Library 9 CHIPMK.CAT BASIC1.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 10605 Part 1 of "Complete Primer on Disk File Handling with the Chipmunk Disk Drive". It contains an introduction to CDOS and the disk device, and goes on to describe using the Chipmunk from both Basic and Text. There's also a discussion of disk Basic differences with RAM or cassette. And, a snyopsis is given of the CDOS command syntax. BASIC2.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 13780 Part 2 of Chipmunk Basic primer. File structure of records and fields, sequential files, and fixed-length fields. BASIC3.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 18950 Part 3 of Chipmunk Basic primer. Covers sequential file handling, including adding, reading and searching records. Also, changing, deleting and inserting records is covered. And, we end up in a discussion of variable length fields. BASIC4.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 15145 PART 4 of Chipmunk Basic primer. Contains synopsis of statement syntax for sequential files. Also, covers Random access files and the new statements of FIELD, GET, PUT, LOF, LOC, EOF. BASIC5.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 8920 Part 5 of Chipmunk Basic primer. Focuses on random access file handling, and the reading and writing of records. BASIC6.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 14465 PART 6 of Chipmunk Basic primer. Generating record numbers, deleting records, and random access by key transformation. BASIC7.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 18695 Part 7 of Chipmunk Basic primer. Discussion and example of random access by index files, tagged sorts, searching any field and searching ordered files on a disk. BASIC8.CHP [72146,2632] 09-Oct-85 11585 Part 8 (final section) of Chipmunk Basic Manual. Sorting Random files, and "packing" a file. BATTRY.LFE [71256,1353] 08-May-85 760 This overnight testing program runds down the NiCad batteries in your Chipmunk and (if you've retrofitted NiCads in the M100 via the Preble mod or NICAD5) the M100 itself. It maintains a RAM file of times and notations so you can reconstruct battery lifes later. BCKLST.CHP [71256,1353] 03-May-85 3255 Doesn't backup, but provides you with a list of files which need backup, working either 1) from date of last backup; or 2) comparing "last mod" dates on two disks. CBACK.100 [70635,1312] 19-Feb-85 1005 Makes backup copies of Chipmunk disks. CBACK.101 [75665,1045] 20-Feb-85 1350 Makes backup copy of Chipmunk disk with optional read-check verification. It's slow and requires multiple disk swaps, but copies only those sectors being used. Errors are retried 10 times before giving up (in which case the backp disk is no good even though its directory may look OK). Efficiency depends on amount of free RAM available. CBACK.DOC [70635,1312] 19-Feb-85 1335 Documentation for CBACK.100 CDOSM1.CHI [73216,1022] 01-Jun-85 240 Simple source code to a subroutine callable from BASIC that reads and writes disk sectors. See MLDEMO.CHP for an example. CDOSML.INF [73216,1022] 21-Feb-85 6690 Information on how to read and write disk sectors from assembly language. A short example is included. Also, detailed information on disk format and directory and allocation table structure. CHIPMK.DO1 [70526,1715] 08-May-85 16975 Beginner's reference guide for the Holmes/PCSG Chipmunk Portable Disk Drive. Guide on setup and use of the Chipmunk by Portable Computer Support Group, 11035 Harry Hines Blvd. #207, Dallas TX 75229 CHIPMK.DO2 [70526,1715] 08-May-85 9575 BASIC guide and warranty for the Holmes/PCSG Chipmunk portable disk drive. CHIPMK.ROM [70526,1715] 05-Jul-85 8475 A text file detailing a new version of CDOS, v3.24, and how Chipmunk portable disk drive owners can change the ROM chip themselves. CDOS v.3.24 automatically corrects CRC errors and prevents formerly troublesome directory overwrites. Do-it-yourself ROM changing is not for everyone, but this guide should let you decide whether you want the factory to do the work or not. CHPBSC.DOC [72146,2632] 10-Oct-85 2835 Index to the files "BASIC1.CHP" thru "BASIC8.CHP" for Chipmunk disk drive programmers. CHPTIP.001 [76317,402] 11-Dec-85 1015 Describes installing and removing TELCOM extensions provided for the Chipmunk. CHPTIP.003 [73126,672] 19-Feb-87 410 Describes best way to reload Chipmunk's Disk Operating System. CMERGE.CHP [73216,1022] 14-Jun-85 1210 Mail merge program using Chipmunk disk drive. Allows creation of personalized form letters