1 'BACKRD' RAMDisk/Datapac backup utlty 2 'requires POWR-DISK!! 3 'By Tom Fitzpatrick [72237,2656] 9 CALL17001:CLEAR256:MAXFILES=1:DEFINTT-Y:DEFSNGZ:DEFSTRA-C:ONERRORGOTO50 11 Z=63013:C="":RESTORE:DATA128,136,160,168,192,200,0 12 OPEN"QFQF"FORINPUTAS1:INPUT#1,V,W:CLOSE 14 READX:IFX<>VTHEN14 15 IFX=0THEN30ELSEPOKE-1,X:Y=0 16 CALLZ,18,VARPTR(C):IFPEEK(-1)=0THENREADX:W=0:GOTO15 17 Y=Y+1:IFY55THENPRINT@80,"Error "U" in line "ERL:END 53 PRINT@80,"DISK ERROR"U"- Press SPACE":BEEP:IFINKEY$=""THEN53 54 IFU>58ANDU<68THENPRINT"?"MID$(" NRDNCNDAWPDFNDHTAE",(U-58)*2,2)" Error"; 55 IFU=55THENPRINT"Bad file name"; 56 PRINT"- Retry/Skip/Abort"; 57 ONINSTR("RrSsAa",INPUT$(1))GOTO22,22,23,23,30,30:GOTO57 BACKRD- RAMDisk/DATAPAC backup utility By Tom Fitzpatrick BACKRD backs up files in the Node DATAPAC to the Tandy portable disk drive. Acroatix' Power-Disk operating system is required. To load: o Put program above in the paste buffer using Select(F7) and Copy(F5). o Go into Basic, type NEW, press ENTER twice then press the PASTE key. o When the scrolling stops, press ENTER, type SAVE"BACKRD" and press ENTER. o COPY BACKRD to Datapac. To use: o COPY all main memory files to Datapac, then KILL all files from main memory. (This includes RAMDSK. To kill, type KILL"RAMDSK and press ENTER in Basic.) o Install Power-Disk in main memory, plug in drive and insert a formatted, empty disk. o CALL 63013,1 from Basic, place cursor over BACKRD.BA and press ENTER. BACKRD will procede to save all BAsic, COmmand and DOcument files to disk. If an error occurs, BACKRD will beep until it gets your attention. Press any key to see the error it has found. Common errors are: DF Disk Full. Place another formatted, empty diskette in the drive and press R to Retry. Bad file name. A Datapac file has an out-of-the-ordinary name Power-Disk doesn't care for. Press S to Skip that file and continue saving the others. File too big. A file will not fit in main memory. Press S to Skip. Refer to your Power-Disk manual for information on other errors. General info: This program is by all accounts a hack; it was written to get me by until I have the time to do the job justice. Power-Disk was used because of the relative ease with which it saves CO and DO files. A BACKRD that also works with TS-DOS and Disk Power is not only possible but probable. You are more than welcome to improve on this modest design. All I ask is that you drop me a copy of any modifications you make. Tom Fitzpatrick, [72237,2656] ADDITIONAL NOTE: Removing Power-Disk(LFILESOFF) also removes hooks for wordcount, search-and- replace and overwrite in DO files. To fix, after removing Power-Disk go into BASIC and type: Kill"RAMDSK Call 63013,1