ADDICT.BA Chipmunk Dictionary Utilities Copyright 1986 David W. Willman Licensed for use only, Compuserve M100 Forum members. This program takes a word list stored in the RAM file SUSPEC.DO and adds these words in alphabetical order into the disk dictionary files DIC-AB.DO thru DIC-YZ.DO . The words within SUSPEC.DO must be in all lower case letters, each word on a seperate line with no blank lines in between, words arranged alphabetically in the file & words must start with a letter but may contain a hyphen or appostrophe. Such as set-up by the m/l program loaded by DCPREP and spell checked with SPLCHK.BA. The SUSPEC.DO file is not automatically killed so it may be added to a back-up dictionary disk. WARNING: If you edit SUSPEC.DO after running SPLCHK.BA and alter it other than just deleting words, make sure the new file still meets the criteria above (all small letters & sorted). I suggest you rename the new SUSPEC.DO file and run it back through the m/l program and SPLCHK.BA before adding it into your dictionary files. 0' ADDICT.CHP Copyright 1986 David W. Willman 10 CLEAR256:MAXFILES=3:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Place Dictionary disk in drive":PRINT"then hit any key to continue.";:A$=INPUT$(1):ONERRORGOTO130:PRINT:OPEN"0:DIC-AB.DO"FORINPUTAS1:CLOSE:CLS:ONERRORGOTO150:OPEN"SUSPEC.DO"FORINPUTAS1:ONERRORGOTO180:C$="00" 20 IFEOF(1)THENCLOSE:GOTO70ELSELINEINPUT#1,B$:GOSUB90:GOSUB100 30 IFEOF(2)THEN50ELSELINEINPUT#2,D$:IFB$ASC(LEFT$(C$,1))ANDB<>ASC(RIGHT$(C$,1))THEN60ELSEIFB$52THEN170ELSERESUME10 150 PRINT:IFERR=52THENPRINT"SUSPEC.DO file not found."ELSEPRINT"Error #"ERR" in line #"ERL 160 PRINT"Hit any key to return to menu.";:A$=INPUT$(1) 170 CLOSE:MAXFILES=1:MENU 180 PRINT:PRINT"Error #"ERR" in line #"ERL:GOTO160