using ADRS file. See CMERGE.DOC CMERGE.DOC [73216,1022] 14-Jun-85 3100 Documentation to CMERGE.CHP CRCDOC.MR [76703,650] 27-Dec-84 1790 Documentation for CRCERR.MR CRCERR.MR [76703,650] 27-Dec-84 520 Rewrite files that have CRC errors on Chipmunk disks. See CRCDOC.MR CRCFIX.324 [72575,1473] 18-Jul-85 8755 Contains instructions and two program listings to help you find and eliminate CRC errors on CDOS 3.24 disks. The two Basic programs create the machine language programs FINDCC.CO and CRCFIX.CO. DCMPAR.BA [70146,1107] 11-Aug-85 3210 Compares two Chipmumk disks and lists all files that: 1. are on one disk only, or 2. have different last modification dates, or 3. have different file sizes. Similar to BCKLST.CHP and uses routines from PRDIR.BA. Corrects some oversites in BCKLST.CHP and checks both disks against each other. DISKML.CHP [72575,1473] 14-Sep-85 4055 Description of CDOS hooks available to machine language programmers and procedures for using Chipmunk disk files from ML. Knowledge of ML and existing ROM routines required. DISKPP.DO1 [72575,1473] 13-Oct-85 5025 Part one of the documentation for DISKPP version 3.0 covers CDOS disk format, structure of directories and directory entries, and the allocation table. There are no substantive changes in this part over the same material in the first edition of the DISKPP documentation. See DISKPP.DO2 DISKPP.DO2 [72575,1473] 13-Oct-85 13865 Part two of the documentation for DISKPP version 3.0 covers using DISKPP. There have been major changes and additions to this section since the first edition. DISKPP.UD3 [70146,1107] 11-Aug-85 2190 This enhancement to the latest version 2.2 of DISKPP.324 adds a cluster search feature to the allocation table byte display option. With this, a file can be backtracked thru the allocation table to its originating byte. Read DISKPP.DO1 and DISKPP.DO2 DISKPP.V30 [72575,1473] 13-Oct-85 12385 "The Chipmunk Disk Peeker/Poker" CDOS disk utility, version 3.0 for CDOS 3.24 and up. Display and modify directory entries and allocation table bytes. Display and copy sectors and files. Trace and display file chains. Recover deleted and clobbered files. Rename the disk and folders. Fix CRC errors. Smaller, faster, more options. See DISKPP.DO1 and DISKPP.DO2 DOSOFF.DOC [75515,1507] 05-Sep-85 365 Documentation for DOSOFF.SUP DOSOFF.SUP [75515,1507] 05-Sep-85 305 A utility for Supera version two and CDOS 3.24. It allows you to turn off CDOS without turning off Supera. FINDCC.324 [72575,1473] 17-Jul-85 3275 Creates the machine language program FINDCC.CO, a fast way to find where CRC errors are on CDOS 3.24 disks. A multiple beep signals a CRC error and a single beep signals other errors. Be ready with pencil and paper to copy down the track and sector numbers! FIXUM.CHP [75655,1056] 08-May-85 870 A simple but effective program that attempts to repair the MAIN directory and Allocation Table on a Chipmunk disk in the event you cannot load the disk Menu into your Model 100. Assumes the BACKUP Directory and Allocation Table are good, which is true about 9 out of 10 times. FLAKY.BAS [71256,1353] 06-Feb-85 1710 Like CRCERR.BA, this tries to retrieve CRC Chipmunk disk errors but FLAKY.BA reads one byte at a time. Watch for garbled bytes in the 100-or-so bytes following a flagged error. (marked <> in RAM file). Last line of program is too long for CIS, correct before running. FLDCHG.CHP [71216,1564] 27-May-87 1646 Demonstrates how to change Chipmunk folders from a BASIC program. If you have X-TEL from Sigea Systems, this program can be used to change Chipmunk folders while remaining online. To use with X-TEL, replace END statement in line 13 with CALL n statement, where n is the TOP address of X- TEL. Pressing ENTER key at the prompt will display the help screen. FOLDER.CHP [71625,1162] 16-Jul-85 4505 I wrote this article in response to a msg from Larry Holmes asking SIG members to help in writing the revised manual. Someone said that they had trouble understanding how the folders worked, so I gave it a try. Please read this and send me your comments. FOLDER.FIX [71256,1353] 15-Jun-85 690 Don Corbitt's FOLDER demo is specific to CDOS 3.1; it will crash CDOS 3.2 without the POKEs changed. This file describes how to update FOLDER. GETUM.CHP [75655,1056] 11-May-85 570 After using DISKPP.CHP or SEARCH.CHP to locate where a given file is stored on your Chipmunk disk, you can run this program to easily retrieve .DO files from a damaged disk that has no backup. It is also possible to recover .BA programs, but