"" or NAME"ram:wspec.dt"TO"" will not convert the old extensions, nor will the Rename feature in Chipmunk CDOS, but this program will. Enjoy! Bill Templeton / Danville Tigers checksum = 24,310 [72227,1661] Paul Globman XRAMBO.SRC Text, Bytes: 1766, Count: 9, 18-Jul-89 Title : RAMBO Source code Keywords: XBNK XOS RAMBO ROMBO LOAD SAVE EXCHANGE RAM ENVIRONMENT ROM XRAMBO permits you to store many of your favorite programs in the option ROM socket, which can later be run on an "as required" basis. XRAMBO allows the saving and restoration of a complete RAM environment. Requires RAMBO (RAM/ROM) by EME Systems. Cksm = 121803 LIB 9 - Peripherals