RAMDSK.100 and DSKRAM.100 by John Shadel [73537,775] ---------------------------------------------------- RAMDSK.100 and DSKRAM.100 are backup and restore programs designed for use with Powr-Disk by Acroatix. DSKRAM.100 is a modified version of DBAKUP.TDD by Terry Luke [73126,1775]. It will backup all .BA, .DO, and .CO files automatically and any files which have been saved as a 7 byte file as in DBAKUP.TDD. It has been modified though to allow the entry of a name for the backup file. This can be used later to retrieve the same files backed up from the RAM using the index name with DSKRAM.100. In this way, one can set up an indexing system on the TDD to allow loading a specified set of related programs and data for certain applications if desired, or just to back up the RAM when desired. The index name entered is appended with an "@" symbol to distinquish the index files from other files on the diskette. If the index file name aleady exists on the diskette, a message is displayed, and a new name can be entered. The program works with the PCSG 128K ram as before, or an "I" is appended to the last part of the index file name if the 128K ram is not installed. In order to run this program, Powr-Disk must be in low or high memory or both, and the programs should be run from BASIC using the RUN ":RAMDSK.BA" format. This allows the program to run in the BASIC buffer, and it is removed at the end of the backup. Powr-Disk is also restored to the RAM, and is not erased when the option is given to kill the RAM directory. Running the program RAMDSK.100 ------------------------------ First, be sure that Powr-Disk is loaded in high-memory (preferred) or in low-memory. If Powr-Disk is in low-memory (shows on the Menu screen) it will be backed up to the TDD. Then insert the Diskette which contains RAMDSK.100 and go to Basic. Type in RUN":RAMDSK.BA" and press Enter. After a moment, you will see displayed: FULL Ram Backup to Disk Load Backup Diskette and Press RETURN At this point, insert the diskette you wish to record the RAM to in the TDD, and press return. You will then see: FULL Ram Backup to Disk Index File Type in a four character name for your Index file and press RETURN. If you see: File Already Exists-Press Return then you have selected an Index name that is already on the diskette. Press RETURN and enter another name. You should then see: Working... displayed, and all of the files will be recorded to the diskette. When finished you will see: FINISHED KILL DIRECTORY IN RAM? - or N If you answer yes, all of the RAM files resident in memory will be erased except for Powr-Disk, and the Basic buffer will be cleared out (which contains RAMDSK.BA). You will then be returned to the Menu. If you answer N, a message will display: ALL DONE - POWR-DISK IS ACTIVE and the program will end with Powr-Disk still in high memory, and all of the RAM files intact. Before using this program, it is necessary to insert the names of your .CO files which you wish the program to recognize in the program staring on line 270, so that they will be backed up using the proper starting and ending addresses. Various error messages are displayed indicating Disk Write protection and Drive not Ready, or line number and error number if the error is not defined. Running the program DSKRAM.100 ------------------------------ The initial steps in running this program are the same as running RAMDSK.100, up to the running of the program from Basic. That is, Powr-Disk must be loaded in memory, and RUN":DSKRAM.BA" typed in from Basic. When the program begins you will see: FULL Ram Restore from Disk Load Restore Diskette and Press RETURN At this point, put in the diskette containing the files and index file you with to restore and press Enter. You will then see: PRESS FOR FILE LIST If you do not know the name of the Index file, press Enter, and all of the files on disk will be listed. If you already know the name, enter it here and press Return. The file name must begin with the "@" character, and end with the Bank number (or "I" if no additional RAM banks are present). You will then see: @xxxxx.DO GROUP OF FILES xxxxxx WAS DATE LAST BACKED UP will then display showing the Index name and the date it was last backed up. If during the restore process, a file name on the TDD matches a file in RAM, a message will display asking if you wish to overwrite the file or skip it. When the process is completed you will see: KILL DIRECTORY IN RAM? - OR N If you answer "Y", the Index file will be erased from the RAM. "N" will leave the index file intact. The program will then display ALL DONE, and you will be return back to the menu. The Basic buffer will be erased, and Powr-Disk will still be active. At this point you have restored the files indexed by the index file name you typed in.