you must run the recovered ASCII file through a detokenizing program such as DETOKE.100. INSURE.DIR [71256,1353] 24-May-85 6300 Overwritten main directories continue to be an occassional but catastrophic problem under all versions of CDOS. This group of programs (cut and paste from the documentation) creates a backup directory and allocation table at the top end of the disk. If backed up after each disk write, it should insure against catastrophic loss. INSURE.FIX [71256,1353] 26-May-85 1360 A minor patch to one of the INSURE.DIR programs, so as to initialize both copies of the Allocation Table (turns out that CDOS swaps them). MLDEMO.CHP [73216,1022] 01-Jun-85 695 A simple program showing how to access the Chipmunk drive from BASIC, reading and writing entire sectors using a machine language subroutine. This might be useful to someone writing backup utilities, and similar programs. Use normal precautions before experimenting (save all, remove important disks). PGMUNK.TIP [76703,3041] 03-Nov-86 3285 One yser's story of how he got the Chipmunk and a PG Designs RAM Bank happily married and working together, without leaving the adapter board dangling. PRDIR.BA [73216,1022] 02-Jan-85 1140 Prints a list of the directory and folders of Chipmunk disks, adds period to BA, DO and CO files. Prints all 24 files. PRDIR.CHI [73216,1022] 24-Dec-84 4125 *HEAVILY* commented version of PRDIR.BA, prints out all fles on a Chipmunk disk, showing sub-directories (folders), etc. Includes dictionary to CDOS file structure, just the thing for bit twiddlers. Highly recommended (by author) PRDIR.DOC [73216,1022] 24-Dec-84 1480 Sample output from the PRDIR.CHI program, for reference purposes. PRDIR.SUP [70116,1416] 09-Feb-85 250 These lines merge into PRDIR.BA, to allow output to line printer. PRESAV.DIR [71256,1353] 30-May-85 2365 This program, if run before each SAVE to disk, will probably warn of an impending main directory overwrite. Used together with INSURE.DIR and INSURE.FIX, both forewarning and backup/restoration of the main directory and allocation table can be achieved. PRTREE.CHP [75745,1575] 23-Jul-85 4880 Prints Chipmunk folder structure directory in a top to bottom order, with number of bytes in each file in the folder. Output to screen, printer, or RAM file. RENAME.CHP [72575,1473] 30-Sep-85 5170 Self-contained loader program and instructions for RENAME.CO, a quick and easy one-step machine language CDOS utility program to rename disks and folders, a function which is not implemented in CDOS. (For ver 3.24) RENAME.DOC [75725,1134] 04-Dec-86 3110 Documentation for RENAME.PDS REPAIR.DIR [71256,1353] 04-May-85 2220 When the disk's main directory is damaged, the folder directories are often OK. This program finds them and constructs a new main directory, writes it over the damaged one. Non-folder entries are lost, however. SAD.BA [72227,2416] 26-Oct-85 2620 Still Another Directory program for the Chipmunk. New & improved. See SAD.DOC SAD.DOC [72227,2416] 26-Oct-85 4095 Documentation for SAD.BA SDCOPY.CHP [72575,1473] 16-Nov-85 3945 Chipmunk single-drive disk copy utility copies all active files to another formatted disk. Displays cluster numbers copied. Uses only available RAM so no files erased. New version (2.2) adds retry upon disk error and should fix possible occasional lockup. SEARCH.CHP [75655,1056] 09-May-85 585 Lets you see what is actually stored on your Chipmunk disk, any track or sector. Reads data sequentially from any disk, and prints it to a RAM file. Can be used to examine the directories and allocation tables on Track 0, Sectors 1-6. SETFLD.CHP [73216,1022] 08-Jun-85 2645 Shows how to change the current CDOS folder from within BASIC. It is both the BASIC program and the documentation needed. Note: This file is specific to CDOS version 3.1, and MUST be modified to work correctly with any other version. Not for beginners. SPLIT.MR2 [76703,650] 05-May-85 655 Split long files stored in a Chipmunk disk, into shorter files which can be handled by a Model 100 that is short on RAM space. Split files must be greater than 256 characters, preferably greater than 1000 bytes. UPLCHP.CPM [71256,1353] 27-Feb-85 1970 Whole folders worth of Chipmunk files can be transferred, unattended, to a CP/M system under PIP. UTLDIC.CHP [75775,202] 10-Nov-86 4070 Contains file utility and management programs for the Chipmunk spelling checker dictionary. Look up individual words, remove individual words, print a list of dictionary words, or count the words in the files.