CRCERR.MR is meant to load files that have lost their ability to be loaded from a Chipmunk disk to the M100. When prompted for a file to work on, naming the file as 0:FILE.DO (ie. 0:CRCERR.DO) is necessary. Parts of the file that have errors in the loading process will have the description <<>> in the rewritten copy. The disk must have the FOLDER opened that has the file to be worked on. Running the program will list the type of error encountered in the rewritten file as well as how many errors were encountered. A running account of the file length is shown on the M100 screen. The rewritten text file will be named CRCERR.DO Two problems have been encountered while working with the program. At the end of the transfer, if an error is encountered, an error code number 40 will be shown. The only change that has been noted is that the file count seen on the screen will not be the true length of the CRCERR.DO file. The other problem noted is with a file that has an error that will abort the program and appear to lock up the M100. By turning the Chipmunk drive off and hitting the ENTER key twice, you will be brought back to the M100 menu as if nothing has happened. Of course, there won't be any information about the transferred file left, but the file will be intact as CRCERR.DO for everything up to the crash of the program. A precaution is in order. If the program is run for a LONG textfile that has errors in it without the AC adapter connected, it will run the NICAD batteries down quickly. The drive will be running almost constantly while reading in the bad file. Enhancements to the file are encouraged. Anyone that would like to rewrite it for the benefit of all sig members is welcomed.